Cleansing the body with baking soda: indications, contraindications, recipes and reviews

Cleansing the body with baking soda: indications, contraindications, recipes and reviews
Cleansing the body with baking soda: indications, contraindications, recipes and reviews

One of the options for healing and ridding your body of harmful, toxic substances accumulated due to nutrition and environmental influences is the use of baking soda. There are several options, formats for using this product. If you turn to the experience of those who used it, you can find out that most people like the idea of \u200b\u200bcleansing the body with baking soda according to Neumyvakin. The author of the methodology has issued certain recommendations that are quite easy to follow. Let's take a closer look.

What is it about?

The official name of soda is sodium bicarbonate. This product is known to any of our compatriots. It is used to clean items in the kitchen and bathroom, is used in cooking and for first aid to the victim. Pies baked with soda will be loose and tasty, and a soda-treated burn will go away much faster. The same product is used to slightly reduce the acidity of the gastric environment. manyattract ways to remove toxins and parasites from the body through such an affordable tool.

It would seem, how could you guess to come up with recipes for cleansing the body with baking soda? How did anyone even think of using this product for such purposes? The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of products - antidotes, sorbents. But according to healers, the effectiveness of soda is no less, and in many ways even brighter than that of medicines, while its cost is much lower.

About the benefits

Before you figure out how to drink soda, you need to understand why to do it, what is the use of such a cleansing. The fact is that the sodium compound quickly removes excess fluid from the body and allows you to get rid of a variety of parasites. Soda saturates the circulatory system with oxygen molecules and cleanses the vascular walls, neutralizes the increased acidity of certain media, thereby preventing the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms. If a person has received a dose of radiation, soda improves his condition.

Knowing how to use soda, you can cleanse the intestinal tract, rid the respiratory system of sputum. It stabilizes the balance of acidity in the body and prevents the development of pathological microflora. Many healers claim that this product is in no way inferior to proven sorbents. However, official medicine perceives the methods of cleansing with soda very skeptically.

Can I?

You should not put into practice recipes and recommendations on how to drink soda, if there are contraindications to such unauthorizedtreatment. Cleansing with this product is a fairly aggressive technique, so you need to prepare in advance for possible side effects. The sodium s alt has a high level of acidity. Once on the mucous membranes, it provokes local irritation. If you take soda orally, then the product will interact with the surfaces of the oral cavity, gastric. If you do not follow the rules of use, neglect contraindications, the cleaning course will certainly become a source of harm to he alth.

Cleansing is prohibited for hypertensive patients, pregnant women, lactating women, ulcers and persons who are not active enough, the kidneys are working effectively. Contraindications are hepatic, gastric, intestinal, cardiac, vascular diseases. Do not use the remedy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in violation of the level of acidity. It is strictly forbidden to be treated with soda if there is a cancer that has progressed to the third stage and beyond. You can not drink soda for cleaning on the background of overeating and other eating disorders, as well as with a lack of calcium. Individual intolerance to the product is possible.

cleansing the body food reviews
cleansing the body food reviews

About technical issues

Healers and traditional medicine experts can tell you how to use soda to cleanse the body. The simplest option was proposed by the above-mentioned Neumyvakin. A week before the start of the course, they begin to prepare for it. They switch to a vegetarian diet, exclude dairy products, focus on cereals, vegetables,fruits. At the cleansing stage, a glass of warm water or warmed fresh milk and soda are combined, the ingredients are mixed. On the first day, you need to take a quarter of a small spoon, the next day twice as much, on the third - a whole spoon. The drink is drunk on an empty stomach a quarter of an hour before a meal. The optimal frequency is three times daily. The duration of the course is three days. Cleaning can be rescheduled after six months.

After completing the main stage of cleansing, for another three days, use a glass of fresh lemon or apple juice three times a day. Neumyvakin advised taking as much vegetable oil as possible during rehabilitation. During the week, every day they drink a glass of decoction of rose hips. It is strictly forbidden to eat smoked meats, pickled and fatty foods, spicy foods. For greater effect, do enemas with soda.

How else can you?

You can practice cleansing the body with baking soda at home according to a different scheme. A third of a small spoonful of the product is quenched with vinegar, combined with a glass of heated liquid and drunk in one gulp. The next meal should be half an hour after using homemade medicine. The procedure is repeated three times daily. The duration of treatment is from a week to two.

how to drink soda
how to drink soda

About enemas

To cleanse the intestinal tract at the same time, do enemas with soda. They remove decay products, substances released during decay, food debris, mucus, as well as dangerous bacteria and accumulated feces. Enemas eliminate flatulence, stabilize the local s alt balance, help to lose weight. Forpreparing a solution, a quarter liter of water is combined with a small spoonful of soda, heated to 45 degrees. An alternative is to mix a large spoonful of baking soda with a liter of warm water.

You can use a pear for enemas, you can use Esmarch's mug. It is recommended to do the procedure in the morning, on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is a week. Healers, telling how to make cleansing the body with soda more effective, advise to exclude harmful food from the diet during the therapeutic program. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, carbonated water, fast food. It is advisable to make portion sizes smaller, reduce the number of calories absorbed per day.

Brushing options: what else to try?

If, based on indications and contraindications, cleaning the body with baking soda has been evaluated as a reasonable way to improve your body, you can try to resort to the following recipe. To prepare a single serving, combine a glass of warm liquid and half a small spoon. The remedy is drunk 30 minutes before a meal. On the first day, a glass is drunk before lunch, the second day involves the use of two glasses. The first is taken before lunch, the second - before dinner. Every day, the volumes are increased by one glass, until a person drinks a total of 1.4 liters per day. Then, with similar steps, the volumes are reduced.

You can try this option: combine a liter of water and a teaspoon of soda, use the resulting liquid inside during the day in doses of 0, 1-0, 2 liters. Such volumes are drunk daily; The duration of the cleansing program varies fromthree to five days.

body cleansing soda apply
body cleansing soda apply

Simple and accessible

You can shift a pinch of soda with a glass of boiled natural milk, put a large spoonful of honey into the liquid. The remedy is drunk an hour before a meal once daily for seven days.

You can practice cleansing the body with baking soda for a weekly course. To do this, every day they take homemade medicine three times. To prepare it, combine 0.1 l of warm liquid and a pinch of the product. The ingredients are stirred and consumed inside a quarter of an hour before the meal.

About the benefits

It is not for nothing that such a wide range of indications was given above: cleansing the body with soda gives excellent results if practiced correctly. However, along with supporters of the idea of using soda inside, there are also opponents of this form of cleansing the body. Neumyvakin, for example, presents soda as the best and only reliable and safe means to cleanse the body. It is believed that the use of soda is a great way to rid the body of toxins as quickly as possible. With some application schemes, only three days are enough to achieve a pronounced effect.

Soda is a product available to everyone. It can be applied at home. It is effective, especially when carefully applied according to a pattern, schedule. Drinking soda improves digestion. The product is cheap, you can buy it in any store. The tool slightly increases the pressure, so it is useful for hypotensive patients, prevents cancer, acidosis and gastritis. The use of soda has a positive effect on the currentblood, relieves pain due to physical activity. Skin condition is getting better.

cleansing the body with baking soda
cleansing the body with baking soda

What are people talking about?

Dedicated to cleansing the body with baking soda, reviews are mixed. Some completely agree with the list of positive effects and assure that they noticed it all by themselves. The same is said by experts in traditional medicine, presenting soda as a reliable, safe, effective remedy. There were, however, those who were dissatisfied with the result. Some in their responses report side effects or ineffectiveness of baking soda against diseases that led to consent to cleansing.

On the shortcomings of the method

Cleaning the body with baking soda has some weaknesses that even adherents of this program cannot deny. Possible side effects. There may be complications. The body loses calcium, and this is harmful to the musculoskeletal system. The product strongly irritates the mucous membranes, increases the concentration of alkali in the body at times. In addition, there is no official scientific information that would prove the effectiveness of the described schemes. Medicine rejects the possibility of using soda for treatment.

cleansing the body with neumyvakin soda
cleansing the body with neumyvakin soda

On the nuances and consequences

So that cleaning the body with baking soda does not become a source of unexpected unpleasant experiences, you need to familiarize yourself with the risks and rules in advance. Soda must be used correctly, taking into account the recommendations. Before starting cleansing, it is better to consult a doctor who will evaluatehow much such an event is in principle necessary. The doctor may strictly prohibit any cleaning. Of course, the doctor will not approve of cleansing with soda in any case, but he can say that an event using a medicinal product would be useful. At will, a person can replace it with soda. True, the responsibility for the consequences will lie entirely with him.

Slaked soda

According to some, the safest and most effective cleansing of the body with baking soda is the one for which the slaked product is used. It does not irritate the stomach walls so much. To prepare a medicine, first combine vinegar with soda. Immediately after contact, the reaction begins. As soon as it is completed, soda is mixed with water and then used according to one of the previously described schemes. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice, kefir.

cleansing the body with baking soda recipes
cleansing the body with baking soda recipes

Diet nuances

Cleansing the body with soda leads to the removal of a variety of dangerous, harmful compounds. True, it was not without drawbacks, because soda does not choose what is harmful and what a person needs. Accordingly, during the treatment course, the body loses beneficial compounds. To minimize undesirable consequences, it is necessary to revise the diet in such a way that it contains all the ingredients necessary for human he alth. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the most important. You should eat more greens. It is reasonable to exclude any flour products from the diet. Remove sugar and refuse s alt. You can not eat pickled, smoked meats, fatty foods. If notthe possibility of completely abandoning such nutrition, its volumes are reduced as much as possible. The more vegetable oil in the diet, the less likely the negative reactions from the stomach.

cleaning with baking soda at home
cleaning with baking soda at home

Medicines and soda

This product can change the pharmacological properties of medicines if a person uses them. It is known that "Aspirin" completely loses its effectiveness if taken simultaneously with soda solutions. The absorption of tetracycline is greatly slowed down, so the drugs containing it become ineffective. Cyanocobalamin reacts with soda as soon as the substances come into contact.
