Alternative medicine 2024, October

Grandma's pharmacy: how to raise immunity with folk remedies?

Grandma's pharmacy: how to raise immunity with folk remedies?

Where does good he alth live? How to raise immunity with folk remedies on your own? What foods and herbs have healing power? Expert advice can be useful to everyone. About this - in the article

Magnetic bracelet - a panacea for diseases

Magnetic bracelet - a panacea for diseases

Magnetic bracelet provides an excellent opportunity to get a healing effect through exposure to magnetic fields. Among the diseases that the magnetic bracelet fights are high blood pressure, prostatitis, rheumatism and depression

Peppermint oil: properties and application features

Peppermint oil: properties and application features

It has long been known that peppermint oil has many beneficial properties. It is used in many areas, such as medicine, cosmetology, cooking

How is evening primrose oil used? Evening primrose oil: useful properties, application, prices, reviews

How is evening primrose oil used? Evening primrose oil: useful properties, application, prices, reviews

Evening primrose oil, or evening primrose, is one of the basic Western oils that have been used in our country relatively recently. Initially, this drug was used as a material for aromatherapy. To date, it remains exotic, and not everyone knows about its properties

Common Smolevka: medicinal properties and uses

Common Smolevka: medicinal properties and uses

Smolevka vulgaris belongs to the clove family. Inconspicuous in appearance, this plant is very popular in folk medicine due to its healing properties

Folk antiviral remedies for flu and colds

Folk antiviral remedies for flu and colds

Medicine is developing daily and does not stand still. Despite this, many patients in recent years have been trying not to resort to the help of medicines, but to use folk recipes. This behavior is explained by the desire to protect oneself from the harmful effects of drugs and the occurrence of side effects

Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications

Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications

Peppermint is an herb that grows all over the world, and everywhere it is valued for its healing properties. Hot tea is usually brewed from its leaves. In Europe, the plant is often used in herbal mixtures that are intended to relieve the symptoms of various stomach, intestinal, and liver related ailments

Decoction of plantain: healing properties, features of preparation and use

Decoction of plantain: healing properties, features of preparation and use

Plantain, familiar to all of us from childhood, is an unpretentious and hardy plant. The area of its distribution is quite wide, the medicinal plant grows throughout the entire territory of our country. The healing properties of plantain have been known for a very long time. The proposed material tells about the most effective remedy for treatment - a decoction of plantain

Zimolyubka umbrella: description, useful properties, use and contraindications

Zimolyubka umbrella: description, useful properties, use and contraindications

Zimolyubka is a plant from the large Heather family. It has many different names among the people. It is called pear and winter grass, overhead and outcast, core and dry cherry, boletus and pear

Milk with honey and butter: what helps, how to cook?

Milk with honey and butter: what helps, how to cook?

For a long time, people have used products such as milk, honey and butter to treat coughs, from which they make a healing remedy. Everyone knows that coughing is a natural protective reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract. It prevents various infections from entering the lungs. If the cough during colds has turned into a more serious form, then this indicates a strong inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract

Beans (sashes): application features, medicinal properties, contraindications and reviews

Beans (sashes): application features, medicinal properties, contraindications and reviews

Usually people use beans in the following way: peel them and eat the fruit. But it turned out that bean leaves can be used both in classical medicine and in non-traditional. They help fight pathologies, against which potent pills are most often used. Bean leaves can be described as a mild medicine of natural origin, which is very beneficial for humans

Cough sage: how to take?

Cough sage: how to take?

If a person is plagued by a cough, then sage is considered an excellent remedy for its treatment. With the help of this herb Hippocrates recommended to be treated. In our time, medicinal sage has found its wide application in traditional and folk medicine. Preparations made on the basis of such a plant are produced by most pharmaceutical manufacturers. And traditional medicine describes how to properly use it for medicinal purposes

Eucalyptus leaves: application and properties

Eucalyptus leaves: application and properties

Eucalyptus is a tree of the myrtle family, reaching a height of 100 meters. Under natural conditions, it grows in Australia, and it is artificially planted in the southern latitudes of the Crimea, Africa, Moldova, the Caucasus, America, Indonesia, and New Zealand. The most valuable part of this plant are the leaves collected in September. They include essential oil with a bitter-spicy aroma, tannins, phytoncides, organic resin

Wild bee honey: medicinal properties, indications for use

Wild bee honey: medicinal properties, indications for use

Many people buy flower honey to improve their he alth and to recharge their batteries. Moreover, even those who do not like sweets get it. One of the varieties of this product is wild bee honey, which bears love so much. Today, it has become very popular, as completely natural and eco-friendly food products are now in fashion. This is the kind of honey we're talking about

Grass Chernobyl: medicinal properties, contraindications and photos

Grass Chernobyl: medicinal properties, contraindications and photos

Chernobyl grass is also known as wormwood. This is a medicinal plant, which compares favorably in that it does not have the characteristic smell and bitterness inherent in bitter wormwood. At the same time, it is used no less actively in folk medicine. In particular, it is believed that this plant helps with tuberculosis, gynecological diseases, ailments associated with the stomach. In this article we will talk about its medicinal properties, as well as existing contraindications

Ginger for sore throat: recipe, uses and reviews

Ginger for sore throat: recipe, uses and reviews

A sore throat always comes at the wrong time. And in the conditions of modern life, getting sick is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body to defeat the first signs of the disease as soon as possible. Fortunately, when only the throat hurts, there is still a chance to eliminate a cold without the use of heavy medicines. You just need to stock up on ginger root, known for its healing properties

S alt caves in Kemerovo: description and features

S alt caves in Kemerovo: description and features

Among non-traditional methods of healing, halotherapy or speleotherapy has recently become popular. This is a treatment by inhaling air saturated with s alt ions. The procedure is carried out in a room, the conditions of which are close to natural s alt caves, which is why it is called so. This method is used to treat and prevent many diseases

Turpentine oil: instructions for use

Turpentine oil: instructions for use

Natural essential oils are very popular today. It is explained by the low price, a wide range of applications and ease of use. One such remedy is turpentine oil

Laundry soap from the common cold: tips for use and reviews

Laundry soap from the common cold: tips for use and reviews

Laundry soap is used not only for washing or cleaning. Useful properties allow it to be used for cosmetic, hygienic and even medicinal purposes. Its natural alkaline composition promotes the destruction of bacteria, accelerates healing and reduces inflammation. Often use laundry soap for a cold

Turpentine oil: application, composition and useful properties

Turpentine oil: application, composition and useful properties

Recently, natural oils are becoming more and more popular. Many of them have healing qualities and are used to treat certain pathologies. One of the most useful is turpentine oil. Its use in neuralgia and diseases of the musculoskeletal system shows good results. To many, this tool is better known under the name "turpentine". This product of processing pine resin has long been used in folk medicine

Rhubarb root: medicinal properties and contraindications, composition and recipes

Rhubarb root: medicinal properties and contraindications, composition and recipes

Having studied the medicinal properties of rhubarb root and contraindications to the use of this part of the plant, traditional healers began to actively use it in the treatment of many diseases. Preparations based on it help fight anemia, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, are a mild laxative, are used in the treatment of hepatitis and other equally serious liver diseases

Cranberries for the kidneys: useful properties, medicinal qualities and cooking recipes

Cranberries for the kidneys: useful properties, medicinal qualities and cooking recipes

Among all the gifts of wild nature, one of the most useful is cranberries. They are rich in vitamins, contain many minerals, trace elements. Such products, unique in their chemical composition, can be eaten raw, cooked with sugar, boiled, wetted. Doctors recommend eating cranberries in various forms for kidney and bladder he alth. It is desirable to have it in your diet all year round

Bee products. Perga: useful properties, how to take, how to store

Bee products. Perga: useful properties, how to take, how to store

Perga is a beekeeping product, about the benefits of which not much is known. It's no secret how important honey is for a person, how useful it is to eat it in order to prevent diseases or speed up healing. But what is perga? Let's try to understand the features of this product and its qualities that made perga important and useful for humans

Vertebrorevitology: the essence of the method, description of treatment, reviews

Vertebrorevitology: the essence of the method, description of treatment, reviews

Therapy of degenerative diseases of the spine is quite complicated, since in many situations either only symptomatic means are used to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and pain in the form of physiotherapy and medications, or surgical procedures, which, as a rule, lead to relapses. An alternative to surgery is manual therapy or traction

Cleaning with magnesia at home without harm to the body

Cleaning with magnesia at home without harm to the body

This article will discuss how to clean with magnesia at home and why this is necessary. Recommendations will be given on the use of magnesium sulfate to cleanse the intestines and liver

Thermal springs: contraindications, he alth benefits, sources and medicinal properties

Thermal springs: contraindications, he alth benefits, sources and medicinal properties

What are thermal springs. Possible contraindications and he alth benefits. Popular places with similar reservoirs, characteristics and recommendations for their use for medicinal purposes

Treatment of oncology with soda: treatment procedure, admission rules, doctors' opinions and consequences

Treatment of oncology with soda: treatment procedure, admission rules, doctors' opinions and consequences

Ivan Neumyvakin is a well-known Russian oncologist and honored doctor of medical sciences, who has devoted his life to studying and developing innovative ways to fight cancer. On his account there are many new wellness techniques. Among them is the treatment of oncology with soda

How to be treated with badger fat: features, methods, recipes and reviews

How to be treated with badger fat: features, methods, recipes and reviews

Traditional medicine knows a lot about the world around us that is not known to traditional doctors. It is unlikely that a therapist in a clinic will tell you how to be treated with badger fat. But traditional healers know how to use it with maximum effect. Today we will consider under what diseases it can be justified

Instructions for using chaga: balm, tincture, recipes, benefits

Instructions for using chaga: balm, tincture, recipes, benefits

Chaga is a unique creation of nature. This fungus is able to absorb the beneficial substances of birch sap, as well as other components present in the tree on which it develops. The instructions for the use of chaga say that this gift of nature is used for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies, internal and external diseases. For each type of disease, a different type of medication based on the fungus is used

How to take cranberries for cystitis: methods, recipes and reviews

How to take cranberries for cystitis: methods, recipes and reviews

Inflammatory bladder disease doctors call cystitis. Distinguish its infectious and non-infectious form, but each type is accompanied by almost the same symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, burning during urination. This prevents the patient from leading a normal life

Exercises for spinal flexibility at home

Exercises for spinal flexibility at home

The spine is a key link in the musculoskeletal system. As everyone knows from the school anatomy course, it consists of separate elements, between which there are intervertebral discs. They, in turn, have an elastic and at the same time gelatinous core. It has the ability to give and absorb water, surrounded by an annulus fibrosus

Laundry soap for thrush: methods of treatment, preventive measures and rules of intimate hygiene

Laundry soap for thrush: methods of treatment, preventive measures and rules of intimate hygiene

Such a disease as thrush is familiar to almost every woman. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning and itching of the genital organs, discharge, and sometimes even soreness. Many different medicinal and folk remedies can cure thrush. At home, many people use laundry soap for thrush. But is it possible to treat this disease with this product? How does laundry soap work with thrush? About this in our article

Horse treatment: name of therapy, methods

Horse treatment: name of therapy, methods

Treatment with horses is a fairly common method that is actively used in medical practice around the world. Rehabilitation of patients with many diseases occurs with the help of horseback riding. In this article we will tell you what this method is called, as well as the principles of its impact

Oak bark in a pharmacy: how to infuse moonshine on chips

Oak bark in a pharmacy: how to infuse moonshine on chips

To give moonshine a milder taste, it is recommended to insist. To do this, it is best to use oak bark, bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently from the chips of this tree. Consider the best recipes for such moonshine

Cleansing the body with baking soda: indications, contraindications, recipes and reviews

Cleansing the body with baking soda: indications, contraindications, recipes and reviews

One of the options for healing and ridding your body of harmful, toxic substances accumulated due to nutrition and environmental influences is the use of baking soda. There are several options, formats for using this product. If you turn to the experience of those who used it, you can find out that most people like the idea of u200bu200bcleansing the body with baking soda according to Neumyvakin

How to treat the spleen at home: folk remedies and diet

How to treat the spleen at home: folk remedies and diet

Like any other disease of the spleen, its increase immediately negatively affects the general condition of a person. The filtering function of the spleen is disturbed, due to which the blood falls under the negative influence of bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Traditional medicine recipes are considered a very effective addition or alternative to medications

How to wipe with vodka at a child's temperature: proportions and rules

How to wipe with vodka at a child's temperature: proportions and rules

When a baby starts to suffer from a fever, the first thing many parents try to do is bring down the temperature. For this, various means are used: tablets, potions, candles, they use folk recipes. For example, some begin to wonder how to wipe a child with vodka at a temperature. In this article, we will tell you in what cases this method is considered acceptable, how to apply it in practice, and what consequences you should be afraid of

How to massage when coughing?

How to massage when coughing?

Everyone knows how painful a cough can be that accompanies colds, viruses, and some chronic respiratory diseases. It would seem that the disease begins to recede under the influence of medicines and traditional medicine, and the cough continues to torment, not giving rest day or night

How to wash your nose with chamomile at home?

How to wash your nose with chamomile at home?

In the article, we will consider how to rinse your nose with chamomile. This procedure is safe and in most situations does not cause any side effects, so it can be performed on both adults and children. The negative consequences of such washing are not dangerous, they are easily detected and do not lead to serious complications, however, most often they require discontinuation of treatment

Gymnastics for hypertensive patients: a set of basic exercises. Gymnastics Shishonin. What exercises can not be done with hypertension

Gymnastics for hypertensive patients: a set of basic exercises. Gymnastics Shishonin. What exercises can not be done with hypertension

Gymnastics for hypertensive patients is one of the effective ways to help cope with the problem of high blood pressure, because it worries a large number of people. Experts identify a list of reasons that can lead to its appearance. In this article, we will tell you what exercises can be effective, and also help to get rid of this ailment once and for all