Eucalyptus is a tree of the myrtle family that can grow up to a hundred meters in height. Under natural conditions, it grows in Australia, and it is artificially planted in the southern latitudes of the Crimea, Africa, Moldova, the Caucasus, America, Indonesia, and New Zealand. The most valuable part of this tree are the leaves collected in September. They include essential oil with a bitter-spicy aroma, tannins, phytoncides, organic resin. Let us consider in more detail what eucalyptus leaves are, their use for medicinal purposes.
Benefits of eucalyptus leaves

Due to the rich composition of the leaves, they are used in recipes of both official and traditional medicine. They have:
- disinfectant;
- painkillers;
- irritating;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- expectorantaction.
Medicinal forms from the leaves of this tree have been used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, respiratory system, reproductive and urinary systems, skin, and also with the help of them the body's defenses are strengthened and the development of tumors is prevented.
The substances included in the composition of raw materials have a detrimental effect on streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery bacillus, intestinal parasites, Trichomonas, the causative agent of malaria, repel mosquitoes and mosquitoes.
Pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus leaf
Instructions for use indicates that it has a pronounced antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of this phytopreparation includes the following useful substances: ellagic acid, resins, flavonoids, wax, essential oil and tannins.

The active components of the tincture have the following effect on the body:
- fungicidal;
- antiviral;
- antiprotozoal;
- bactericidal;
- anti-inflammatory.
When applied to the skin, the tincture has an astringent, anesthetic, antipruritic and anti-exudative effect. If you take inside a remedy made from raw materials such as eucalyptus leaves, the instructions for use indicate that in this case a very strong expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator effect will be carried out. In addition, the tincture normalizes the digestion process and increases the functioning of the digestive system.iron.
If you take a tincture of 20 drops, it helps with the following diseases:
- hypertension;
- rake;
- insomnia;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- headache;
- rickets;
- dyspnea;
- cardiac arrhythmias.
Since such a remedy helps to reduce inflammation, it contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, scratches, ulcers, acne, burns and cuts.
Eucalyptus leaves: home use
Medicines based on eucalyptus have no contraindications, no side effects, and are highly effective. The main active ingredient is eucalyptol, which is found in essential oil.
But it is necessary to take into account such a moment that dosage forms from eucalyptus leaves are not recommended for children under three years of age, with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the active substance. The drug is used with caution in chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Treatment of digestive organs
Eucalyptus leaves are used in the treatment of intestinal inflammation, gastritis with low acidity. In this case, a decoction is prepared from this raw material. To do this, 15 grams of dry leaves are poured into an enamel bowl and poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture was boiled in a water bath for 25 minutes. Then the product is cooled, filtered, brought to the initial volume and placed in a cool place. The decoction is stored for 48 hours, no more. It should be taken warm after meals three times a day.a day for a quarter cup. Treatment is carried out in courses of 10 days.

With the help of a decoction, digestion is normalized, the body gets rid of parasites, and boils in the intestines decrease. In addition, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Respiratory treatment
If raw materials such as eucalyptus leaves are used for treatment, their use is effective in inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory organs, such as laryngitis, bronchitis and acute respiratory viral diseases (adenoviral infection, influenza). For this, a tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant. They are chopped very finely and filled with 1/3 liter jars. After that, granulated sugar is poured up to half of such a capacity, the neck is plugged with a cotton cloth and placed in a dark and warm place for 3-4 days.

After this period, 0.5 l of vodka is added to such a syrup, mixed well and settled for a week. Then such a product is filtered, filled with a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator. Take tincture of 30 drops, before diluting it in 60 ml of boiled water, for 12 days before meals. This drug has an expectorant, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, strengthens the immune system and helps to recover faster.
Tincture, diluted in a glass of warm water, helps with sore throat, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gum inflammation, gingivitis.
Treatment of muscles, joints and skin
Dry eucalyptus leaves are used in the treatment of purulent skin diseases, trophic ulcers, long non-healing wounds, inflammation of the joints and muscles. To prepare the infusion, take three dessert spoons of raw materials, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water (300 ml) and simmer for 30 minutes. After this, the product must be infused for an hour and filtered through cheesecloth.
Use the infusion as a compress, applying it to the affected areas of the skin, joints and muscles. For grinding, it is necessary to use a mixture of vegetable and eucalyptus oils in a ratio of 1: 2. The course of treatment is carried out until complete recovery.
Treatment of the reproductive and urinary system
If the kidneys are suddenly inflamed or the chronic process of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis) has become aggravated, then you can take a pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus. To do this, 25 drops should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water and taken before meals three times a day.

Eucalyptus rod-shaped leaves are also used in the treatment of cervical erosion, vaginal inflammation, bacterial vaginosis. To do this, swabs are soaked with a decoction of these leaves and set overnight. Treatment is carried out within 7 days. You can also douche with a decoction, which improves the prognosis of the disease and shortens the duration of treatment.

Plants used for medicinal purposes have a wonderful effect. Nevertheless, they can also have side effects, so you should consult your doctor before using them.
It is undesirable to use eucalyptus oil, infusion or ointment for children under two years of age. Also, people suffering from asthma, liver and kidney diseases, convulsions, hypotension, preparations from this plant can be used only after consultation with your doctor. It is forbidden to take the drug to pregnant and lactating women.
Thus, eucalyptus leaves are used in the treatment of various diseases. Proper use of the dosage forms of such a plant can have the most positive effect on the body. But still, it is best to consult with your doctor before doing this.