The spine is a key link in the musculoskeletal system. As everyone knows from the school anatomy course, it consists of separate elements, between which there are intervertebral discs. They, in turn, have an elastic and at the same time gelatinous core. It has the ability to give and absorb water, surrounded by a fibrous ring.

The purpose of these discs is to cushion the spinal column, enabling the passage of nerve fibers and blood vessels between the processes of the vertebrae in special holes.
Over time, due to lifestyle, aging or injury, the back muscles weaken, the disc nuclei begin to shrink and flatten under pressure. As a result, they can burst at all, this is an intervertebral hernia. Left without a reliable damper pad, the vertebrae approach each other, pinch nerves, squeeze blood vessels, and may even grow together. As a result of all this, manexperiencing severe pain almost constantly. It may even require surgery. That is why it will be useful to know what exercises should be performed for the flexibility of the spine in order to prevent. Next, consider in detail.

Spine traction
Relatively recently, a very interesting method has been used in medicine to treat the problems of this organ. The roots of such exercises for the flexibility of the spine go deep into the history of medicine. True, in those days the method was not so developed and had serious side effects.
Otherwise it is also called autogravity therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that when performing a sequence of certain exercises for the flexibility of the spine, it is extended. This happens by overcoming muscle spasm. At the same time, the displaced vertebrae return to their place, the column deformations are corrected.
So what are these spinal flexibility exercises? Today, there are two ways of stretching - dry and underwater. Let's take a closer look.
Dry traction
It can be horizontal or vertical. The spine with this method is extended under the influence of the patient's own weight. The load on the muscles should be strictly dosed. For the dry method, special simulators, couches or traction tables are used. They provide stretching of the necessary sections of the spine, and also have an additional function in the form of massage, physiotherapy, etc. For half an hour of the procedure, the patient's height may increase bycentimeter. If there is scoliosis, traction can reach up to four centimeters.

It is necessary to note a very significant thing. In order for the achieved stretching effect to be preserved, it is necessary to strengthen the muscle corset at a new level, i.e. after the procedure, a complex of gymnastics, myostimulation, massage, which helps to strengthen muscles, should follow. If you do not do this, then you should not deal with the spine at all.
Underwater traction
Of course, such exercises for the flexibility of the spine at home cannot be done. This method combines the therapeutic effect of water (ordinary, mineral, sea) and traction itself. Compared to the dry method, this method is more gentle on the body.
Water has a relaxing effect on the muscles, their spasms decrease, restores normal blood circulation and innervation. Therefore, this method is very effective in the treatment of pinched nerves. Underwater traction has also proven itself in the treatment of disc protrusion, osteochondrosis.
The use of this method is ineffective in fusion of the vertebrae and deformation of the spine, after removal of a herniated disc.
Underwater traction is vertical and horizontal.
Exercises for spinal flexibility at home
Stretching for disease prevention can be done at home. To do this, use a solid bed, raised at the head at an angle of 30-40 degrees, soft ring belts 15 cm long and five to six centimeters wide, in whichput their hands through. You need to lie down for 3-4 hours, under the weight of the body, the spine gradually stretches.
What other exercises are there to develop the flexibility of the spine? You can use the Swedish wall for these purposes. To do this, a smooth board is hooked to the crossbar, placed at an angle. Lie down, holding hands on the crossbar. The angle of inclination and the time of the procedure are increased daily, and so several times a day.
Note that, as in the case of dry and underwater traction, doing exercises for the flexibility of the thoracic spine or any other at home will be a waste of time without the use of a physical complex that forms an elastic muscle corset.
These activities have some contraindications. Exercises for the flexibility of the lumbar spine, as well as other parts of it, are contraindicated for people with diseases of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases and those with tumor processes.
The spine performs very important functions in our body, and the work of many internal organs depends on its condition: heart, lungs and others. The most important role in his he alth belongs to the correct posture. For its formation, it is necessary that all the muscles of our body have sufficient strength and interact well.

The main causes of emerging diseases of the spine are: incorrect loads, in particular, insufficient or, conversely, very high physical activity. The soonerstart paying attention to his condition (better since childhood), the higher the likelihood of avoiding problems in the future. But if for some reason they did arise, the person is simply forced to improve the condition of his spine.
One of the best methods for prevention and treatment, which has no contraindications when used correctly, is kundalini yoga. These spine flexibility exercises for beginners are the perfect start as they are easy to do.
Important features of yoga classes are:
- creating conditions for the awakening and reunion of the life force of our body (kundalini) with the energy of the universe (prana);
- formation of a good muscular corset around the spine, allowing to reduce the load on it;
- a large number of exercises (asanas) allows you to choose the right one for solving a specific problem (in particular, eliminating pain in the spine);
- dosed (soft) approach when performing asanas, contributing to their most favorable effect on our body, including the spine.
As a preventive measure, you can master the simplest exercises on your own. Due to the large number of asanas and their diversity, you can choose special complexes that reduce the load on the spine, balance the movement of various muscle groups and, due to this, evenly redistribute the load on the muscles of the whole body. Perform more complex exercises, including for the purpose of using for treatment (for example, yoga is used for spinal hernia),required under the guidance of a qualified professional.
Child Pose
Relieves heavy pressure from the lower back by straightening, straightening the spine:
- Kneel on the mat - they should be located at the width of the pelvis, while the legs are connected, behind you. Take a deep breath, as you exhale, lower your torso to your hips.
- Try to lengthen your neck and spine.
- By your forehead on the floor, stretch your arms out in front of you.
- Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes.

Cat-cow pose
Spine and neck flexibility exercises are easy to do. This posture allows you to bend, stretch the spine, and also promotes mobility:
- Get on all fours, hips over knees, shoulders over wrists.
- Inhale slowly, exhale, arch your spine, lower your head to the floor (cat pose).
- Then inhale, raise your head, then round your spine (cow pose).
- Do the exercises for 1-3 minutes.

Down-facing dog pose
We continue to consider exercises in kundalini yoga for the flexibility of the spine. This pose is an effective way to stretch the hamstrings, thighs:
- Start in child's pose, keep hands on the floor, sit on knees, then lift buttocks, lean back down.
- Spread your fingers wide. Work towardslegs straightened, while the heels were completely on the floor.
- Relax your neck and look through your legs or up to your navel.
- Keep the pose for 1-3 minutes.

If yoga is chosen for treatment, it must be taken into account that these classes do not give an immediate effect. Long and constant training is needed. With regular asanas, muscles are strengthened, including the back, and this also helps to stretch the spine and achieve a state of relaxation of the nervous system. In turn, the impact on it can reduce pain. Unlike drugs with their quick effect, the use of yoga is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, and not the symptoms (pain). In addition, exercises done correctly have no side effects.
Performing asanas to eliminate the disease has its own characteristics. If they are used for osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, etc., you can’t do what you want or get. The selection of the necessary exercises and classes should be carried out with the direct participation of a specialist. Asanas are performed slowly and smoothly, with long breaks between them. If pain occurs during the exercise, the training should be postponed.
In no case should you practice yoga on your own for diseases such as osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, without consulting a professional instructor, because, most likely, this will only worsen your condition.