Today, tinctures, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks prepared at home are very popular. They are not only tasty, but also he althy. If we consider the classic recipes, then almost all such drinks are infused in natural wood barrels. Therefore, it is logical to assume that you can buy oak bark at a pharmacy and make moonshine using this component.

It is best to buy large chips. Then the finished drink will have a richer taste. It costs oak bark in a pharmacy inexpensively and it will take quite a bit. Additionally, you need to buy a few more ingredients, including herbs. More on this.
What you need
It should be noted right away that oak bark tincture (it is also sold in a pharmacy) is not suitable. We need chips, namely 3 tablespoons. You also need to cook or buy 3 liters of ready-made moonshine. Its strength must be at least 45%.
To make the aroma of real moonshine pleasant, a spoonful of natural honey and five dried cloves are also added to it. To give the drink more flavor, you can add one spoonful of oregano or St. John's wort. Some also use a very small amount (on the tip of a knife) of vanillin.
Features of the infusion
As you know, ordinary moonshine has a rather specific aroma and taste. Therefore, many prefer to insist it on additional ingredients. Oak bark in this case is the optimal material. This is a very quick way to improve the characteristics of a drink. It does not have to spend a lot of time and money.

The infusion is very soft and has a pleasant cognac aroma. At the same time, absolutely anyone can use moonshine. For example, fruit or sugar will do. Depending on how long the tincture is aged, it may acquire other pleasant flavors.
Moonshine on oak bark from a pharmacy: a recipe for a classic drink
To get a good result, you need to follow the correct sequence. First, oak bark, herbs, honey, and additional seasonings, if used, are poured into a large bottle. All components must be thoroughly mixed. After that, moonshine is slowly poured into the container. The bottle is closed with a cap (very tightly) and shaken.
After that, the infusion should be put in a dark place for 16 days. The temperature in the room should be between 18-22 degrees Celsius. Shake the bottle every three days.
After the specified period, the infusion is filteredrepeatedly. It is possible and more. The main thing is that the liquid becomes completely transparent. After that, you can bottle the infusion and stand for another 12 days. It is best to store the drink in the refrigerator or cellar.
You can insist on moonshine on oak bark from a pharmacy in a different way. The recipe described above is considered more modern. But if you wish, you can use the old method of making moonshine.
Old cooking recipe
In this case, oak bark is also bought in a pharmacy, but you can also prepare chips yourself. Their thickness should be about 2 mm. It is best to find a tree away from the road. Additionally, you will need ready-made moonshine or high-quality vodka. There is also sugar in this recipe. It should be no more than one small spoon for every liter of alcoholic beverage.

To prepare a delicious infusion, you need to pour oak bark into a three-liter jar in such a way as to fill it completely. Chips do not need to be pressed or crushed. After that, it is enough to pour alcohol. Depending on how much vodka or moonshine was used, sugar is also added.
At the next stage, the tincture is sent to a dark place for 3 months. After this time, the liquid is filtered. After that, the drink can be stored in the refrigerator, in tightly closed bottles.
How to quickly make moonshine on oak chips
If you don't want to wait a few months, you can use this recipe. For this, oak bark is also bought in a pharmacy. Additionallyyou will need a few peppercorns, 2 glucose tablets, cinnamon and a little vanilla sugar (spices can be used to your taste), a few tablespoons of oak bark. To speed up the cooking process, you need three more spoons of strong black tea and real rose hips.

For cooking, pour all the ingredients (except glucose) into a container and pour 1.5 liters of vodka or moonshine. After shaking, the container with the liquid is sent to a dark place for 10 days. On the third day, be sure to add 2 glucose tablets to the liquid. It will speed up the process of preparing a delicious drink. After 10 days, the tincture is filtered and you can try it. If the taste is not fully revealed, then you can insist moonshine longer. But usually this time is enough. This is the easiest and fastest way to prepare an alcoholic drink that will delight guests at any celebration.