Drug "Cerepro". Analogues, their description and reviews

Drug "Cerepro". Analogues, their description and reviews
Drug "Cerepro". Analogues, their description and reviews

The shelves of pharmacies are simply bursting with a huge amount of medicines. For almost every disease, a pharmacist can offer you several types of drugs that not only have different therapeutic effects, but are also available in various forms. Brain diseases, problems with blood vessels are now quite common. To get rid of these ailments, there are many drugs, one of them is Cerepro. Reviews of doctors about it are quite favorable, let's get acquainted with its effect on the body and contraindications for use.

Composition of the drug

This medicine comes in two forms: injections and capsules. One capsule contains:

  • Glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate in the amount of 0.4 g - the main active ingredient.
  • As excipients: methylparaben, gelatin, propylparaben, glycerin, purified water, sorbitol, red iron oxide, titanium dioxide.
  • cerepro analogue
    cerepro analogue

The drug in ampoules contains only glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate in the amount of 1000 mg and water as an excipient.

Pharmacological effectsdrug

The active substance of the drug is broken down in the body, and choline and glycerophosphate enter the cells. Under the influence of the drug, metabolic processes are activated, blood flow in the nervous system is accelerated. After a course of treatment, plasticity is significantly improved and the integrity of damaged neuronal membranes is restored at the cellular level.

After the appointment of Cerepro, the doctors' reviews confirm that patients have:

  1. Improved cognitive and behavioral responses.
  2. Normalization of brain cell activity.
  3. Involution of the psycho-organic syndrome in patients after trauma.
  4. Normalization of space-time characteristics.

Cerepro is usually well tolerated by patients, does not have mutagenic and tetragenic effects, and does not affect reproductive function.

When the drug is indicated

Each drug usually has many recommendations for use, "Cerepro" indications for prescription are as follows:

  • Initial period after traumatic brain injury.
  • Recovery period after injury.
  • After suffering a stroke.
  • cerepro indications for use
    cerepro indications for use
  • Degenerative changes in the brain with psychoorganic symptoms.
  • Poor circulation in the brain.
  • Dementia.
  • Cognitive disorders.
  • Problems with orientation.
  • State of demoralization.
  • Violation of mental activity.
  • Memory problems.
  • Confusion.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Consequences of intracranial injury.

It can be concluded that "Cerepro" indications for use are quite extensive. But you should not prescribe such a drug yourself.

Who is contraindicated for Cerepro

Almost every drug has limitations in use, this can also be attributed to Cerepro. It should not be administered to patients in the following cases:

  1. If there is an acute form of hemorrhagic brain damage.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.
  3. If there is a high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

There are few contraindications, but they still exist.

Undesirable consequences after taking Cerepro

Even if the patient has no contraindications to the use of the drug, this does not guarantee the complete absence of side effects in the course of treatment. The following adverse reactions may occur while taking the drug:

  • Allergic rashes.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Development of an ulcer.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • May have trouble sleeping.
  • The appearance of aggressiveness.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • cerepro reviews of doctors
    cerepro reviews of doctors
  • Convulsions.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

It is also worth noting that there are situations when Cerepro is simply necessary. Patient reviews are also notedsome soreness with the introduction of the drug, but it quickly passes. The appearance of side effects should be discussed with your doctor. If Cerepro gives undesirable effects, the analogue may not show it, so it is worth discussing the replacement of the drug.

Treatment regimen and dosage

If the patient has acute conditions or exacerbations of the disease, then to relieve symptoms, intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 1 ampoule per day for 10-14 days.

After the removal of acute symptoms, you can switch to taking medication in the form of capsules. For adults, the dosage is 2 capsules in the morning and one in the afternoon. Evening intake is not recommended, as sleep disturbance may occur. If there is a chronic disease, then the reception is carried out 1 capsule three times a day. Capsules should be taken before meals.

application of cerepro reviews
application of cerepro reviews

If Cerepro (injections) are prescribed, then the drug is administered intramuscularly in 1 ampoule, if intravenously, then from 1 to 3 g per day. The introduction must be done slowly. When administered intravenously, the drug must be diluted in 50 ml of saline, the infusion rate should be 60-80 drops per minute.

The use of "Cerepro" is usually continued for 10-15 days, regardless of the form of the drug.

Overdose in treatment

Often, elderly patients, due to their forgetfulness, can take an increased dose of the drug, so cases of overdose are possible. In such a situation, the manifestation of side effects is enhanced. Treatment should besymptomatic.

Use of "Cerepro" in the therapy of children

In medical practice, you can find situations when Cerepro is prescribed to children, the reviews are very contradictory. Some note a significant improvement in the quality of speech, but there are also parents who cannot note the positive effect of the drug on the child's body.

In general, neurologists prescribe this drug with caution in childhood, given that there are no reliable factors about the safety and effectiveness of Cerepro. The analogue is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

Analogues of the drug

Among the analogues of "Cerepro" it is possible to distinguish drugs similar in active substance, among them the following are most in demand:

  • Gliatilin.
  • cerepro reviews analogues
    cerepro reviews analogues
  • Delecite.
  • Fosal.
  • Cholitilin.
  • Cereton.

You can also distinguish analogues by their pharmacological effects:

  • Aminalon.
  • Vinpotropil.
  • Glycine.
  • Cortexin.
  • Mexiprim.
  • Piracetam.
  • Omaron.
  • Pantogam.
  • Semax and others.

Let's look at some of these remedies:

  1. "Cortexin". While taking this drug, patients have nootropic, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. He, as well as "Cerepro", improves the functional state of the brain, as a result of taking the content in the blood is normalizedcholesterol. Unlike Cerepro, Cortexin is allowed to be prescribed to babies from the first days of life. This is often practiced by neurologists when neurological developmental disorders are suspected.
  2. Cerepro application
    Cerepro application
  3. The second analogue for Cerepro is Piracetam. As a result of the application, a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain tissues is noted, the learning process goes better, concentration of attention increases, memory improves. This drug is allowed for children from the age of 5 in order to eliminate the consequences of perinatal brain damage, with mental retardation.
  4. "Aminalon" is another analogue of "Cerepro". Indications for use are quite extensive. It is prescribed after traumatic brain injury, with frequent headaches, dizziness, which were the result of arterial hypertension. Treatment of birth trauma, encephalopathy in children is also treated with this drug.
  5. "Omaron" is a combination drug that has several effects at once: antihypoxic, vasodilating and nootropic. It is often prescribed to eliminate the consequences of encephalopathy, with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, if there is a mental retardation in a child.

If we consider not Cerepro, any analogue will also have its own contraindications for use. They must be taken into account by a doctor before prescribing, especially for babies.

Just like Cerepro, reviews of analogues are different. Some respond positively, but there are also patients who have not notedpositive effect. It must be borne in mind that each body is different, and the drug that helps one is not the fact that it will have the same effect on the other.

Reviews about Cerepro

Reviews about the treatment of this drug in patients are mixed. Most of the patients who were prescribed this drug were satisfied with the effect obtained. Patients after a stroke noted faster recovery, after a traumatic brain injury, headaches were not so pronounced, recovery came much faster.

There are even reviews of some parents who, on the recommendation of a doctor, gave Cerepro to their children. They note a positive effect in mental retardation, speech. After therapy with this drug, the child began to speak, memory and attention improved.

cerepro children reviews
cerepro children reviews

But there were also negative reviews. Many patients experience nausea during the treatment with Cerepro, some experience abdominal pain, shortness of breath.

If you experience any adverse events after taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor. It will help to figure out whether this is a manifestation of a side effect or just the underlying disease makes itself felt. In any case, you can always choose a drug with a similar effect and continue therapy.
