In the article, we will consider which drugs for pyelonephritis are the most effective. This is one of the most common nephrological pathologies. The disease can affect the renal pelvis along with the parenchyma, causing a violation of urination in combination with pain in the lumbar region. Such a disease can even end in an abscess. Not the most pleasant consequence of the acute form is its transition to the chronic stage, which is much more difficult to treat. That is why it is important to diagnose this disease in time and start using the necessary medicines for pyelonephritis.

How is therapy going?
This ailment is fought through the use of the following drugs:
- Use of analgesics. Most often, these are combined medicines that include painkillers and antispasmodic components. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended due to their nephrotoxicity.
- Treatment with antipyretic drugs. As a rule, Paracetamol is prescribed. By the way, in sufficiently high doses (up to 1 thousand milligrams) it is quite capable of relieving pain.
Pyelonephritis Drug Review: Antibiotics
In order to eliminate infectious agents, antibiotics are used along with antimicrobial agents of various groups. In the presence of pyelonephritis, drugs should be selected based on urinalysis data, which reflect not only the causative agent of the pathology, but can also help in establishing its sensitivity to a particular type of medication in a particular patient.
What medications to take for pyelonephritis, it is better to check with your doctor. Unfortunately, in our country, the method of selecting antibiotics according to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of treatment has become more accustomed, although the initially correctly selected remedy can significantly speed up therapy. Such drugs for pyelonephritis of the kidneys, like antibiotics, belong to the following groups:
- Means of the penicillin series (we are talking about "Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin" and more), this also includes combinations of penicillins with clavulanic acid, for example, "Amoxiclav". With pyelonephritis, this category of drugs has been used for a very long time and quite successfully.
- Use of second and third generation injectable cephalosporin antibiotics (eg Cefotaxime, Cefazolin).
It is important to note that antibiotics in the presence of pyelonephritis and cystitis, as well as in other infectious pathologies, are taken as mandatory minimumcourses within a week, and if necessary, the duration of antibiotic therapy can be increased up to two weeks. What drugs for pyelonephritis is better to buy, it is sometimes difficult to decide.

Effective antimicrobials
Another category of drugs that fight infections in diseases of the urinary system are antimicrobials, which are synthetic compounds of the following chemical groups:
- Fluoroquinolones (for example, "Ciprofloxacin" along with "Norfloxacin", "Ofloxacin" and others). It should be emphasized that in the treatment of urological pathologies, Norfloxacin is the drug of choice.
- Use of nitrofurans ("Furadonina" or "Furamaga" and others). These are quite old, but at the same time effective means.
- The use of oxyquinolines (for example, Nitroxoline). This category of drugs has been known for a very long time, but due to its active use in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, the sensitivity of a large number of microscopic organisms to them has significantly decreased in recent years.
- Treatment with sulfonamides. This is a well-known medicine for pyelonephritis called "Biseptol", which currently does not have the necessary effectiveness in the fight against infections.
- Phosphonic acid derivatives. To date, this is the only remedy "Fosfomycin". In pharmacies, it is released under the original trade name "Monural". In the presence ofpyelonephritis, such a drug is not used so often and, as a rule, it is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis. But it is worth emphasizing its powerful, and at the same time, rapid antimicrobial effect on the entire urinary system. The medicine "Monural" is a fairly effective medicine for chronic pyelonephritis, which can be prescribed as part of the complex treatment of the disease. It is often prescribed in the complex therapy of the disease.
- The use of uroseptics is very common. They are one of the main categories of drugs, along with antibiotics, because they act on the urinary tract. Almost all antibiotics can be attributed to this class, since they usually pass through the kidneys, and their excretion is carried out with urine. But the best uroseptic will be the one that can retain antibacterial activity as much as possible against the background of excretion through the urinary ducts.

Plant based products
What medicines to drink for pyelonephritis is interesting to many patients. In the complex therapy of inflammation of the kidneys, herbal remedies are often used. These can, for example, be independent medicinal herbs like bearberry, lingonberry, birch buds and multi-component collections, or medicines based on various plants.
Fitolizin works quite effectively in the presence of pyelonephritis. This drug is a plant-based paste that is diluted with water and taken orally. The composition of the drug contains extracts of birch leaves, horsetail grass, rootparsley, knotweed, etc. The drug may have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic and antispasmodic effects.

Today, there are many different drug treatments for pyelonephritis. But only a doctor can choose them correctly, therefore, in case of signs of an inflammatory process in an organ such as the kidneys or back pain, you should consult a specialist.
Instructions for using diuretics
Diuretics are diuretic medications. They are prescribed for pyelonephritis when, in the presence of clear symptoms of the disease, a diet with limited s alt intake and drinking regimen does not lead to effective emptying of the bladder. And also use these drugs with severe swelling to remove the accumulated fluid. Furosemide and Lasix are very common medications.
Furosemide is prescribed intravenously in the form of injections exclusively for concomitant diseases that disrupt the absorption of the drug within the intestine, and also when an urgent effect is required from the administration of the drug. The initial dose of the drug on the background of intravenous injection is 40 milligrams, after which it is recommended to switch to oral forms of the drug in case of insufficient urinary excretion. Dosing must be prescribed by a doctor, because it depends on the nature of the severity of edema, arterial concomitant hypotension and other factors.
Combined with usingdiuretics in the presence of pyelonephritis, experts recommend undergoing hemodialysis along with hemosorption, plasmapheresis, and also taking a solution of potassium, sodium and calcium s alts to prevent disturbance of water and electrolyte balance. Against the background of improving disease indicators, doctors are gradually prescribing weak diuretics to patients, for example, after Furosemide, they recommend switching to lighter drugs or alternative methods (parsley root tincture).

How long to take medication?
Drugs for pyelonephritis in adults are taken for seven days, and then tests are given, according to the results of which the doctor determines the need for their subsequent use. It is not recommended to use diuretics on your own, sometimes you can resort to folk recipes and drink, for example, green tea to increase urinary outflow, but it is better to coordinate any medical procedures with the doctor. Is it always possible to drink medicines for pyelonephritis? There are many contraindications to the use of these drugs that people may not be aware of on their own.
Often, diuretic drugs, along with visible positive effects, such as the removal of puffiness, can harm the body. There are the following contraindications for their use:
- Renal failure with anuria.
- Hepatic coma.
- Presence of severe electrolyte imbalance.
- Presence of hypovolemia.
- Presence abruptlypronounced violation of the outflow of urine.
- Presence of digitalis intoxication.
Drugs for kidney pyelonephritis in women
Treatment for pyelonephritis usually starts with antibiotics. No alternative method is able to cure the body of the presence of pathogenic bacteria as much as possible. The causative agent of this pathology in women is most often Escherichia coli, in connection with this, drugs are used to which it is sensitive. These include penicillins and cephalosporins along with fluoroquinolones and ciprofloxacins. For example, for treatment, women are often prescribed Cefotaxime and Cefazolin. After the appointment of antibacterial drugs for pyelonephritis, the woman's symptoms subside within the first days.

In addition to antibiotic therapy, treatment is supplemented with antispasmodics, as well as diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs and uroseptics. Antispasmodics are required in order to improve the normal urinary outflow from the inflamed kidney, and if this does not help, ureteral stenting is used. Diuretics and uroseptics fight microbes, and anti-inflammatory drugs suppress inflammation in the infected organ. If there is a good tolerance of bee products and herbal medicine by patients, it is possible to use them as traditional medicine.
Prevention drugs
The scheme and methods for the prevention of this disease involve dieting, and at the same time drinking regimen along with taking urosepticsand diuretic drugs. You will also need therapy for pathologies that provoke pyelonephritis (urinary canal infections and cystitis).
The use of bacteriophages for the treatment of this pathology
Sometimes, when antibiotics are unable to positively affect the source of pathology or because of intolerance to modern methods, it is proposed to use bacteriophages, which are special preparations designed to selectively infect pathogenic bacteria cells, for example, streptococcus, staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus and Klebsiella.

In conclusion
Thus, medications are the main tools in overcoming the disease. Each form and severity of the course of the disease dictates its own list of different groups of drugs that must be used without fail. With the development of pyelonephritis, it is imperative to use antibiotics that affect the causes of the pathology and destroy it.
There are several categories of antibacterial drugs that are used for this disease, often using broad-spectrum drugs, for example, cephalosporins in combination with penicillins and so on. For symptomatic therapy of various manifestations of this disease, diuretics are used along with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs and other means necessary for treatment. We examined which drugs are the most effective for pyelonephritis.