Such a disease as thrush is familiar to almost every woman. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning and itching of the genital organs, discharge, and sometimes even soreness. For treatment, both medicinal and folk remedies are used. At home, many people use laundry soap for thrush. But is it possible to treat this disease with this product? How does laundry soap work with thrush? About this in our article.
Development factors
This disease develops due to the rapid growth of pathogenic fungi that live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The development of thrush is due to the fact that with a strong immune system, these microorganisms create a beneficial microflora, but if immunity is weakened, their number increases, which causes severe irritation.

The cause of the development of candidiasis can also be a disturbed hormonal background, especially during pregnancy. In addition, an increase in blood sugar can provoke an ailment, which is caused by a woman’s malnutrition. Often, thrush occurs due to wearing too tight or synthetic underwear. If a woman does not regularly observe the hygiene of the genitals, then this can also provoke the development of thrush. Candida can be caused by excessive use of scented gels and foams, as well as scented pads or tampons.
Characteristics of laundry soap
Laundry soap is the only detergent made from natural ingredients. That is why, if used correctly in the treatment of thrush, the product is absolutely safe and cannot provoke the development of an allergic reaction.
Production technology is to mix fatty acids and sodium s alt during the cooking process. On the surface of the soap, numbers are indicated that display the percentage of fatty acids in it: 72%, 70%, 65%. The higher this indicator, the greater the concentration of soap solution you will get. Accordingly, a more concentrated product more effectively copes with pathogenic microflora and pollution.

The therapeutic effect of laundry soap is due to the fact that it has a strongly pronounced alkalinereaction, since the pH is around 12.
Impact of laundry soap
So, why do many people use laundry soap for thrush? How does it work? This soap contains sodium s alts, fatty acids, and this product also has a high pH level. Because of all this, the environment inside the vagina becomes alkaline, which kills aggressive microorganisms. That is why laundry soap is effective for thrush. However, this does not threaten beneficial microorganisms in any way, so they can still protect the female body from various infections caused by viruses and bacteria.
Candida fungus can only live in an acidic environment, and when changes are observed in it, this provokes the death of microorganisms. If you regularly use laundry soap for the treatment of thrush, adhere to proper nutrition, and use medical products, you will be able to overcome the disease. Experts also recommend using laundry soap for prevention purposes.

Rules of application
Reviews of laundry soap for thrush suggest that this remedy is very effective in combating the disease. However, in order to successfully overcome the disease, it is necessary to use the product correctly. It is possible to get rid of thrush in women with laundry soap only if the patient uses medications and adheres to a he althy diet in the complex. Diseases can be cured ifstick to simple rules. Laundry soap can be washed with thrush, but this does not mean that you should postpone going to the clinic. If a specialist has prescribed you medicines, then they must be taken without fail.
Can I wash myself with laundry soap with thrush? The answer is positive. To do this, you need to prepare a soapy solution, which will require a small bar of soap. After that, the genitals are washed with the resulting solution until the discharge disappears, which in their consistency resemble cottage cheese. The foam must be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina so that it kills the aggressors. However, please note that if you use laundry soap against thrush, then the solution is applied only an hour and a half after its preparation. At the end of the procedure, you can apply the suppositories prescribed by the doctor. Washing with laundry soap for thrush should be done once a day. For the duration of therapy, it is recommended to abandon washing powders, and washing underwear is carried out only with laundry soap.

How to cure thrush with laundry soap yet? To do this, you can use soap baths. For this event, you will need a small bowl or basin in which you can sit. Warm water is poured there, after which laundry soap grated on a fine grater is added. After that, you can safely sit down in a basin. Get up whenthe liquid will cool down.
However, this procedure should not be carried out often, because soap makes the skin too dry. The same applies to the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Baths should not be organized regularly, no more than three times a month. Otherwise, irritation will appear, which is no less unpleasant than thrush. Before the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor.
At home, douching with laundry soap can also be used to treat thrush. To do this, the soap must be diluted in boiled water, while pre-grinding it with a knife or grater. When the soap is completely dissolved in water, you will need a syringe, which has a wide tube. After that, you should lie down in the bath, insert the syringe into the vagina, before that fill it with soapy liquid. All contents are squeezed out. When you finish the manipulation, you need to lie down in the bath for another quarter of an hour, and then rinse the vagina with clean water, using a syringe for this too. As a rule, seven such procedures are enough to get rid of painful symptoms.

Using pure laundry soap
Please note that using laundry soap in its pure form is absolutely unacceptable. Therapy must necessarily be carried out with the help of soapy liquid for douching and baths. If you wash yourself with a whole piece of laundry soap, then this canprovoke irritation on the internal organs in the form of swelling or rash.
Tar soap instead of laundry soap
Many women use tar instead of laundry soap to treat thrush. It is characterized by exactly the same property as the economic one, that is, it changes the mucosal environment, which becomes destructive for pathogenic fungi. Due to the content of tar in the composition, the product can destroy all harmful microorganisms. It is applied in the same way as laundry soap.
It is best to use tar soap for the treatment of a mild form of the disease. After a few days, the pain should go away. It is also used for prevention purposes, but not more than three times a week. The only disadvantage of tar soap is the strong smell, which often scares away pregnant women. It is best for such patients to use laundry soap.

Harm of laundry soap
As you already understood, women who are in position can also treat thrush with laundry soap. It is absolutely safe for the he alth of the expectant mother. In addition, laundry soap is not capable of harming a baby in the womb, which cannot be said about various medical products. Such a remedy can also be beneficial if a woman has diseases of the genitourinary system, since the product has no harmful effect on the patient's body.
The only danger from using laundry soap is that afteras the symptoms of thrush disappeared, a woman can be convinced that she has completely cured candidiasis. However, in fact, the disease acquired a latent form after therapeutic procedures.
If you do not consult a specialist and use only laundry soap for treatment, then start thrush. After that, the disease will be asymptomatic, but will become chronic. If you do not completely cure candidiasis, then this may cause the development of erosion on the cervix, which can transform into a tumor.

Prevention of thrush
As noted earlier, a woman can wash herself with a soapy solution with the addition of laundry soap as a preventive measure so that thrush never occurs. However, in parallel with this, it is necessary to adhere to other rules. First of all, it is necessary to carry out carefully and regularly the hygiene of your intimate areas. Experts recommend wearing underwear only from natural fabrics. Also, it shouldn't be too tight. You should also adhere to a balanced diet, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals should prevail in the diet. Keep your immune system up and running at all times.
As noted earlier, flavored gels, tampons and pads can provoke thrush. To avoid the development of the disease, it is best to use intimate hygiene products without the addition of fragrances.
Prevention of thrush is an important part of the right approach to your he alth,therefore, it is necessary to watch what you eat, how you dress, and observe personal hygiene.
Thrush is a very common disease among the fairer sex. However, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use traditional medicine recipes, for example, laundry soap. But remember that this product only eliminates discomfort, but the disease can be cured only with the help of medicines that the doctor prescribes.