Essential oils of natural origin are in great demand today. It is explained by the low price, a wide range of applications and ease of use. One such remedy is turpentine oil.
Medication description
Essential oils are of natural origin. They are obtained from various plants. For example, turpentine or turpentine oil is obtained from pine by distillation. It is characterized by pungency and pungent aroma. This product has no color. It can be purchased at almost every pharmacy chain. It is sold in 100 ml bottles.

Indications for prescription
Turpentine oil has an antiseptic effect, can stop bleeding, accelerate the healing process of wounds. It is used to relieve neuralgic and traumatic pain. After application, its active ingredients instantly penetrate the epidermis, at the same time they irritate the receptors.
This remedy can be taken orally. In this case, a small amount is required and preliminaryconsultation with a doctor. This is one of the effective ways to improve intestinal motility.
The oil is also used in the form of inhalations. By stimulating the work of the bronchi, it provokes an expectorant effect.
Turpentine oil is indicated for the following he alth problems:
- respiratory diseases, including chronic ones;
- rheumatism;
- neuralgia;
- sciatica;
- myalgia.

Instructions for use
Turpentine oil in official medicine is used, as a rule, externally, that is, locally, in the form of rubbing. A small amount of the product is applied to the affected area and rubbed with light movements.
In case of diseases of the pulmonary system, oil is prescribed for inhalation. The required amount of the drug and the frequency of procedures in each specific situation is determined by the attending physician.
Use in traditional medicine
There are many traditional medicine recipes based on the use of turpentine oil. They are not included in the official instructions. The most popular techniques are listed below:
- In case of burns, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of turpentine, sea buckthorn oil and lard. The proportion is better to take 1:1:1. The prepared product must be soaked in a gauze bandage and applied to the affected area for three days.
- In case of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, you can prepare a healing solution. To do this, mix 50 g of turpentine oil and 0.5 liters of vodka. The solution is infused for one week, after which it can be used orally in a tablespoon three times a day.
- With symptoms of sore throat, it is useful to dissolve the oil after eating. It only takes a third of a teaspoon.
- In case of sinusitis or sinusitis, turpentine and vegetable oils should be mixed in equal parts. For treatment, it is necessary to instill 2-3 drops of the drug in the nose before a night's rest.
- In case of arrhythmias or manifestations of tachycardia, traditional healers recommend rubbing a small amount of oil into the skin in the region of the heart muscle. The duration of such therapy is one month.
- In the case of periodontitis, you can prepare a mixture based on turpentine oil. It is mixed with fine s alt in a ratio of 1:3, castor or olive oil is added until a creamy consistency is obtained. The medicine is rubbed into the affected gums several times a day.
- For herpes, a tampon soaked in oil should be applied to the site of inflammation.
- For mastopathy, warm compresses are used, also prepared on the basis of this remedy.
No less useful baths with the addition of turpentine oil. No more than three tablespoons of funds are required. They are recommended to be taken to strengthen the whole body, normalize the sleep process, improve the appearance of skin and hair. Also, these baths are very useful for metabolism. Treatment procedures are carried out for seven days, after which they take a break for 3 months.

The listed uses of oil have been known for a long time. According to reviews, such recipes really give a positive therapeutic effect. However, in case of serious illnesses, they cannot be a complete alternative to traditional medicine.
Contraindications and side effects
The instruction attached to turpentine oil warns that this remedy can provoke the development of allergic reactions. This is a direct contraindication to the further use of the remedy. Also, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy due to the high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The safety of the drug during breastfeeding has not been proven by studies. Therefore, at the time of lactation, it is better to refuse treatment with its use.
Special care should be taken in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency. It is better to refuse the use of oil at elevated body temperature, sleep problems.
When the correct dosage is observed, this remedy rarely provokes side effects. However, before using it for therapeutic purposes, you should consult a doctor.

Consumer Reviews
Today, on the shelves of pharmacy chains, you can find a wide variety of essential oils that have natural ingredients in their composition. One of the high-quality and popular drugs is turpentine oil. Consumer reviews testify to its high efficiency, a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. Most often it is bought as an antiseptic.and disinfectant at the same time. It is able to quickly stop bleeding and accelerate wound healing.

Also, positive reviews about the drug are found from people suffering from problems with the joints and the motor apparatus. As part of complex therapy, in most cases it shows positive results. However, patients warn about the need to consult a doctor about the dosage and correct use of the oil.