Chaga is a unique creation of nature. This fungus is able to absorb the beneficial substances of birch sap, as well as other components present in the tree on which it develops. The instructions for the use of chaga say that this gift of nature is used for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies, internal and external diseases. For each type of disease, a different type of medicine based on the fungus is used.

Mushroom benefits
Chaga has a lot of useful properties. Tinctures, decoctions, balms are made from the fungus. Moreover, the remedy can be made independently, or you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy.
In the instructions for the use of chaga it is said that the fungus helps with tumors. This is one of the most valuable properties. At the initial stage of cancer growth, chaga remedies help delay the growth of pathological cells. fruitthe body has a unique composition, including oxalic, acetic, formic acids, polysaccharides, resins, fiber and other elements that eliminate pain and improve appetite. Sterols lower blood cholesterol.
Chaga mushroom has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect, folds protein, helps to form a protective film on the mucous membranes of organs. Mushroom extract helps to cope with colitis, inhibits malignancy of the rectum.
The instructions for using chaga mushroom say that it contains phytoncides, flavonoids, alkaloids. All these components have a diuretic, choleretic effect. The mushroom contains iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and other trace elements that have a strengthening, tonic effect.
The use of the mushroom has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, relieves exacerbations in chronic diseases, restores the efficiency of the organs and systems of the digestive tract, and also increases the body's immune defense.
Instructions for the use of chaga balm says that this tool is used for the rapid healing of abrasions, wounds, cracks, scuffs, burns, cuts. The product reduces itching, relieves irritation from insect bites.
The healing properties of the constituent components have a wound-healing effect, and also contribute to the rapid restoration of the protective properties of damaged tissues, initiate tissue regeneration. This action of the fungus is due to the high content of vitamin E, which contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues.

Balm "Urzhumsky"
In the instructions for use of the chaga balm "Urzhumsky" it is said that this remedy is intended for oral administration. It helps to eliminate a variety of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer. For this purpose, the remedy is taken one hundred grams up to six times a day before meals.

Pharmacy tincture
The instructions for the use of chaga tincture say that it is used in the treatment of chronic gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, and ulcers. It is indicated to improve the general condition in malignant neoplasms of various etiologies.
The action of the tincture is due to the humic acids, trace elements and other substances that make up the composition. The tool regulates metabolic processes, reduces sweating, restores bowel function and eliminates dyspepsia, and also has a general tonic effect.
I use pharmacy tincture inside twenty drops three times a day before meals with a little water. Duration of therapy - up to five months.
The instructions for using chaga say that this remedy is not recommended for use simultaneously with antibiotics from the penicillin group, as well as with a glucose solution. Special indications for the use of the fungus include a change in diet. At the time of treatment with chaga, it is necessary to change the diet to a dairy-vegetable one. In the diet, the consumption of fat, smoked meats, spicy dishes, seasonings and canned food is limited.
In productiontincture in bottles of 40 and 100 ml, placed in a cardboard box with printed instructions for use. The product is stored at a temperature of 12-14 degrees.

Features of Chaga
It is necessary to use a mushroom-based remedy only after the diagnosis is known. As a prophylactic, the whole mushroom is taken as a tea.
In folk medicine, chaga is used in the form of infusions, decoctions. Balms are made with it, oils are prepared. The main condition for any use of the mushroom is the correct proportions and the correct use of drugs.
During treatment with chaga, two phases of effects on the body are observed. At first, relief is felt, pain syndrome decreases, inflammation decreases. This effect is achieved in about two weeks of using the mushroom. The second phase is characterized by recovery, improvement in general condition.

In the instructions for the use of chaga, it is said how to prepare a mushroom tincture. To do this, it is soaked in cold water until softened. Then rub the chaga on a coarse grater and pour a glass of mushroom with a liter of water. The composition is infused for a day. Take half a glass half an hour before meals, up to six times a day.
You can make an infusion of chaga powder. To prepare it, you need to pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of warm water and let the product brew for six hours. The whole infusion is drunk half an hour before meals in small sips. Taken three times a day.

Chaga helps with periodontal disease. In this case, it is used as a mouthwash.
Duration of mushroom treatment is three months. After that there is a break. Reuse of chaga is possible only after consulting a doctor.