Spleen enlargement immediately negatively affects the general condition of a person. Its filtering function is disturbed, due to which the blood falls under the negative influence of bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Where is the spleen located and how is it treated? This organ is located on the left side near the stomach. Treatment methods will be considered in this article.
Recipes of traditional medicine are considered to be a very effective addition or alternative to medicines. Home remedies can be prepared on your own, while curing your spleen in a very short period of time. Regardless of the main cause of the disease, the key to the effectiveness of this method lies in the strict adherence to the preparation and the recommended dose.
In addition, before treating the spleen at home, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Before considering the most effectiverecipes, you need to become more familiar with the symptoms and causes of the pathology.

Symptoms and causes
The main factors that provoke the development of diseases of the spleen, as well as problems with its work:
- Malignant and benign tumors.
- Vascular disease, circulatory disorders.
- Influence of parasites.
- The appearance of a cyst.
- Mechanical injury to the spleen.
Before treating the spleen at home, it is necessary to diagnose the disease of this organ, as well as differentiate it from another pathology. Symptoms of spleen problems will be as follows:
- Painful sensations that are localized on the left side of the body, where the organ is located.
- Spleen enlargement.
- Fatigue and extreme fatigue.
- Weakened immune system.
- Increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms intensify, especially soreness in the organ, then self-treatment at home should be abandoned by calling an ambulance.
Recipes of traditional medicine
So, how to treat the spleen at home? Even our ancestors knew many effective recipes, thanks to which you can get rid of diseases. Most often, formulations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs are used for this. Before using them, be sure to consult a qualified specialist. Morelet's take a closer look at the most effective of them.
How to treat the spleen at home to get rid of inflammation? A very effective remedy is wormwood. To prepare in a glass of boiled water, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of dry chopped herbs. After that, the container is firmly entangled in a terry towel, left for 20 minutes to infuse. Then add another glass of boiling water to the solution, pass the liquid through the filter. A small amount of natural honey is added to the finished product. The medicinal composition is used every day before meals, 3 cups. The duration of therapy is at least a month.

Cucumber seeds
Above, we examined the symptoms and causes of an enlarged spleen. Treatment of this organ can be carried out with the help of cucumber seeds. To do this, all the seeds must be removed from an overripe yellow vegetable. Grind them with a coffee grinder. The powder you received should be consumed in the amount of 3 dessert spoons before each meal. Without fail, it is washed down with plain water. The duration of the therapeutic course should be about 2 weeks.
Hops cones
Treatment can be done with hop cones. This vegetable raw material must be poured in a ratio of 1: 4 with 40% alcohol. If there is no alcohol at home, then you can use high-quality vodka. The product should be infused in a dark room for about 10 days. Three times a day, the finished composition is used in the amount of 40 drops.
Ghee, honey and ginger
If the spleen hurts, how to treat at home? A fairly effective remedy is ginger, honey, and ghee. All three of these ingredients must be mixed in equal amounts. The resulting ointment should be rubbed into the spleen if it has increased in size. The duration of therapy should be at least 50 days.
If you have pain in this area, which is associated with an enlarged spleen, then you can use strawberries for therapy. To do this, put one tablespoon of berries and foliage of this plant into a thermos. 600 ml of boiled water is poured into the same container, and the thermos is closed tightly with a lid. Insist 2 hours. The finished healing drink must be divided into 3 equal parts, which are taken orally throughout the day.
To eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as pain in the spleen in women and men, you can use mustard. To do this, one tablespoon without a hill of seeds of this plant must be swallowed and washed down with plain water. This action must be performed within 15 days.

Another very effective folk remedy for the spleen (more precisely, its inflammation) is propolis. To do this, the glass must be filled a quarter with plain water. Dissolve 30 drops of 30% propolis tincture in it. From the spleen (more precisely, pains inside the organ), the finished drink is consumed before meals three times a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days. Forthe next ten days, the remedy must be taken 4 times a day inside.
Shepherd's bag
If you do not know which herb to use for the spleen, then shepherd's purse is ideal for these purposes. To do this, 10 g of crushed dried plant material must be dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Let the herb brew in boiling water for half an hour, then strain the infusion through a filter. The finished drink is consumed in the amount of one tablespoon five times a day.
To prepare this healing remedy, you need to take one tablespoon of chicory roots, crushed, dried. The consistency of the ingredient should resemble a powder. Chicory is poured into a glass of boiled water. For 10 minutes, the solution should boil over minimal heat. The liquid should be infused for half an hour, after which it must be filtered through gauze. For 1 week, the finished drink is consumed 3 times a day, three sips at a time.
Figs should be finely chopped, then placed in a glass of vinegar. After 3 hours, the plant material must be removed and transferred to another container. Add 250 ml of dry red wine there. After another 3 hours, the figs must be crushed with a meat grinder or blender, after which it is applied to the spleen area in the form of a compress.
Sea buckthorn
Three tablespoons of dried or frozen fruits of this plant should be boiled in 500 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. After 2 hours, the finished infusion can betake instead of tea throughout the day. The duration of therapy continues until you feel better.

Horseradish and radish
To prepare this remedy, you need to take a large radish, cut the core out of it. Horseradish root should be carefully chopped with a grater, after which three tablespoons of this raw material should be mixed with honey. The resulting mixture is placed inside the hole in the radish, and the root crop is baked in the oven. The finished product is used in the amount of one tablespoon in the morning, and in the evening it will be enough to use one dessert spoon. The duration of therapy is about 10 days.
One tablespoon of this herbal raw material must be dissolved in one glass of boiling water. The solution should be infused for 1 hour. After this time, the drink is consumed half an hour before meals three times a day, 70 ml each. Before drinking, the liquid must first be filtered through a gauze cloth or a special filter.
Cabbage juice and pomegranate
Very effective against diseases of the spleen is the juice of cabbage and pomegranate. To do this, three times a day, 1 hour before a meal, one should drink one glass of heated pomegranate and cabbage juice.
2 tablespoons of crushed roots of this plant must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The solution is kept in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the drink should cool down, and then it is taken in the amount of one tablespoon afterfood. The finished medicinal product can be stored for 2 days in the refrigerator, after which a new composition should be prepared.

What to do if the spleen is enlarged? Causes and treatment should be established and described by the doctor. However, pain relief can be done at home. 30 g of dried berries of the plant must be dissolved in boiling water. After 30 minutes, this remedy can be used to treat diseases of the spleen. As a rule, the finished composition is applied several times a day.
The mushroom must be placed in a container with boiling water for 4 hours, and then removed and chopped with a grater. Vegetable raw materials are poured with slightly warm water, after which it is left to infuse in a dark, cool room for about two days. The finished product must be filtered through a filter, consumed orally 3 times a day, one glass. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks minimum. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated, but this can be done only after six months.
Features of food

If you want to cure a disease of the spleen, it is also important to follow a special diet. What will be the diet for a sick spleen? First of all, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and also not follow strict diets for weight loss, which can provoke exhaustion of the body. If symptoms of spleen disease appear, the following products will help:
- Beets.
- Fish leanvarieties.
- Herring.
- Carrot.
- Walnuts.
- Rowan.
- Liver (beef or chicken).
We have discussed what to do if the spleen is enlarged, the causes and treatment of pathology. To strengthen the spleen, it is also necessary to monitor the strength of the immune system, adhere to a he althy lifestyle, and also carry out a timely fight against infectious diseases. If there is no improvement in the treatment of the spleen at home for a long time, then you should seek help from a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the most effective method of therapy.