Alternative medicine 2024, October

Liver cleansing methods: effective diets

Liver cleansing methods: effective diets

One of the most important human organs is the liver. Her role is simply not to be underestimated. It is involved in digestion, circulation, metabolism and excretion of metabolic products. Cleansing the liver will get rid of chronic diseases, ailments and improve the body as a whole. This procedure can be performed at home. The publication will tell you which diets give the greatest effect

Folk remedies for kidney pain: proven recipes, doctors' recommendations

Folk remedies for kidney pain: proven recipes, doctors' recommendations

Folk remedies for kidney pain can be a good addition to traditional medicine. And how you can help a sick organ cope with an illness, read our article

Badger fat: medicinal properties, features of use and contraindications

Badger fat: medicinal properties, features of use and contraindications

Medical workers claim that it is badger fat that can effectively strengthen immunity not only in adults, but also in young children. And all because this product is rich in various nutrients. What is useful badger fat? Medicinal properties and contraindications will be discussed in this article

Calamus roots: preparation, application, contraindications. Recipes using calamus root

Calamus roots: preparation, application, contraindications. Recipes using calamus root

Calamus roots contain tannins, esters, acarin, ascorbic acid, calamine alkaloid, starch. Due to this rich composition, it is successfully used to treat inflammation (both internal and external), stomach and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea and other disorders in the digestive system. Calamus root products also help to remove kidney stones and increase appetite

Turpentine baths: useful properties and reviews

Turpentine baths: useful properties and reviews

Water procedures using turpentine is a fairly strong method that allows you to heal and cleanse the entire body. Turpentine baths also allow you to deal with the symptoms of many diseases. About the benefits of the procedures, how to apply them and what are the reviews about the baths - read the article

Bubnovsky's simulator. Exercises according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

Bubnovsky's simulator. Exercises according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

Specially for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, a multifunctional Bubnovsky simulator has been developed. It allows you to strengthen the muscular corset, get rid of pain in the spine, and also prevent the occurrence of intervertebral hernia

Effective folk remedy for blood purification

Effective folk remedy for blood purification

To feel good and allow the blood to purify, it is important to eat right, quit smoking, drinking alcohol, because these are the factors that lead to intoxication

How to stop drinking alcohol: folk remedies. How to stop drinking on your own at home

How to stop drinking alcohol: folk remedies. How to stop drinking on your own at home

Before taking folk remedies in the treatment of alcoholism, it is very important to consult with the attending physician of the person to whom these substances will be applied. This must be done in order to protect the he alth of the patient and not cause him serious harm

Heberden's nodules: alternative treatment

Heberden's nodules: alternative treatment

With age, a person develops polyostearthrosis and the so-called Heberden's nodules appear on the fingers. Alternative treatment of Heberden's nodules consists in the use of hand-made compresses, ointments and rubbing. How to cook them correctly and what means will be most effective, let's look at this article

Valerian roots: medicinal properties and contraindications

Valerian roots: medicinal properties and contraindications

Many people know that cats are very fond of the smell of valerian, smelling it, even being at a considerable distance from it. This is explained by the fact that the plant affects the nervous system, causing the animal to have a state similar to intoxication. Valerian root can also affect the human brain, but certainly not in this way. It is actively used for the manufacture of painkillers and sedatives

Chaga for oncology: properties, how to take, reviews

Chaga for oncology: properties, how to take, reviews

Even in the times of Ancient Russia, the unique properties of this remedy were known, and it was successfully used to treat oncology. For example, Vladimir Monomakh was able to defeat lip cancer just thanks to decoctions of chaga

The benefits of chaga. Birch chaga: medicinal properties, indications and contraindications

The benefits of chaga. Birch chaga: medicinal properties, indications and contraindications

Many useful properties of herbs, mushrooms or other plants have been scientifically proven, so there is nothing unusual in the treatment of folk remedies. Consider the miraculous methods of treatment using the example of the benefits of chaga - a parasitic fungus

Citvar wormwood: useful properties

Citvar wormwood: useful properties

Citvar wormwood is not just a plant. This is a whole storehouse of useful elements that can solve many human problems

Relaxation with music - your protection from stress

Relaxation with music - your protection from stress

Music therapy has long been a recognized science that is widely used in many countries for the treatment of psychological conditions. If you choose the right music, you can not only relieve the fatigue accumulated during the day, but also significantly improve the quality of life, which is a guarantee of good he alth and good mood

Treatment with soda (Ogulov) - an easy solution to serious he alth problems

Treatment with soda (Ogulov) - an easy solution to serious he alth problems

Sodium bicarbonate, baking soda (NaHCO3) are different names for the same substance. The properties of this product have been known to people for a long time, and they use this tool for various household purposes for a long time. But the therapeutic possibilities of NaHCO3 have been talked about quite recently. The amazing results of the research of Dr. Tulio Simoncini became the reason for this. Treatment with soda Ogulov A. T. and other Russian doctors consider it a good alternative to traditional methods

Vegetable raw materials: types, harvesting, processing. Medicinal herbs

Vegetable raw materials: types, harvesting, processing. Medicinal herbs

Plant raw materials are a real storehouse of resources that a person uses for various purposes. Consider what it happens to be and what it gives people useful

Traditional medicine: herbs for alcoholism

Traditional medicine: herbs for alcoholism

Even in the oldest written monuments there are references to alcoholic beverages. But alcoholism as a disease was scientifically described in the late XIX - early XX centuries. The fight against it began even before our era in ancient Egypt, China and India. Since the same ancient times, herbs for alcoholism have been widely used, widely used during its treatment

Liver cleansing with olive oil and lemon juice: contraindications, doctors' reviews, prescription

Liver cleansing with olive oil and lemon juice: contraindications, doctors' reviews, prescription

The liver is an organ responsible for the most complex processes in the human body, including metabolism. That is why it is very important to monitor his he alth and regularly cleanse. Today we will talk about what liver cleansing with olive oil and lemon juice is. Contraindications, indications and reviews of specialists will also be described in the article

Cabbage leaf with mastopathy: how to apply it correctly? Mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies at home

Cabbage leaf with mastopathy: how to apply it correctly? Mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies at home

Many women use cabbage not only for cooking, but also as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. One of the well-known methods of treating mastopathy at home is a cabbage leaf compress. At the initial stages, he is able to help with lactostasis, mastitis and mastopathy

Hellebore tincture: instructions for use

Hellebore tincture: instructions for use

Surely many adherents of alternative medicine know that hellebore tincture gives an amazing healing effect, not only to people, but also to “our smaller brothers”. Is it really so?

How to do ear massage at home

How to do ear massage at home

There is an opinion that the human auricle looks like an embryo. It resembles him in shape: the head is lowered down, and the points that are responsible for the upper body are located on the lobe, and along the auditory organ they are connected with the spine, the legs are tucked in, that is, the centers responsible for the lower limbs are in the middle

Porridge plant: medicinal properties and uses

Porridge plant: medicinal properties and uses

The porridge plant belongs to the genus clover, has long been used not only as a wonderful honey plant, but is also widely used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties for which it is famous have been known for many centuries. Clover-based remedies help with so many diseases

Hypertension treatment without drugs. Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs

Hypertension treatment without drugs. Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs

If a person is diagnosed with hypertension, this does not mean that you need to run to the pharmacy and panic buy newfangled drugs. Such actions can harm the body. It is quite possible to fight high blood pressure without medication. But to know how to do it right, you need to understand what hypertension is

Self-massage of the head: technique, indications and contraindications

Self-massage of the head: technique, indications and contraindications

Self-massage of the head and neck improves blood circulation well. This is relevant for those patients who suffer from osteochondrosis, migraine, as well as high or low blood pressure. However, visiting a regular massage parlor is very expensive, and not everyone has free time for these procedures. Therefore, you can carry out self-massage of the head at home, alleviating your condition

Cedar essential oil: composition, properties, application, reviews

Cedar essential oil: composition, properties, application, reviews

Essential oil of cedar helps to reduce allergic edema, for example, when bitten by bees, wasps, mosquitoes. Accelerates the breakdown of fats, preventing them from accumulating in the body, thereby contributing to weight loss. Pine nut oil strengthens the immune system, improves the activity of the vegetative-vascular system, stimulates the work of the heart, purifies the blood, improves blood conduction in myocardial tissues

White honey: photos, varieties, useful properties and contraindications, from which it is obtained

White honey: photos, varieties, useful properties and contraindications, from which it is obtained

Honey is known to all. Its beneficial medicinal properties have been used by man since ancient times. There are many types of honey. Among others is the so-called white honey, the usefulness of which is priceless

Kalina: useful properties and contraindications

Kalina: useful properties and contraindications

Kalina is famous for a wide range of useful properties. Moreover, not only its red berries, but the entire bush have a healing effect. And this is the bark, and the fruits, and the seeds, and the flowers, and the leaves. The medicinal components that fill this plant are used both in the preparation of medicines and in traditional medicine

Agaricus (larch sponge): application, reviews, healing properties

Agaricus (larch sponge): application, reviews, healing properties

Agaricus is a parasitic fungus that grows on tree trunks and branches. It has the shape of an inverted plate or horseshoe ingrown into a tree trunk. The second name of the fungus is larch sponge. She harms trees by draining their nutrients and storing them in her body

The main use of anthracene oil

The main use of anthracene oil

What is anthracene oil? Its description and features of application. Temperature characteristics of anthracene oil. Oil Handling Precautions and Protective Measures. Methods for obtaining oil for various applications

Thyme cough for a child: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to brew and drink

Thyme cough for a child: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to brew and drink

How thyme helps a child cough. Medicinal properties and possible contraindications. How to brew and drink properly. Popular cooking recipes and practical recommendations. Pharmaceutical preparations based on plants

Flax oil is a unique source of he alth

Flax oil is a unique source of he alth

Flax oil has gained well-deserved popularity among those who care about he alth. Those who are not familiar with this product will have to discover its wonderful properties

How to use ginger for colds: recipes

How to use ginger for colds: recipes

In the cold season, he alth care comes to the fore for all of us. To strengthen the immune system, you can use various drugs - both traditional and traditional medicine. And among others, ginger for colds shows pretty good results

What do you know about the benefits of flax seeds?

What do you know about the benefits of flax seeds?

How long have you been cooking with flax seeds? The benefits of this ingredient have long been known, this article will talk about the positive qualities of the product

Cetraria Icelandic (Icelandic moss): description, pharmacological properties, chemical composition and application

Cetraria Icelandic (Icelandic moss): description, pharmacological properties, chemical composition and application

Icelandic cetraria is a unique plant that is a symbiosis of blue-green algae and marsupials. The combination of such organisms gives rise to a perennial leaf-shaped lichen, which has a whole host of healing properties

Treatment of folk remedies for erosive gastritis: reviews

Treatment of folk remedies for erosive gastritis: reviews

Erosive gastritis differs from the usual one in that many erosions appear on the mucosa. The main cause of this disease is anxiety and stress. Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies in most cases gives positive results

Viburnum flowers: useful properties and contraindications

Viburnum flowers: useful properties and contraindications

Kalina red - a plant known and revered in Russia at all times. Many works of folk epic are associated with him. There are songs and poems about viburnum. She is mentioned in stories and films. Suffice it to recall the film based on the story of the same name by V. Shukshin "Kalina Krasnaya". But not only with its appearance viburnum has always attracted people. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times

Quick treatment of colds with folk remedies

Quick treatment of colds with folk remedies

Cold is an unpleasant disease that always catches up at the most inopportune moments. Of course, it is best to carry out the prevention of any ailments, but if you suddenly failed to protect yourself from SARS, then you can quickly recover without any pills and drops. The best thing is the treatment of colds with folk remedies. By their properties, they are not inferior to expensive foreign medicines, and some types of herbs are much better than pharmaceutical preparations

Means to improve immunity for children and adults

Means to improve immunity for children and adults

Decrease in immune activity is an extremely common problem, especially in the modern world, where the human body has to withstand the negative influence of the external and internal environment

An old tried-and-true way to fight disease: soar your feet. Helps?

An old tried-and-true way to fight disease: soar your feet. Helps?

Modern medicine has stepped forward enough, so diseases of any complexity are easily treated with medication. But still, most people do not forget the old proven methods: breathe over potatoes, apply plantain, soar legs and so on. These methods of treatment were used by our great-grandmothers and still, oddly enough, in most cases they help us and our children. Do they have contraindications? For example, is it worth soaring your legs at a temperature?

Yarrow decoction: use in gynecology and contraindications

Yarrow decoction: use in gynecology and contraindications

Yarrow decoction has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body. Because of this, it is often used to eliminate gynecological diseases. In addition, it favorably affects the circulatory and vascular systems