The best ointments for sprains and sprains: doctors advice

The best ointments for sprains and sprains: doctors advice
The best ointments for sprains and sprains: doctors advice

Dislocation is the displacement of a bone in a joint as a result of mechanical damage. This is a common injury that definitely requires a doctor's consultation.

Only a specialist can correct a dislocation correctly and without consequences. On the spot, the victim needs to be given first aid, and further treatment consists in resting the damaged area and using special ointments.

What ointment for dislocation is better to use? First, you should familiarize yourself with the types and components (the expected effect of use depends on the composition) of the products and the rating of therapeutic creams.

ointment for sprained ankle
ointment for sprained ankle

Dislocation symptoms

Usually, during an injury, a characteristic pop is heard. The patient complains of severe pain, complete or partial immobility of the joint. In some cases, a deformity occurs, which is easily determined visually: the limb is laid aside and bent at the joint. Around the damagedthe area becomes swollen and edematous. This is the most common symptom of a dislocation. Often, with such an injury, nerves are damaged, as a result, the patient loses sensitivity in the limbs.

Injury First Aid

It is enough for the victim to simply provide first aid. An injured limb or dislocated joint must be immobilized with a splint.

The use of warm compresses on the site of dislocation is strictly contraindicated. But it is necessary to apply a towel moistened with cold water. Ice cubes or a heating pad with ice water work well. This will help reduce swelling or prevent swelling from a minor injury.

first aid for dislocation
first aid for dislocation

To reduce pain, the victim can be given "Analgin" or "Ibuprofen". These injuries often result in bruising. The affected area should be treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

It is impossible to set a dislocation on your own. Very often, the injury is accompanied by cracks and fractures. Only a traumatologist can accurately diagnose a dislocation and correctly correct it.

Ointments for dislocations: base

Ointment from dislocation helps to heal the injury faster. Such drugs are not absorbed into the epidermis without entering the systemic circulation. Usually, an ointment for sprains and sprains is a drug based on petroleum jelly, glycerin or paraffin.

Active ingredients of drugs

The active substance can be steroid and non-steroidal hormones, anticoagulants or components that cause local irritation. There are ointments with coolingsubstances that are applied immediately after an injury.

Steroid and non-steroidal hormones

Steroid hormones relieve inflammation and reduce vascular permeability, preventing soft tissue swelling. Such an active ingredient is in "Prednisolone" or "Hydrocortisone".

ointment for dislocations
ointment for dislocations

Most of the ointments for dislocations contain non-steroidal hormones. The best drugs are Voltaren Emulgel, Dolgit, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ketonal, Ketoprofen. Such ointments are usually prescribed for injuries of the shoulder joint, fingers, foot, with sprain.

Such drugs should not be taken for more than a week, it is unacceptable to use drugs for pregnant women and children under 10 years old. Contraindications are diseases of the digestive system, urticaria, bronchial asthma. Do not apply ointment to scars, broken skin (meaning open injuries), or moles.

Anticoagulants and irritants

Anticoagulants prevent blood clotting, that is, they lead to the speedy resorption of hematomas. From this category, only “Heparin” is prescribed.

heparin ointment
heparin ointment

Substances that cause local irritation are snake or bee venom, lavender, castor or mustard oils, nicotinic acid. Such funds reduce pain and increase blood flow in the area of injury. The healing process when using such ointments with a dislocation of the leg or joints of other parts of the body is significantly accelerated.

Treatment immediately after dislocation

Immediately after injuryuse "Naftalgin", "Mioton" or "Percluson". Such medicinal ointments activate blood circulation, which prevents the formation of bruises, have a pronounced analgesic and antiseptic effect. You can apply painkillers ointment. Products usually contain cooling ingredients, such as menthol or essential oils. Additionally, the composition contains anticoagulants and analgesics that prevent swelling. Usually doctors prescribe Naftalgin or Lyoton.

lyoton for dislocations
lyoton for dislocations

Homeopathic medicines

In case of a minor injury, a homeopathic remedy is sufficient. Ointments "Arnigel" or "Traumel" accelerate regeneration at the site of injury and relieve pain. But such ointments for dislocations work more slowly than synthetic drugs with steroid or non-steroid hormones, irritants or anticoagulants.

For extensive bruising

In case of extensive bruising, preparations containing absorbable components should be used. For example, the widely advertised Troxevasin, Troxerutin or Dolobene are suitable. It is better that a doctor prescribe such an ointment for dislocation of the ankle or other area.

troxerutin ointment for bruises
troxerutin ointment for bruises

Returning joint mobility

In order for the joints to be mobile again and recover faster after an injury, warming drugs are used. For example, "Apizartron" includes bee venom and mustard oil, which have a warming effect and increase the elasticity of the connective tissue.fabrics. Bee venom contains Virapin. "Viprosal" is effective due to snake venom, camphor and fir oils, salicylic acid. It is important that the warming ointment after dislocation can be applied only after a day.

How to use the ointment

The ointment must first be used on a he althy area of the skin in order to exclude the occurrence of an adverse reaction or allergy to any component of the drug. For several days, it is recommended to rub the drug not into the damaged joint itself, but a little higher. After three days of such therapy, the injured area can be treated. At the beginning of treatment, rubbing should be avoided. The ointment for dislocations is applied only with very careful and light movements.

apizatron warming ointment
apizatron warming ointment

The best ointments for dislocations

The rating of the best medicines is based on feedback from patients and specialists. Pay attention to the following drugs:

  1. “Ibuprofen”. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. You need to apply only after a doctor's prescription and no more time than the duration of the course, because, otherwise, the ointment can provoke a number of undesirable effects.
  2. “Indovazin”. It is made on the basis of troxerutin and indomethacin. Refers to non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Well anesthetizes, eliminates signs of inflammation, removes redness and significantly reduces swelling of the damaged area.
  3. “Mountain Arnica”. A universal therapeutic drug that can equally effectivelyused for irritation, inflammation and pain caused by various injuries. The ointment is made on the basis of natural ingredients.
  4. “Heparin ointment”. The tool normalizes blood circulation at the site of injury, provides local anesthesia. Effective with a course of treatment up to two weeks. Helps not only with dislocations, but also with sprains, swelling, bruises and other injuries.
  5. “Troxevasin”. The ointment strengthens blood vessels well, eliminates swelling, inflammation and other signs of injury. May cause hives or dermatitis, eczema. It is forbidden to use "Troxevasin" in the presence of open wounds.
indovazin for dislocations
indovazin for dislocations

Homemade cure recipes

Ointment for bruises and dislocations can be prepared independently at home. It is enough to use one of the proven recipes of traditional medicine. For example, mix clay and apple cider vinegar. Such a composition cannot be heated. You can make a homemade sprain cream with garlic (grind a few cloves) and ten leaves of eucalyptus (boil five minutes in melted pork fat). Allow the ointment to cool before use.

Potatoes (mashed) and mashed plantain leaves can be added to the melted pork fat. Apply before bedtime. An excellent ointment for sprains is obtained from laundry soap (grated and dissolved in a small amount of water) and yolk. The composition must be applied to the skin through gauze. This ointment for dislocations relieves swelling and eliminates pain.

How to treat bruises and swelling

In case of injury, oftenbruising and swelling appear. This is due to damage to small capillaries that provoke local hemorrhage. Edema appears due to violations of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, and it goes into the tissues. These processes increase pain and can provoke the formation of blood clots. Therefore, it is imperative for dislocations to use means that improve circulation.

From bruises helps the cream "Express bruise", which includes badyagi extract. It must be applied immediately after the injury that provoked the dislocation, because the remedy prevents bruising. If applied a couple of hours after the injury, the bruises will disappear only after two days.

Gel “Bruise-off” contains an extract of leeches, which promotes the resorption of bruises, bruises and bruises, reduces swelling. Indovazin contains active analgesics and anti-inflammatory substances that strengthen blood vessels and reduce their fragility.

lifeguard for bruises with dislocations
lifeguard for bruises with dislocations

The “Rescuer” familiar to everyone is also suitable for such injuries and severe bruising. Ointment from dislocations and sprains of the leg restores the protective functions of tissues. Due to the cooling effect, the site of injury is anesthetized. The ointment promotes resorption of the hematoma. Now on sale there is a “Rescuer”, which is made from natural ingredients.

Ointments for bruises

The most common injury, in which soft tissues are damaged and subcutaneous vessels are torn, is a banal bruise. Such a nuisance often accompanies a dislocation. Usually after injurybruising and swelling appear, sometimes quite strong and noticeably painful. Painful swelling in the area of injury prevents the normal (physiological) movement of the limb. In some cases, extensive hematomas are formed that compress blood vessels and nerves, interfering with blood circulation. Ointment “Dolobene” copes well with bruises of varying severity.
