Traditional medicine knows a lot about the world around us that is not known to traditional doctors. It is unlikely that a therapist in a clinic will tell you how to be treated with badger fat. But traditional healers know how to use it with maximum effect. Today we will consider in which diseases it can be justified, and how effective it can be considered.

The Amazing Badger
Let's say a few words about the animal itself. It settles exclusively in dry territories, in ecologically clean areas, near rivers or lakes. This animal is omnivorous, but it will not eat anything. Usually in the diet of amphibians, eggs and insects. That is a protein diet. He ignores carrion or spoiled food.
By the end of summer, the animal begins to eat especially actively. It is at this time that he accumulates fat reserves. They help the animal to support the body during hibernation. It is during this period that his fat can be considered maximum.useful, saturated with biologically active substances. Of course, the method of obtaining it can hardly be called humane, but today we are not talking about that.
Badgers are legendary. It is believed that this beast has a fantastic vitality and can feel good even in the harshest conditions. Hunters say that fine shot does not cause suppuration and is gradually pushed out of the body. This is a controversial fact, but badger fat really heals wounds very quickly. And he can also eat poisonous mushrooms, does not die from snake bites, and recovers from rabies and tuberculosis. That is why a person began to be interested in how to be treated with badger fat.
Natural product benefits
Internal fat is used in many industries. This is pharmacology, cosmetology. Of course, the properties of a lamb, beef or goose product are very different from each other. How to be treated with badger fat, a person has studied since ancient times. After all, it is he who is recognized as a unique product that can stop the development of a number of diseases.
Badger fat is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are completely absorbed by the human body, give good he alth, beauty and youth. It easily delivers nutrients to all cells and is a natural component for humans.

Since everyone can be treated with badger fat, regardless of age and state of he alth, parents who want to do this are primarily interested in this method.therapy as safe as possible. Modern antibiotics are effective, but have a large number of side effects. Here they are completely absent.
The healing properties of badger fat are associated with the habit of animals to hibernate and exist solely at the expense of reserves. Therefore, their subcutaneous fat has a special composition. These are not only lipids and useful acids, but also a complex of vitamins, which can act as a natural antibiotic, immunomodulator and even antiseptic. As a result, we get a strong remedy that can regulate the work of immunity and metabolic processes. As a result, it helps to overcome many serious diseases.
These are the main healing properties of badger fat, but there is more to add.
- The oleic acids it contains are involved in the metabolism of any warm-blooded creature. This gives them the opportunity to influence the development and spread of malignant tumors and foci of disease.
- The complex of vitamins supports the work of all organs and systems, in particular, the heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys.
- There is a beneficial effect on the course of regeneration of wounds and damage, accelerated restoration of skin and hair.
That is, you can take it both for treatment and for general improvement.
When can I take?
Let's now look at what badger fat helps with. How is it useful for your body? Of course, it cannot be regarded as a panacea. It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it. Trying to treat severe pneumoniawith the help of natural and certainly he althy fat, at least unreasonably. At the same time, it can act as one of the components of the therapeutic regimen. In this case, fat will contribute to a speedy recovery.
This product is most useful for diseases of the respiratory system. But not in vain, pneumonia was cited as an example. You can’t joke with this ailment, since complications can cost the patient his life. Therefore, if the doctor prescribed antibiotics, then be sure to take them. And only in parallel with them lead an alternative therapeutic regimen. Badger fat is widely used to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis and other lung diseases. The suppression of microflora is so active that the obvious benefits for the body cannot be discounted.
The low price makes this product the best tool for getting rid of many problems of varying severity:
- Disruption of the immune system.
- Respiratory diseases, which includes tonsillitis and acute respiratory infections, flu, runny nose.
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
- Open burns and frostbite.
- Joint injuries.
- Hair problems, dermatitis or eczema.
- Infection of wounds by insect or animal bites.
- Insomnia, fatigue or depression.
And most importantly, the treatment with a natural remedy does without such effects. When used correctly, good results can be achieved. This fat is easily absorbed by the body, the main thing is to know the dosage. To do this, you need to take into account the age, weight of the person, as well ascomorbidities.

How to drink badger fat?
To date, a huge number of recipes have been developed, many of which have been tested by centuries of practice. This ensures their effectiveness and safety. Some recipes involve mixing fat with other natural medicines, herbal teas, or berries. But traditional healers claim that the more active substances are collected in one recipe, the worse each of them works. Depending on the specific disease, the therapeutic regimen will vary. Today we will consider the medicinal properties and contraindications of badger fat applicable to several of them.
For prevention
Any ailment is easier to prevent than to cure. Almost every doctor will agree with this. Therefore, before talking about how to treat a cough with badger fat, you need to think about how to prevent its occurrence. With its help, you can achieve incredible effects in the field of strengthening immunity. In their practice, pediatricians note that most seasonal diseases can be avoided if the body is ready to meet bacteria and viruses fully armed.
Not only traditional healers, but also parents note the excellent effect that badger fat can achieve. After a prophylactic intake, the child stops catching colds throughout the cold season.
In this case, the method of intake is similar to the use of fish oil:
- One adult dessert or tablespoon.
- Teaspoon for kids.
The average course is designed for two weeks. It is recommended to take this product twice a day. If it seems too unpleasant for you, then you can add a little honey.

If your joints hurt
In this case, it is important to visit a surgeon or orthopedist first. After the diagnosis, you can ask him about how to properly treat badger fat. In some cases, the patient will receive classical recommendations, and in addition to them, an alternative treatment regimen.
For skin diseases and joint damage, you can use this natural remedy in the form of an ointment or through compresses. It is best to steam the skin first, then the effect will be even stronger. You can repeat the application 2-3 times a day. Fat has a beneficial effect on arthritis and osteochondrosis, sciatica. A good effect can be achieved with sluggish skin problems.

For lung diseases
Most often it is for this that they resort to the help of badger fat. How to be treated for coughing for children and adults, we will now consider. The complexity of this issue lies in the fact that cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. Therefore, no one canceled a consultation with a doctor. The rest of the fat is very good, because at the same time it shows all its healing properties:
- Kills pathogens.
- Protects the throat from further penetration.
- Reduces inflammationand heals microcracks in the throat.
- Activates the body's defenses.
Best recipe for kids
It is they who most often suffer from colds in the autumn-winter period. But it can be quite difficult to give a child a drink with a substance with a strange smell. Therefore, you can use the experience of folk healers. They know well how to be treated with badger fat for colds. For this you need:
- A glass of warmed cow's or goat's milk.
- A tablespoon of honey.
- Badger fat - 40g
Boiled milk should be cooled to a warm state and add the rest of the ingredients. To kill the natural smell, put a pinch of vanilla. Every day the child is given 15 - 25 g of the drink. Treatment continues for a week, after which the pediatrician must evaluate its effectiveness. Do not forget that fat is contraindicated for children under 3 years old, because the digestive system is not yet ready for this kind of stress.

Bronchitis treatment
You need to know that in the absence of proper attention, it becomes chronic and remains with a person for life. Therefore, not only medication, but also alternative methods of therapy will be a very good help. With the help of natural remedies, you can complete a long course without harm to he alth, leaving no chance for the disease.
How to treat badger fat for bronchitis? There are different recipes for this, among which you can choose your own:
- It is believed that the greater effect ofbadger fat is achieved if it is washed down with a decoction of wild rose or St. John's wort. A single dose should not exceed 1 tbsp. l. During the day, drink no more than 3-4 times after meals.
- To relieve the symptoms of bronchitis, use the following recipe. Melt 3 tbsp. l. fat, add a bar of dark chocolate, 6 tsp. cocoa, 100 g butter. Take 3 tsp. 3 - 4 times a day until complete recovery.
- Great help in this case and rubbing. Fat penetrates the skin well and leaves a film on its surface that retains heat. Therefore, before going to bed, it is recommended to perform intensive rubbing using a small amount of fat. Then wrap the patient and cover with a blanket.
Chronicle. How to prevent an exacerbation?
The question arises whether this method will help with chronic bronchitis. How to be treated with badger fat if the symptoms return again and again? In this case, therapy should be preventive. That is, take badger fat as a means to activate the immune system every month, in short courses of 3-5 days. During the cold season, the duration can be extended to 7 - 10 days.
For pneumonia
How to be treated with badger fat in this formidable disease? It is best suited to prevent this complication. For these purposes, a medicine is prepared, consisting of:
- Eggs - 10 pcs
- Cognac - 500 ml.
- Honey - 1 kg.
- Lemons - 10 pieces
- Badger fat - 1 liter.
Lemons need to be washed and crushed into gruel. Whip 'em up witheggs and refrigerate to infuse for 5 days. Then we introduce the rest of the ingredients and put in a cool place. Each day you will need to eat 125 g of this medicine, 30 minutes before breakfast or lunch.

Contraindications and reviews
The vast majority of people who have had badger fat treatment experience an improvement after a course of therapy. Of course, it cannot be said that it will replace drugs. In some cases it can be used with them, in others instead. In any case, the doctor must decide. It is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications. Badger fat is used with caution in diseases of the liver and pancreas, in pancreatitis and cholelithiasis. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as before the child reaches 3 years of age. In addition, if during the course of treatment you feel worse, you should immediately stop this remedy and consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of individual intolerance or a signal that an inappropriate therapy has been chosen and other drugs are needed.