Peppermint oil is used in many areas of human life: in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, perfumery. Thanks to its tonic and refreshing effects, it energizes and refreshes the human body.
Composition of mint oil
All these parts of the plant, such as inflorescence, leaves, stem, contain mint oil. The composition of the essential oil, in addition to the main ingredient, is supplemented with additional components: menthol, pinene, limonene, thymol and terpinet. These substances are very active biological compounds that have many useful properties, due to them the oil has received a wide range of applications.

Useful properties
Peppermint essential oil combines many beneficial properties.
- This is an antiseptic and antispasmodic;
- anti-inflammatory and antipyretic;
- strengthens immunity;
- toning and soothing;
- eliminates bronchospasms;
- has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
- fights parasites in the body;
- regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
- promotes better functioning of the stomach, liver, gallbladder;
- relieves heartburn and gas attacks.
On top of everythinglisted, the oil is considered a good helper for people suffering from constant bouts of nausea or dizziness. It prevents the occurrence of a gag reflex and eliminates unpleasant symptoms, has a good effect on stimulating the work of the cardiovascular system, and also reduces pain in the heart. For headaches, peppermint oil is an indispensable remedy, as it improves cerebral circulation.
A separate place is occupied by oil in dentistry. It is used as a mouth freshener. To prevent inflammation of the gums, caries, periodontal disease, mint leaves are used, which are brewed like tea, and this decoction should be rinsed in the mouth. After exercise, the oil can help relieve muscle pain. It fights allergies to mosquito bites, eliminating itching and burning. Mint oil also has healing properties on the female body. Reviews of many women who suffer from pain during menstruation claim that after applying the oil, well-being improves, and the pain disappears.
Many people know that the mint herb has been used since ancient times as a sedative. It was used as a decoction or tincture, as well as an essential oil, which reduces the load on the nervous system. Using it, you can relieve overexcitation, get rid of irritability, eliminate anxiety. Oil promotes efficiency, helps to concentrate and adds self-confidence.
Use of peppermint essential oil in home medicine
Peppermint oil is often used in home medicine, applicationwhich helps to get rid of many diseases:
- For colds, use oil for inhalation, unless the patient has a temperature. Recipe: 7-8 drops of oil are taken per liter of boiling water, after which, covered with a towel, you need to inhale the vapors. If there is an industrial inhaler, then the dose of ether should be reduced to five drops in a glass of water at room temperature.
- Headaches will be eliminated by a light massage in the temple area using one drop of oil. It will act as a cooling and vasodilator.
- Menstrual pain will be relieved by tea with honey and two drops of oil. An effective way to calm down and relax is to inhale peppermint oil. They first need to sprinkle on a handkerchief.
- If there are problems with the joints, then compresses are put on the problem areas, they should be kept for up to two hours. Six drops of ether are dripped onto the fabric, after which it is placed on the joint, followed by a film and a warm scarf.
- In the presence of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice with two drops of oil in the morning. If it is not possible to drink juice, then you can use warm water with lemon juice.
- Itching after insect bites eliminates the lubrication of the problem area with one drop of oil.
Home cosmetics with mint oil
Peppermint oil is also often used to eliminate problems on the skin of the face, as it has tonic and antibacterial properties. It can be used as an additive in masks or lotions.
To get rid ofproblems with black dots on the face, a simple lotion is made. To prepare it, you need to take one glass of purified water, add 0.5 teaspoons of alcohol and three drops of oil. Problem areas of the skin are wiped in the morning and evening, replacing the usual washing. A similar lotion can be used daily, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. After two weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised by how ordinary mint (photo shows the changes) changes the condition of the skin of the face.

If the skin of the face begins to lose its color and has a fading appearance, then a mask with the addition of ether is applied.
Recipe number 1: One tablespoon of oatmeal is brewed with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which three drops of oil are added to it. On the face, the composition is applied in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. To prevent the mask from drying out, cover it with a towel.
Recipe number 2: The basis of the mask will be wheat flour, it must also be brewed with boiling water and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. After 15 minutes, 3 drops of ether are added to it, the product is applied to the face in a thick layer. The mask should always be wet.
Mint will save damaged hair
To give hair shine, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, oil should be used as an active additive to shampoos or masks. In addition, it will be useful to use mint oil for hair when combing. You need to put a few drops on a wooden comb, then comb your hair for 7-8 minutes.

To prepare the mask, you need to take one tablespoona spoonful of burdock oil and dilute five drops of mint ether in it. This mixture is rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements. After the mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, the head is covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel, you need to stay in this form for about an hour. When washing your hair, you can add a few drops of ether to your shampoo. Peppermint hair oil is valuable in this case as well.
For the treatment of diseases, aromatherapy is not a panacea, it is used rather to change the mood of a person. By themselves, mint leaves are very fragrant, and you can simply spread them around the room and inhale the smell, which works as a sedative.
A warm bath with ether leaves a pleasant impression. It is enough to add 10-15 drops of oil and soak in the bathroom for 20 minutes in a relaxed state. The well-known quartz lamp can be replaced by an aroma lamp if mint oil is added to it at the rate of 6-7 drops per 10 sq.m. premises. It is able to disinfect the air, which is especially useful during various cold epidemics.

Cooking goes well with mint
Many experienced chefs use mint in their culinary creations. The mint herb is mainly used as a decoration for various desserts or drinks.
People who love mint teas, but store-bought ones do not inspire confidence, can be offered to flavor their favorite tea on their own. To do this, you need to take a box and treat its walls with mint oil, then pour it into it.tea. After the tea is saturated with the smell, it can be consumed.

Household use of mint
In addition to the fact that mint has medicinal properties, it can also be used on the farm. People who are allergic to household chemicals can use essential oils. And their properties at the same time will help get rid of the reproduction of fungi, insects and perform antibacterial treatment of the room. In addition, the house will acquire a natural aroma.
To wash the floors, it is enough to add mint oil to the water with the calculation of 35 drops per 5 liters of water. To rid the wooden furniture in the kitchen of unpleasant odors, just add 15 drops of ether to the detergent and wash all surfaces with it. When washing, you can also add oil to the powder or to the water to rinse the laundry. After that, the clothes will acquire a fresher scent. During ironing, ether is added to the steaming water, after which a wonderful smell appears in the closet, and the moth will disappear forever from your home. In order to refresh the carpets in the house, you should vacuum them with a washing vacuum cleaner with the addition of mint ether.
If mint is planted in the summer cottage (the photo is presented so as not to confuse it with other grass), then the rodents will bypass the yard.

Combining mint oil with other essential oils
In order to achieve the best impact on the psychological and emotional state of a person, it is recommended to combine several types of essential oils. However, certainrules, because mixing oils can lead to unexpected results. It is important to note that the combination of them should bring satisfaction from the smell.
- Not all oils can be mixed, as some have a detrimental effect on the human body (increase or decrease in pressure).
- Do not immediately mix the entire volume of oil. In order to determine if the fragrance is suitable, just mix a few drops of each essential.
- To achieve the desired aroma, you should allow time for each of the aromas to open.
- To achieve the expected effect, the proportions of oils must be observed.
- It should be remembered that all essential oils and their properties are individual, so each should be used with caution.
Mint oil blends well with orange, eucalyptus, ginger, bergamot, nutmeg oils.
Before using oil, it must be tested for an allergic reaction, a procedure similar to checking hair dye.

Contraindications for Peppermint Oil
Despite the fact that mint has a number of useful properties, there are some contraindications to its use.
- Not recommended for children under 7 years of age as the menthol contained in the oil may cause bronchospasm.
- Men under 50 are not allowed to use oil.
- Check for individual tolerance before use.
- During pregnancy and lactationdon't take oil.
- Do not apply pure oil to the skin, as this may cause burns.
- If you take ether for a long time, then sleep disturbance is possible.
In summary, peppermint essential oil has many positive properties that are used in many areas.