Alternative medicine
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
People have been getting acquainted with nettle since childhood, it is especially remembered by those who were “stung” by it. Most often, the plant can be found on forest edges, in non-turfed hollows formed by temporary streams, as well as on the banks of rivers and streams. Nettle often grows on roadsides and in the area adjacent to the house, so people get rid of it, like other weeds
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Blue onions are called differently: red, purple, Y alta. Even our ancestors used onions to protect and cleanse the body, because it has bactericidal properties. If a person has a lot of physical activity, then with every meal you need to eat onions. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the bow also has divine properties that give vitality
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St. John's wort - a herbaceous plant that attracts attention with yellow flowers. It grows everywhere. St. John's wort does not require special conditions for growth. It can be found on the edges of the forest, fields, meadows and near rates, lakes, rivers. St. John's wort is widely used in traditional medicine recipes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Today we are used to going to the pharmacy. However, many medicines can be replaced by the gifts of nature. Currant leaves, for example, have a huge number of useful properties
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A well-known spice that grows in almost all vegetable gardens and is used in various pickles and marinades. It turns out that it also has medicinal properties. Horseradish leaves are used to treat various diseases. Let's find out what
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Bee death has long been used to treat a number of diseases. Tincture of dead bees is widely used not only by beekeepers, but also by many other people for various ailments. The properties of dead bees have been known for a very long time and are unique in their own way. For men, the treatment of adenoma with dead bees is relevant. Further in the article about everything in more detail
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A trip to the sea is associated by most people with the most carefree, peaceful vacation. And this is not surprising, because the view of the endless water surface and the sound of the waves produces a magical effect on a person. Sea water is both a cosmetic and healing agent. For those who want to improve their he alth and improve their appearance, it is useful to find out what are the benefits of such a vacation
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Blackberry is a perennial shrub whose branches reach a length of one and a half meters. These are actually impenetrable thickets with thorns, the shoots of which grow in all directions. Blackberry leaves also have thorns, like those of raspberries. However, their shape is somewhat different. Consider what properties a berry and a blackberry leaf have
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Anise thigh, which is often called simply anise, is an annual herbaceous plant. It grows both in the wild and is cultivated by humans for its seeds, which, along with essential anise oil, are used to treat many diseases. In addition, ripened fruits are a fragrant seasoning that is used by experienced chefs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Only those who were lucky enough to visit the juniper forest will be able to truly appreciate the purity and extraordinary freshness of the air in it. That is why today in large cities this plant began to be used for landscaping and decoration
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Why do we need oats and how is it useful for every person? How to prepare healing drinks? All this is described in this article. Useful recommendations and some recipes for preparing decoction, infusion and kvass, as well as he althy porridge are given
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What is lingonberry. Description of the plant. What are the useful and healing properties of lingonberries. For the treatment of what diseases is an infusion of lingonberries used. What are the beneficial properties of lingonberry juice. Contraindications and harmful properties of cranberries
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White cinquefoil, reviews of which attract increased attention to it, is an effective medicinal plant used for many diseases. This plant is especially famous for its ability to treat the thyroid gland
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In all cases, is the use of viburnum justified, useful, and most importantly - safe? It turns out not always. Despite the fact that viburnum has a lot of useful qualities, contraindications are a factor that slightly detracts from its positive properties
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Very widely used in folk medicine, Ivan-tea, there are practically no contraindications to the use of products based on this herb
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About what is effective with the help of a leech treatment, reviews can be found even in ancient books. This is ensured by the fact that hirudotherapy has a complex effect on the human body
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Like any drug, black cumin oil also has contraindications, but there are very few of them. In general, we can say that this healing agent can be effectively used by almost all people
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Today, black walnut is gaining popularity in medicine. The use of this natural remedy is due to the large number of useful substances contained in it. In many respects, he is ahead of his more famous counterpart - walnut
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Today the "Siberian He alth" corporation produces "Trigelm". Reviews about him say that this is a very effective tool for combating parasites
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What is ginseng tincture, what it is used for, today almost any adult knows. And no wonder, because this drug has a long history, rooted in ancient China
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Many people know the mulberry tree. The harm and benefits of this plant are determined by the substances contained in it. However, mulberry has much more positive qualities
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Of course, an effective remedy is a decoction of oats, its benefits are appreciated both by representatives of official medicine and traditional healers. In addition, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among nutritionists
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Traditional healers have a popular treatment with dead bees. Recipes from it are quite diverse, but infusions on water and alcohol are mainly used
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This well-known vegetable is not only a he althy food, but also an effective cosmetic product. Capsicum (tincture of it in particular) helps with many ailments of the hair and scalp
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Natural hepaprotector is hodgepodge. Its use to protect the liver from various ailments is today highly valued by both doctors and traditional healers
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Today, not many people know about the benefits of sleeping. Recipes from this plant have undeservedly lost their former popularity. But they began to use it in ancient Russia
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Despite its external inconspicuousness and unpretentiousness, this plant has a powerful healing effect. The healing properties of thyme or thyme are used to combat many ailments
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Walnut oil, the benefits and harms of which have already been studied quite well, is a popular product. Today it is included in various diets, prescribed for the prevention of diseases, added to cosmetic products
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Among the many medicinal plants, fireweed, whose healing properties have been used for centuries, is quite famous due to its popular name "Ivan-tea"
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Today Japanese Sophora, the tincture of which is one of the most popular drugs in both traditional and folk medicine, is considered a real storehouse of useful substances
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Galgan roots are widely used today for the preparation of various preparations that can be used to treat a very large number of ailments, as well as skin lesions
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Useful properties of this plant deserve attention. It is not for nothing that it is known under the name forty-weed
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In modern medicine, dandelion roots are used as a medicinal preparation. The use of preparations based on it is due to the substances contained in it
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Common colza is popularly known by various names - doggie, barbarian, fragrant yellow flower, ferocious. It is a naked biennial herb from the cruciferous family
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Despite the entrenched glory of a weed, woodlice have fairly versatile useful properties. It can be used not only for medical purposes, but also in nutrition and agriculture
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What is actually useful thermal water, reviews on this issue can be found very diverse, while most of them have one thing in common: it has a positive effect on the skin
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The fact that cedar resin is widely used in folk medicine in Siberia and the Urals has been known for a very long time. Its healing properties helped during the Great Patriotic War, turpentine is considered an effective natural antiseptic and wound healing agent
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What is soapwort officinalis? What properties does it have? For the treatment of what diseases is it used? Traditional medicine recipes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Almost everyone already knows that the best defense against disease is a strong immune system. And despite the fact that there are many drugs in pharmacies to strengthen it, more and more people suffer from diseases. Vitamins mainly strengthen immunity, but not all of them are well perceived by people. Immunomodulators often have all sorts of side effects. Therefore, many people who care about their he alth began to pay attention to folk remedies that increase immunity. They are no less effective than pharmacy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The article presents methods of treatment with folk remedies. Methods that can be used both with and without high temperature are listed. Some recommendations and recipes for the preparation of natural remedies are presented