Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

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Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Video: Ointment "Sinaflan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

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In the article, we will consider the instructions, reviews of the Sinaflan ointment.

It is a local drug. This ointment is applied to the affected skin. The drug is used in the treatment of psoriatic rashes, as well as in severe forms of neurodermatosis and eczema. With its help, you can very quickly eliminate any negative consequences of allergic reactions, whether it be itching, rash or swelling. The Sinaflan-Akrikhin ointment works no worse. The instruction confirms that the active component of this external agent can produce a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and analgesic effect.

sinaflan ointment instruction reviews
sinaflan ointment instruction reviews

Drug information

According to the instructions for the Sinaflan ointment, its clinical effect appears immediately after application. But the presence of a glucocorticosteroid in the composition significantly expands the list of all kinds of contraindications. Before using this drug,be sure to consult a dermatologist about the safety of treatment.

Few people know what Sinaflan ointment is used for. The instructions will help you figure it out.

Composition of the drug

In pharmacies, this hormonal ointment can be found only in one package of 10 grams. The product is packed in an aluminum sealed tube. The active substance of the drug is fluocinolone acetonide. As part of the thick base, lanolin is used along with benzyl alcohol, paraffin, propylene glycol and mineral wax.

Indications for use

As the instructions indicate, the Sinaflan ointment is very effective in dealing with the appearance of a rash on the skin, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. For therapy in dermatological practice, the drug is used in the following cases:

sinaflan instructions ointment from what helps
sinaflan instructions ointment from what helps
  • in the presence of seborrhea, which develops due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • against the background of neurodermatosis caused by stress along with depressive states;
  • for allergies caused by insect bites, such as gadflies, ticks or mosquitoes;
  • for dermatitis that occurs when contact with various irritants, such as chemicals, dust, pollen, and so on;
  • for mild burns that are accompanied by pain, swelling or inflammation.

The drug "Sinaflan" is included by doctors in therapeutic regimens in the treatment of various diseases at any stage of their course. The presented ointment can eliminate acute, and in addition, chronic and sluggish inflammation, along with dangerous and frequent relapses. This drug is characterized by a fairly high therapeutic efficacy against the background of a very low cost, amounting to only thirty rubles.

Drug action

In accordance with the instructions, Sinaflan ointment is included in the clinical and pharmacological category of drugs intended for the treatment of skin diseases. Given that its composition includes glucocorticosteroid fluocinolone acetonide, this ointment is classified as a hormonal agent. It requires careful use among certain groups of patients. Immediately after applying this ointment to damaged areas of the skin, various therapeutic effects appear:

  • when using it, inflammatory processes are stopped, and in addition, further damage is prevented near the he althy tissue located;
  • activation of blood supply to cells occurs;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration processes by accelerating metabolism;
  • stocks of biologically active and nutrients are replenished;
  • blocks the penetration of leukocytes and macrophages into the inflammatory foci, which leads to the elimination of puffiness.

The use of this tool leads to the stabilization of cell membranes. They become resistant to the negative influence of external and internal stimuli. Stimulation of local immunity makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of relapses of skin diseases.

ointment sinaflan
ointment sinaflan

What else does the instruction for Sinaflan ointment tell us?

The difference between the ointment and the Sinaflan-Akrikhin remedy

What is the difference between the drug "Sinaflan-Akrikhin" from just "Sinaflana"? The difference lies in the fact that for the manufacture of the first ointment, a multi-stage purification of the main and auxiliary components is used. So it is said in the instructions for use for the Sinaflan-Akrikhin ointment. The price will be lower.

Storage conditions

The drug in question should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. The shelf life of the drug is five years. It is necessary to pay attention to the change in the color of the ointment, its delamination and the appearance of foreign odors. This will mean that the medicine can no longer be used for therapy. Immediately after the violation of the tightness of the tube, the medication should be used for three weeks.

Instructions for use

Hormonal drugs are not only inappropriate, but also unsafe to use if there are no recommendations from the attending physician. The active component of the ointment penetrates very quickly into the layers of the epidermis. It can build up in fairly high concentrations and usually has a healing effect within a few hours.

In accordance with the instructions for use of the ointment, a small amount of glucocorticosteroids can also enter the bloodstream and cause negative systemic manifestations. In this regard, the calculation of the dosage and the determination of the duration of treatment should be handled exclusively by a dermatologist. The doctor preliminarily studies the anamnesispatient and prescribes an ointment, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases. He can adjust the dosage regimen according to age, as well as the location of the rash and the size of the affected skin.

sinaflan ointment instructions for children
sinaflan ointment instructions for children

Dermatologists advise applying this ointment pointwise, that is, on rashes. The affected area is pre-treated with a solution with antiseptic properties. The duration of therapy varies from five to ten days. The treatment course is extended for a couple of days only by the attending physician, who also determines the amount of ointment that is needed to stop inflammation.

When does this ointment help?

"Sinaflan" is prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with allergic rashes on the body. The ointment is intended to treat problems that are not complicated by bacterial, viral or fungal infections. If these are detected, it is allowed to combine the drug with drugs designed to suppress viral activity, fungi and various microbes. So, what does this ointment help people with? The use of the product contributes to the achievement of the following effects:

  • drug stops skin inflammation in eczema and on the background of atopic dermatitis;
  • drug effectively prevents the progression of psoriasis by preventing further formation of lesions;
  • ointment eliminates lichen that appear against the background of reduced immunity;
  • this drug is effective in the treatment of discoid forms of lupus erythematosus, with erythema multiforme;
  • This medicine is effective in treating itchy skin that has no known cause.
  • ointment sinaflan what is the instruction used for
    ointment sinaflan what is the instruction used for


The presented hormonal agent has a very wide list of various contraindications. For example, the ointment cannot be used for severe pathologies of the urinary organs and against the background of ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

This drug is strictly forbidden to lubricate the skin with benign and malignant neoplasms. When applying the ointment on an open wound surface or when applied to a large area of the body, there is a high probability of adverse reactions.

This confirms the instructions for the Sinaflan hormonal ointment.

Side effects

Most often, adverse reactions occur against the background of a violation of the dosing regimen, which causes a decrease in local immunity. The active component of the drug, when it enters the bloodstream, negatively affects the digestive system. When using this ointment, people may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • oppression of the adrenal glands;
  • impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • development of arterial hypertension;
  • indigestion;
  • neurological disorder.

Sometimes there is the formation of steroid acne and boils on the skin along with abundant exfoliation of the epidermis. Sometimes age spots appear in the areas of application, and the skin may partially atrophy. Anyhormonal drugs cause withdrawal syndrome. This means that with a sharp cancellation of the ointment, the symptoms of skin pathology reappear, and the intensity of clinical manifestations increases.

ointment sinaflan instructions hormonal
ointment sinaflan instructions hormonal

Using ointment to treat children

What does the instruction for Sinaflan ointment for children tell us? The age of a child under two years is a strict contraindication to the use of this drug. For older children, this ointment is usually prescribed in low dosages in combination with neutral creams. Children should not be treated with this drug for more than five days.

Medicine analogues

If it is necessary to replace this medicinal ointment, you should pay attention to its analogues in the form of drugs such as Akriderm, Flucinar, Triderm, Uniderm and Belosalik. Also on sale is the Sinaflan-Fitofarm ointment. Instructions for use, indications and contraindications are completely the same for the funds.

Drug price

Being a medical product of a Russian manufacturer, "Sinaflan" in the form of an ointment is inexpensive. Depending on the region, the cost of the drug can vary from twenty to seventy rubles. "Sinaflan-Akrikhin" costs about 70-80 rubles.

What helps Sinaflan ointment, the instructions say, but what do those who used it say?

sinaflan phytofarm ointment instructions for use
sinaflan phytofarm ointment instructions for use

Drug reviews

On the Internet, people mostly leave positive reviews about this drug. For example,Sinaflan ointment is reported to be effective in relieving pain along with inflammation and itching.

People write that it is enough just to apply the product on the skin so that the rashes turn pale and their area decreases. There are no complaints about adverse reactions in the comments. Despite the fact that this ointment is a hormonal drug, many indicate that it is quite easily tolerated by the body.

Particularly, consumers are pleased that, for all its effectiveness, it is an affordable and cheap medicine. We examined in which cases Sinaflan ointment helps. Instructions for the drug are presented.
