Plantain, familiar to all of us from childhood, is an unpretentious and hardy plant. The area of its distribution is quite wide, the medicinal culture grows everywhere throughout our country. The healing properties of plantain have been known for a very long time. Based on it, different variations of drugs for the treatment of diseases are created. You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own. The proposed material tells about the most effective remedy - plantain decoction.
This is a perennial plant that belongs to the Plantain family. The medicinal properties of plantain have been known for a long time. Even in ancient times, it was used to treat coughs, as a vitamin complex, a hemostatic agent.

The grass consists of a small rosette, from the central part of which leafless branches appear in summer. Small flowers form on them, and later seeds. Such processes are called flower arrows. Plantain has a very short but thick rhizome with a large number of filamentous processes located vertically. The root is very hard, woody, brown. The leaves are quite wide, petiolate, have an ovoid shape. On each leaflet, 6-9 veins are visible in the middle. The leaves have a rich dark green color, smooth to the touch. Note that they are characterized by more useful properties.
Plantain blossom starts in May and ends in August. This is the most favorable time for the preparation of medicinal raw materials. Please note: decoctions can be prepared from fresh and dry parts of the plant.
Medicinal properties of plantain
The plant is interesting because all its parts can be used for medicinal purposes. The most useful properties are anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bactericidal, wound healing. The plant has a high content of phytoncides and tannins, which have a bactericidal effect. In addition, psyllium contains polysaccharides, which slow down inflammation and heal wounds.

However, the healing properties of plantain are not limited to these indicators. It will be useful to know that:
- Plantain strengthens the immune system, increases the effectiveness of other drugs in the fight against leukemia and malignant tumors. In radiation or chemical therapy, it helps protect internal organs from damage.
- Good for the digestive tract, increases appetite.
- When coughing, plantain decoction helps a lot. Also, this composition is effective in bronchitis, pleurisy and tuberculosis.
- The action of plantain has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, depending on the composition, the infusion has a tonic effect or, conversely, a calming one.
- Using a decoction helps lower blood pressure.
Indications for use
Plantain decoction is easy to prepare, but extremely effective. It helps to strengthen the immune system and contributes to maintaining he alth even with serious illnesses. It is used when:
- gum disease, periodontal disease, scurvy;
- diseases of the respiratory system and throat (bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis);
- diseases of the stomach associated with low acidity, colitis;
- increased gas formation in the intestines, stomach, hemorrhoids, diarrhea;
- hypertension (at the initial stage);
- arrhythmias, vascular diseases, headaches;
- diseases of the gallbladder;
- inflammatory processes on the skin, acne;
- urticaria, dermatitis;
- parametritis, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- puffiness, lymphostasis;
- insomnia, exhaustion, neurasthenia;
- oncological diseases of the lungs, stomach, leukemia;
- malignant skin ulcers.

Decoction of plantain seeds
Preparations based on psyllium seeds are highly effective. Such medicines:
- help relieve diabetes;
- completely heal from female infertility caused by hormonal causes;
- have a calming effect on the gastric mucosa, relieve irritation, protect against negative factors;
- normalize intestinal motility, rid it of accumulated harmful toxins.
Before taking any herbal medicines, you should first consult a doctor. In some diseases, plantain decoction may be contraindicated. Phytotherapy should be abandoned when:
- thrombosis;
- varicose veins;
- increased blood clotting;
- gastritis or peptic ulcer;
- with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to psyllium.
Collection and procurement of raw materials
Plantain leaves are harvested during flowering, which lasts from June to October. Next, the prepared raw material is laid in one layer on a clean cloth or paper and placed to dry in the shade. This can be done outdoors, attics, verandas, etc. The leaves must be periodically reviewed and turned over, brown and yellowed should be thrown away.

Seed harvesting lasts from late summer to early autumn. To obtain seeds, cut the stems anddried, after which the seeds are cleaned off by hand. Raw materials should be stored in clean, dry glass containers with tight-fitting lids. Shelf life is: leaves - two years; seeds - three.
Plantain leaf
The leaves of this plant contribute to the disinfection of wounds and are an excellent hemostatic agent. Before use, they must be washed, then whole (however, you can grind them) to apply to the wound. As a result, the pain will subside, and then the bleeding will stop. What helps plantain decoction? It is used for insomnia, allergies, and is a sedative.
The leaves of the plant contain aukubin glycoside, carotene, vitamin K, ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids, sorbitol, mannitol, citric acid. Please note: phyto-raw materials are hygroscopic, which means that they must be stored in airtight containers. Means from plantain leaves (infusions and decoctions) are recommended for use in colitis, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and for the treatment of cholecystitis. In addition, the compositions of this raw material have a positive effect on the male gonads due to the fact that they are saturated with saponins, pectins and other very useful substances.
Fresh plantain leaves are used to prepare infusions, extracts, juice is squeezed out of them. Note that in a severe form of peptic ulcer, alcoholic and aqueous extracts from plantain leaves have a beneficial effect.
Psyllium seeds
Based on this raw material, various poultices are prepared to help removeinflammation in diseases of the mucous membranes or skin. To prepare the product, the seeds are placed in hot water, after they swell, they are crushed. In the treatment of female infertility or diabetes, a decoction of plantain seeds is used. It must be taken three times a day for 30 or 60 days according to Art. spoon. The composition of the seeds of various types of plantain includes essential oil, nitrogenous substances, oleanolic acid.
If psyllium seed preparations are taken daily, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced. Such compounds help cleanse the body of bile acids, normalize blood sugar. With hormonal deficiency in women, it is recommended to drink a decoction made from psyllium seeds.

Seed husks
As a medicine, the husks of the seeds, which are obtained as a result of their splitting, are very often used. Decoctions prepared from it are used for constipation, various skin irritations, and to eliminate problems associated with the bladder.
The husk shows good results in the treatment of such an ailment as hemorrhoids. Due to the fact that it contains alkaloids, amino acids, a lot of insoluble fiber - it is a mild laxative.
Medicinal raw materials help reduce pressure and restore the function of the circulatory organs.
Often the husk with seeds is used as a thickener in cosmetology and cooking.
When combined with water, the mass swells, resulting in a jelly-like substance. It stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, while eliminating irritation of the colon. Psyllium husk acts as a natural cleanser and promotes the release of toxins and waste, reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.
Cough and bronchitis treatment
Especially relevant are folk remedies in the case when patients have an allergy or a ban on medicines. By the way, the effectiveness of plantain preparations is recognized by official medicine. After all, they contain essential oils and natural extracts, which are the basis of most cough syrups.
Consider how to prepare a decoction of plantain for bronchitis and dry cough. Pour a large spoonful of seeds into a thermos, pour 200 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, then filter. We drink the medicine warm, 50-60 ml 4 times a day. If oral intake is combined with compresses of an alcohol tincture prepared from psyllium seeds, the cough will stop faster.

Plantain syrup
This medicine is an excellent vitamin, therapeutic and prophylactic agent for children and adults with colds and flu epidemics. The syrup can be prepared throughout the summer and autumn, stored and taken throughout the winter. In order to prepare syrup from plantain, you need to take fresh leaves, rinse them, dry them, cut them and cover them with sugar. The jar needs to be tightly sealed with a lid and put in the refrigerator. After 2 months, the syrup is ready for use. It is filtered, squeezed and poured into another clean dish. Instructions for the use of plantain: children are given medicine 3 times a day, one teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon each.
Treatment of skin diseases, ulcers and gastritis
Decoction prepared from fresh plantain leaves shows good results in the treatment of various skin diseases, including traumatic ones. When warm, it is used to prepare dressings, compresses, lotions.
Please note: it is allowed to take medicine for gastritis only with low acidity. Juice treats stomach and intestinal ulcers. Treatment is best done in the summer, when fresh raw materials are in abundance. The leaves are washed and randomly cut, after which the juice is squeezed out of them. Drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals, three times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days.
Alcohol tincture
Indications for the use of plantain tincture are as follows: gynecological diseases, impotence, beriberi. From the plantain you need to squeeze the juice in a volume of 200 ml, add exactly the same amount of vodka to it. Remove the dishes with tincture in a cool dark place for 15 days. It should be taken once a day, per 10 kg of body weight 3 ml setting.

Plantain in cosmetology
In cosmetology, the leaves of the plant are most often in demand, from which the infusion is prepared. In addition, you can use plantain juice. As a moisturizer for the skin, a compress is made from plantain. For this, a couple of spoonscrushed leaves are combined with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour, after which they are filtered. The compress is alternated three to four times, starting with hot (it is applied for no more than 2 minutes) and ending with cold (for 5 minutes).