Chernobyl grass is also known as wormwood. This is a medicinal plant, which compares favorably in that it does not have the characteristic smell and bitterness inherent in bitter wormwood. At the same time, it is used no less actively in folk medicine. In particular, it is believed that this plant helps with tuberculosis, gynecological diseases, ailments associated with the stomach. In this article we will talk about its medicinal properties, as well as existing contraindications.
About the plant

Chernobyl grass grows literally everywhere. It can be found in meadows, in deciduous forests, on river banks, forest edges, in weedy places, and sometimes even in crops. Therefore, no deficiency in this drug has ever been observed. Among the people, the herb Chernobyl (wormwood) is knownalso under the names bylnik, forgetfulness, forgetfulness. Harvest both the root and the leaves of the plant. As a rule, they are dried and crushed.
Aroma oil of Chernobyl herb is used as a fragrance for perfumes and cosmetics. Interestingly, in the Middle Ages, this plant was credited with the ability to even ward off various dangers and evils from a person, while calling it the grass of oblivion.
Currently, ornamental cultivars of Chernobyl grass have been bred and grown as garden plants. Green paint is actively obtained from its ground part, and brooms are knitted from the parts cut before the formation of seeds. This herb has insecticidal properties, repelling mosquitoes, mosquitoes and fleas.

It is actively eaten by livestock, it is considered a good and highly nutritious silage plant.
Botanical description
From the photo of Chernobyl grass, you can remember this plant, and then easily find it in forests and meadows. This is a perennial plant that is fundamentally different from bitter wormwood with a dark red stem. It grows up to one and a half meters in height. The leaves have pinnately dissected edges bent down.
Chernobyl does not have a wormwood, but a specific balsamic smell, it tastes a little bitter.
Leaves of common wormwood are distinguished by the fact that they remain white-felt on the underside, and naked and green on the top. The lower leaves are petiolate in terms of placement on the stem, while the middle and upper leaves are sessile, they have narrower lobes.
Chernobylsmall flowers that are collected in baskets of reddish or yellowish color. Like bitter wormwood, the flowers form paniculate inflorescences, only they are thicker and longer. Now you know what Chernobyl grass looks like.
It is noteworthy that the ground part of this plant is often used as a seasoning for all kinds of dishes, usually fatty - meat of duck, goose, pig, lard.

Remembering Chernobyl grass from the photo, you can easily prepare for yourself as much of this plant as you need. At the same time, leaves and roots should be collected.
Chernobyl root is used almost all, with the exception of lignified lateral fleshy parts. It is broken off, then washed thoroughly, waiting for it to dry naturally. To do this, it is enough to leave the plant in a room with good ventilation.
Common wormwood leaves should be collected from July until the very end of summer when they bloom. The roots are harvested in September.
It is worth noting that the leaves of the Chernobyl herb have much stronger healing properties than the roots.
Useful properties
In folk medicine, the root of the plant is often used as a sedative. The leaves have a regulating and analgesic property, eliminating discomfort during menstruation, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
Traditional healers know various ways to use Chernobyl herb:
- extract from the root with dropsy;
- decoction of root lobes for convulsions of various origins;
- herbal decoction for scanty menstruation;
- root decoction for leucorrhoea with pain, other gynecological problems;
- as a general tonic.

Knowing thoroughly about the medicinal properties and contraindications of Chernobyl grass, you can actively use it for various diseases. It should be noted that the use of this tool is allowed only after consultation with your doctor. It is important to understand that a medicinal plant cannot replace conventional therapy, but can only be used in complex treatment. In addition, it has been established that this remedy can effectively help only in the early stages of the disease.
For example, it is often advised to use the healing properties of Chernobyl herb for cystitis. To do this, brew two teaspoons of crushed leaves in boiling water. After two hours, filter and squeeze. The resulting infusion should be drunk three times a day 30 minutes before meals, half a glass.
When patients have a delay in menstruation, it is recommended to boil 500 ml of water with one tablespoon of the herb. After two hours, filter and take half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
When you want to use this product for external use, one glass of fresh common wormwood is brewed in 2.5 liters of boiling water. After half an hour, the contents should be filtered, and then the raw material should be squeezed out.
These decoctionsoften used in epilepsy, neurasthenia, and all kinds of other nervous disorders. It is believed that the remedy has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.
It is known that our ancestors used this wormwood to get rid of worms and parasites in the body. For this, a decoction was prepared according to the following recipe: one tablespoon of grass was poured with a glass of boiling water. Half an hour heated in a water bath, and then allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour. After filtering, they drank the squeezed raw materials. It should have been taken in half a glass twice a day.
Also, Chernobyl tincture was used for similar ailments. To do this, a tablespoon of grass was poured into 500 ml of vodka. The remedy had to be infused for three days, while from time to time it should be shaken. Then it was filtered, and the raw material was pressed. This tincture should be drunk three times a day, one tablespoon.
General tonic
In folk medicine, wormwood is often used as a tonic. For example, in this capacity, it helped patients with tuberculosis.
200g dry herb took 10 minutes to boil in white wine. Then two teaspoons of honey were added to the still-boiling broth. The patient was supposed to take this remedy before meals in half a glass. His condition in this case improved markedly.
It is interesting that against convulsions and convulsions, for example, in epilepsy, a decoction is made from the root of Chernobyl, but not on water, but on beer. Boil 30 g of root in 500 ml of beer for 5 minutes.

There are several options for preparing decoctions from this medicinal plant. Three to five dry roots must be crushed, and then boiled thoroughly in 10 cups of boiling water. The decoction is taken twice a day, half a glass, when heavy periods appear.
You can also pour 50 g of dry Chernobyl root with 2 liters of white wine. The healing agent is boiled for 10 minutes in a sealed container, a glass of honey must be added to the already boiling broth. After the composition should be cooled to room temperature and strain. The broth is drunk in the morning one glass or one tablespoon, but then three times a day 30 minutes before meals. This remedy helps with pulmonary tuberculosis.
When a pregnant woman has a threat of miscarriage, one tablespoon of crushed wormwood roots is brought to a boil in 500 ml of red wine. After boiling for a quarter of an hour, leave to infuse. This will take about two more hours. This remedy is taken one tablespoon three times in laziness before each meal.
Chernobyl infusion helps with amenorrhea and scanty menstruation. To prepare it, one tablespoon of carefully chopped roots is poured over two glasses of boiling water.
The product should be infused in a sealed container for four hours. After that, the infusion is filtered. For example, this can be done through cheesecloth.
The drink is taken twice a day, half a glass before meals.

Even if doctors approvepatients of this remedy, they warn that any decoctions and infusions prepared on its basis should not be taken for a long time. There is a possibility of an overdose, so it is necessary to take breaks constantly so that too much wormwood does not accumulate in the body.
Carefully use products prepared on the basis of this plant should be underage patients and pregnant women. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, and in some cases exclude the use of this remedy by these categories of patients. It might harm them.
When taking infusions and decoctions prepared from Chernobyl, there is a possibility of side effects. In this case, we can talk about nausea, vomiting, pain in the liver. In such cases, treatment with this remedy should be stopped immediately, and then seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible to advise on how to bring the body back to normal.
Popularity in Kazakhstan

It is worth noting that this drug is very popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also in many former republics of the Soviet Union. Its use is especially known in Kazakhstan.
In this country, wormwood is so valued that even coats of arms adorn its images. For example, Chernobyl grass is valued in Shymkent. This city, located in the south of Kazakhstan, is quite large, with a population of over one million people. He is considered oneof the largest cities in the country, has a republican significance. A huge commercial, industrial and cultural center, which forms the second most populated agglomeration in all of Kazakhstan.
Chernobyl is present on his coat of arms. It grows here especially a lot in the above-floodplain forests, on the plains and in logs. This has moisture-intensive and fertile soils. It even has a Kazakh name - darmina, and its appearance on the coat of arms indicates how much the plant is valued in the area.
Methods of storage
Please note that the collected and dried plants of wormwood will retain their healing properties for three years. To do this, they should be left in well-ventilated and closed areas.
You must always remember that in addition to useful properties, wormwood has poisonous ones. Therefore, be sure to take precautions when collecting such medicinal fees. When using internally, strictly follow the recommendations and instructions, consult your doctor first so as not to harm your he alth.
If you do everything right, you can significantly strengthen your body. Decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of Chernobyl will be a good help in complex therapy.