Everyone knows how painful a cough can be that accompanies colds, viruses, and some chronic respiratory diseases. It would seem that the disease begins to recede under the influence of medicines and traditional medicine, and the cough continues to torment, not giving rest day or night.
In such a situation, massage can help, which enhances the effect of medications. There are various techniques that you can master if you wish on your own or be trained by professionals in special courses. We will try to talk about how to massage when coughing in adults and young patients in this article. This is especially true for parents whose children are prone to frequent colds.

Massage effectiveness
First of all, it should be understood that cough massage cannot be considered the main method of treatment. It can be included in the complex therapy. Its main functions include:
- Excretion and excretion of sputum.
- Strengthening the muscles of the respiratory tract.
- Stimulation of blood circulation in the chest, back, normalization of the nutrition of blood vessels.
- Activation of metabolism.
Importantly, cough massage can be used to treat patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly.
Indications for the procedure
Cough massage for sputum discharge doctors prescribe for the following diseases:
- Bronchitis.
- Emphysema.
- Tracheitis.
- Pneumosclerosis.
The procedure is equally effective for dry and wet coughs. But it should be borne in mind that various diseases have their own characteristics, in the presence of which massage is contraindicated. For example, in bronchial asthma, active points can only be affected during remission.

General recommendations
To achieve the maximum effect of cough massage, you must follow some recommendations from professionals:
- Do not perform the procedure after eating. However, the state of hunger is not the best option. It is advisable to start the massage about an hour after eating.
- Sessions are carried out only after the temperature normalizes.
- Ventilate the room well: experts consider the ideal temperature for a massage to be around +24 °C.
- The massage table, bed or couch on which the patient will be located should be quite rigid.
- Chest massage when coughingstarts with tissue warming. The same applies to the back. To do this, stroking and rubbing should be carried out.
- The person performing the procedure should warm up their hands well. This is especially important when massaging a child: touching hands that are not warm enough can cause a negative walkie-talkie.
- It is necessary to observe hygiene standards: wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure, cover the massage area with a clean sheet.
- The massage should not cause severe pain in the patient. If he can hardly tolerate such manipulations or his condition worsens, the procedure is stopped. This rule must be observed for both adults and the smallest patients.
- It is important to monitor the reaction to the massage of the baby: if the baby cries a lot, then first you need to calm him down, and then try again.

Varieties of massage
Each type of cough massage differs in technique. Not all of them can be mastered on your own: for example, a drainage view can be mastered without the participation of an experienced instructor, and serious preparation is required to conduct a point view.
Cough drainage massage
The most popular method in the treatment of illness. This is due to the simplicity of its implementation and high efficiency. Quite often, such a massage is prescribed to a child when coughing (for sputum discharge). It is no less effective in the treatment of adult patients. Before starting the procedure, the patient needs to take a warm bath, inhalation. Massage is carried out in the followingsequences:
- The patient lies on a horizontal surface with his stomach down. A roll of rolled towels is placed under his stomach. Thus, the pelvis is raised.
- First, you need to thoroughly rub your back, thereby ensuring blood flow. You can proceed to the next step when the skin turns pink.
- Patting movements are carried out with the fingertips, the surface of the palms or their ribs. This allows you to create a slight vibration, which helps to separate stagnant sputum.
The person who performs the massage needs to pay attention to the features of the technique:
Movements are carried out only from top to bottom. Violation of this rule can cause sputum to drop into the lungs.
- The back rub should take at least 10 minutes.
- It is forbidden to massage in the acute phase of the disease.
- Session duration no more than 20 minutes.
After completing the procedure, the patient takes a horizontal position and coughs. Properly performed massage is evidenced by a productive cough, accompanied by the discharge of a large amount of sputum.

Very effective drainage massage for coughing up phlegm. A child, even a baby, is recommended quite often, but the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.
This is a type of impact on certain areas and points on the patient's body. The technique requires a long study of their exactlocation. Active points are not only on the back, but also on the chest and other parts of the body. Self-administered acupressure when coughing is not recommended, as it can harm the patient and worsen his condition. If you need to conduct the procedure yourself, you need to undergo training.
Effective not only during colds when coughing acupressure. He is appointed at:
- asthma;
- dyspnea;
- thyroid diseases;
- disorders of the central nervous system.
The acupressurist uses warming ointments. Each point is affected for two minutes. The session lasts approximately 45 minutes.

Cup massage
This species has been popular for many years. It is distinguished by a rather simple technique, although it is necessary to have a certain skill. When it is carried out, the use of both glass and plastic jars is allowed. The patient lies on a massage table or a couch on his stomach. A small amount of oil, cream or petroleum jelly is applied to the back.
Two cans are enough for the procedure. They are carefully wiped with cotton wool, which is moistened with alcohol. Then, with the help of a wick, the alcohol is set on fire and the jar is abruptly placed on its back. Thanks to the vacuum effect, it adheres tightly to the skin. If this does not happen, the procedure is repeated.
Banks are placed on both sides of the spine and begin to carry out movements without taking them off the skin in a diagonal direction, up and down. Through stimulationblood circulation, a positive effect is achieved from this type of cough massage. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the respiratory system. The session lasts 20 minutes. If you do not have experience in cupping massage, it is better to seek help from a specialist. After the procedure, the patient is covered with a warm blanket and allowed to rest.
In the human body, vibration never stops: the muscles that line the stomach contract, the heart beats, the intestines make wave-like movements, the blood vessels pulsate, the vocal cords vibrate. All of them are provided by nature itself. No less useful for the human body is a certain strength and intensity of vibration, which are directed to the chest area. Vessels under their influence expand, lymph flow and blood circulation improve.
Vibration cough massage allows you to get rid of bronchitis and restore breathing in a short time. It is recommended for many diseases:
- asthma;
- bronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- pleurisy;
- cough of various etiologies;
- Sputum accumulation in the bronchi and lungs.
The procedure can be carried out at home using special massagers or manually. For this, deep medical knowledge is not so important. Without fail, it is only necessary to consult a doctor, exclude possible contraindications and study the basic methods of the technique.

The procedure is indicated for patients of different age groups. Appliesvibration massage for coughing in a child and an adult. The algorithm of the procedure is as follows:
- During the session, the patient takes a knee-chest position (the child is placed on the tummy). The head should be below the chest. This will help move mucus into the upper bronchi.
- Mainly the impact is carried out on the scapular region of the back.
- Oscillatory movements of a certain frequency are directed not to the sides, but deep into the massaged area. Only in this case, the internal organs are connected to the process.
Massage begins with rubbing and stroking, and then moves on to more intense actions:
- beating with fingertips;
- patting with the palm of the hand bent in such a way as to form an airy arcuate pillow;
- chopping - intensively, but at the same time painlessly treat the back; the kidneys, spine and collar zone are not affected;
- punctuation, which is carried out with two or four fingers, you need to tap them alternately, as if touching the keys of a musical instrument.
Vibrating breast massage is usually prescribed for adult patients. It starts with rubbing and stroking the intercostal areas. Gently press on the chest. The palm of one hand is firmly pressed against the patient's body and the fist of the second is gently tapped on it from above, then the hands are moved, thus working through the sternum, lower ribs, and subclavian region.

This type of massage is often given to children from infancy. To carry it out you need:
Lay the patient on his back on a horizontal surface covered with a towel or cellophane. The chest is massaged with light circular movements. Then some honey is applied to it. It is advisable to use lime. Smearing honey on the chest, the skin is massaged. After that, palms are applied to the chest and quickly torn off.
At the end of the procedure, the remnants of honey are washed off, the patient is dressed warmly and put to rest. The session lasts 10 minutes. Honey promotes the speedy discharge of sputum.
Massage for children
The technique of massaging a child is practically the same as an adult. The procedure time does not exceed 10-20 minutes. Its duration depends on the type of massage and the age of the small patient. Children are not very diligent, so you should carefully monitor how correctly the baby's body is located, as sputum can go down, worsening his condition.
When choosing the type of massage should take into account the age of the child. For example, when coughing, babies are recommended only honey or drainage.
According to the feedback from patients, cough massage is very effective: it helps to quickly get rid of the symptom. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is not shown to everyone. The list of its contraindications include:
- diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels;
- disorders and skin diseases;
- oncology;
- tuberculosis;
- pathologyliver and kidney;
- high body temperature;
- cupping massage is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Before any type of massage, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.