Treatment with horses is a fairly common method that is actively used in medical practice around the world. Rehabilitation of patients with many diseases occurs with the help of horseback riding. In this article, we will tell you the name of this method, as well as the principles of its impact.
Historical aspect

Horse treatment has been used since time immemorial. Hippocrates wrote about the effectiveness of this method in his writings. Even then it became known what the treatment with horses is called. This is hippotherapy.
In the 18th century, Denis Diderot noted in his writings that horseback riding is one of the most effective exercises for maintaining a person's physical he alth. With its help, according to the French philosopher, one can not only treat various diseases, but also carry out effective prevention.
At the same time, the scientific study of this method began only in the 19th century. Since then, it has been purposefully used in medical practice. But only since 1960 hippotherapy began to be used as one of the important elementsphysiotherapy.
The first standardized program appeared about 30 years ago, thanks to American and Canadian therapists. In Russia, this practice has been used since 1991.
Impact principles

The uniqueness of horse treatment lies in the optimal combination of cognitive and body-oriented techniques that affect the human psyche. This method plays an important role in the biomechanical effect on internal organs, strengthening the body as much as possible.
Impulses are transmitted to the rider, which almost completely correspond to the movements during walking. The movements of the horse's back muscles, consisting of a large number of elements, have a warming and massaging effect on the rider's muscles, blood flow begins to be much better.
Most often in hippotherapy gait is used. At this step, the horse makes at least 110 oscillatory movements in various directions, which are transmitted directly to the person. To confidently stay in the saddle, a person must be able to maintain balance, synchronize and coordinate movements.
Due to this, the treatment of people with horses is often used for cerebral palsy. In such a situation, muscles are involved, usually completely inactive. In addition, horseback riding promotes perseverance, develops fine motor skills, and contributes to a harmonious perception of the world in patients even with serious mental disorders.
Indications for use

Horse treatment recommendeduse for various neurological and some other disorders. Most often, this method is used for the following diseases:
- cerebral palsy;
- autism;
- multiple sclerosis;
- arthritis;
- stroke;
- traumatic brain injury;
- spinal cord injury;
- mental and behavioral disorders.
This method is also used for visual and hearing impairments.
However, the effectiveness of treatment for many indications remains unclear. There is not enough evidence for the benefit of hippotherapy in autism.
Soul Massager

It is of great importance that the body temperature of an animal is about one and a half to two degrees higher than ours. So it is believed that the horse is both a heated massager and a live simulator. When the rider is in the saddle, the pelvic area is warmed up, which is useful for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis in men, can save women from many gynecological diseases.
In addition, horse joint treatment is used, especially if a person has undergone hip surgery. Horse riding effectively repairs damage.
Riders activate the activity of internal organs. Due to this, hippotherapy proves its effectiveness in diseases of the intestines and stomach, problems with the heart and blood vessels. With regular exercise, you can stabilize the blood sugar level of a diabetic.
On the effectiveness of horse treatment methodsthe controversy is still going on. But even doctors recommend horseback riding after a stroke or heart attack, when the patient has a recovery period. When riding a horse, the patient's heart begins to beat at a high speed - up to about 170 beats per minute, and blood circulation also increases five to ten times.
Despite such high activity, no processes dangerous to he alth occur in the heart itself, so horseback riding is recommended for hypertensive patients and core patients, even if they are prohibited from aerobics and exercise on simulators.
Besides, shaking in the saddle helps to get rid of obesity.
Helping children

The treatment of children with horses is especially effective. In this case, the baby can cope with quite complex problems. For example, with hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder.
Besides, horse riding comprehensively develops the child, making him dexterous, courageous, decisive, enduring and resourceful.
In old age
Hippotherapy is also considered beneficial in old age. Some scientists believe that when riding a step, the work of a person’s muscles corresponds to a fast step, and when galloping, a fast run.
It is important that the body experiences almost no stress on the joints. Horseback riding improves fine motor skills, helping elderly patients to quickly cope with many household chores. In addition, fine motor skills are directly related to the development of the speech apparatus.
Hippotherapy research

Scientists have demonstrated the impact of unusual treatment on strength and static balance in children with intellectual disabilities. Their strength parameters increased significantly, they were able to perform better many complex exercises, for example, to maintain balance.
Based on this, it is concluded that hippotherapy is an effective tool to help improve strength and balance in patients with intellectual disabilities.
Other studies have confirmed that hippotherapy helps improve gait and balance in people with multiple sclerosis who are being treated as outpatients.
There are also few studies that have examined the effects of horseback riding on young autistic patients suffering from autism spectrum disorder. In the primary phase, no changes were noted, but after six months of training, it was possible to establish a decrease in autism symptoms. Significant improvements were also noted on the Timberlaun scale, which measures the interaction between children and parents. Moreover, even the parameters of the quality of life of parents have been improved.
Summing up, we can say that horse treatment is an original and effective method that can help in the treatment of many diseases.