Women's he alth 2024, October

Delayed period, negative test: possible causes and diagnosis

Delayed period, negative test: possible causes and diagnosis

The menstrual cycle plays an important role for a woman. But what if the critical days do not come on time, and the pregnancy test is negative? Why do girls face delays?

Uterine cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Uterine cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Today, benign neoplasms are often found in gynecology, they are diagnosed in 15% of women of reproductive age. The reasons for the development of such a pathology as a uterine cyst may be different. By itself, the neoplasm does not pose a threat to human he alth or life

Itching in intimate places in women: causes, treatment

Itching in intimate places in women: causes, treatment

Itching in intimate places in women and men may indicate a serious illness or hint that you just need to change your underwear. The exact answer, what is the cause of an unpleasant symptom, will be given only by a doctor based on tests. The reason for immediate admission to the hospital should be discharge of any kind from the genitals, burning during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, itching after changing linen, hygiene products, pads

Monthly cycle: norm and deviations

Monthly cycle: norm and deviations

In this article I would like to consider the monthly cycle in some detail. The norm and deviations, as well as the phases of the menstrual cycle, the causes of failures, how to diagnose and treat them - all this and much more about what is useful can be read in the text below

Scanty periods: causes. After 40 years, scanty periods. The mechanism of development of hypomenorrhea

Scanty periods: causes. After 40 years, scanty periods. The mechanism of development of hypomenorrhea

40 years is a frightening figure for a woman. Firstly, many are afraid that menopause will come soon. Secondly, for some it is psychologically difficult to cross the forty-year milestone

Female things: a few reasons why nipples itch

Female things: a few reasons why nipples itch

If a woman's breasts itch, it's mostly in the nipple area. But why nipples itch - you can’t immediately determine! This can happen for several reasons. Now we will give you a whole list of possible causes of itching on the most delicate part of the female breast

What does a pelvic MRI show in women? Pelvic MRI: preparation, reviews

What does a pelvic MRI show in women? Pelvic MRI: preparation, reviews

Magnetic resonance imaging as a modern research method is widely used today to diagnose diseases of internal organs, including diseases of the pelvic organs in women

"LikoMast": reviews, composition and application

"LikoMast": reviews, composition and application

For the treatment of mastopathy, mastalgia, functional, organic and hormonal abnormalities, doctors recommend using LikoMast. He is able to effectively and quickly enough to help in the presence of these problems

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment while breastfeeding. What means can be applied?

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment while breastfeeding. What means can be applied?

During pregnancy and after the appearance of the baby, women may experience some pathological processes. According to statistics, up to 40 percent of pregnant women suffer from varicose veins. Hemorrhoids after childbirth are also a common problem. Treatment during breastfeeding should be carried out very carefully, taking into account all factors

Retroflexion of the uterus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Retroflexion of the uterus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Retroflexion of the uterus is a disease that develops for various reasons and is often asymptomatic. It is not difficult to diagnose a pathology, but it should be treated comprehensively, correcting the position of the organ and eliminating the causes that initially led to the bend

How to check the hormonal background of a woman? Analyzes, examinations, recommendations

How to check the hormonal background of a woman? Analyzes, examinations, recommendations

How is a woman's hormonal background checked and what tests are done for this? Features of preparation for the delivery of the analysis and following the recommendations of doctors. Improving the hormonal background with drugs and traditional medicine

How to get rid of itching with thrush: causes, effective treatments, drugs, reviews

How to get rid of itching with thrush: causes, effective treatments, drugs, reviews

Thrush is one of the most common female diseases. It is not included in the category of sexual infections, and therefore occurs even in adolescents. Bacterial candidiasis is manifested by unbearable itching, which can greatly complicate the life of any girl or woman. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to find out the causes of this disease, as well as to determine the most effective drugs for its treatment

Ultrasound for lactostasis: benefits, contraindications, reviews

Ultrasound for lactostasis: benefits, contraindications, reviews

Traditional methods of treating milk stasis are not always effective. Therefore, many are interested in how ultrasound is used in lactostasis. The use of this method in medicine has become quite widespread. It consists in the impact of frequency fluctuations up to 3000 kHz, which must be strictly dosed

Varicose veins of the uterus: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment

Varicose veins of the uterus: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment

Most often, varicose veins of the uterus occur in the fairer sex precisely during the childbearing age. Visually diagnosing it is very difficult, since it does not have any pronounced symptoms. However, it is still very important to understand what this disease is. In this article we will talk about the causes and symptoms of the disease, as well as diagnostic methods and features of its treatment

Can't get pregnant after abortion: gynecologist's consultation. Termination of pregnancy: complications and consequences

Can't get pregnant after abortion: gynecologist's consultation. Termination of pregnancy: complications and consequences

Not for every woman the onset of pregnancy becomes a long-awaited and joyful event. Some decide to keep an unplanned pregnancy, others decide to terminate it. Modern medical practice is ready to offer various options for getting rid of unwanted pregnancies. True, no one warns about the consequences of the first abortion

After canceling Duphaston, there is no menstruation: probable causes and what to do

After canceling Duphaston, there is no menstruation: probable causes and what to do

"Dufaston" is relatively easy to tolerate and is prescribed in accordance with the doctor's recommendation. It is the specialist who determines the duration and frequency of taking the drug. However, it happens that after the abolition of "Duphaston" there are no periods, and the reason remains to be clarified

Removal of a Bartholin gland cyst: doctor's appointment, operation algorithm and recovery

Removal of a Bartholin gland cyst: doctor's appointment, operation algorithm and recovery

This is a pathological phenomenon that is often found in gynecology and is diagnosed mainly in women of reproductive age who lead an active sex life. With any infectious and inflammatory processes, a blockage of the excretory duct of this gland occurs. The fluid begins to accumulate in the cavity, the labia swell, they develop a small formation of a round shape

Nipples hurt after ovulation: causes, symptoms, gynecologist consultation

Nipples hurt after ovulation: causes, symptoms, gynecologist consultation

If your nipples hurt after ovulation, don't panic. Such a symptom can develop against the background of normal hormonal changes in the body. If the pain becomes more intense, it is possible that a pathological process is developing. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a gynecologist

Discharge from cystitis in women: what can it be and what do they talk about

Discharge from cystitis in women: what can it be and what do they talk about

Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by changes in the genitals and urinary canal, which are visually manifested by discharge. The spots that a woman sees on her underwear cannot be ignored, as they are a disease-causing symptom that requires additional diagnosis and further treatment

Multi-chamber ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Multi-chamber ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

In gynecological practice, a disease such as a multi-chamber ovarian cyst is often found among women of reproductive age. Also, such a pathology is often diagnosed in the fairer sex at the age of fifty, when the menopause begins. A cyst is not usually classified as a tumor, but it is practically equated to it

Polyp in the uterus: treatment with folk remedies, reviews, recipes and methods

Polyp in the uterus: treatment with folk remedies, reviews, recipes and methods

These are pathological formations of a benign nature arising from the structures of the mucous membrane. As a rule, the development of polyps is accompanied by an increase in the epithelial inner layer of this organ (hyperplasia). The neoplasms themselves have a main body and a leg attached to the wall of the uterus. Inside this leg, small blood vessels function, feeding the body of the pathological formation

Lump on the cervix: causes, necessary tests, possible consequences and expert advice

Lump on the cervix: causes, necessary tests, possible consequences and expert advice

In addition to itching, and, in addition, discharge and other external manifestations, gynecological pathologies are often accompanied by the appearance of various bumps on the cervix, which women can palpate on their own. Formations differ in physiological or pathological origin. They can have a different size, texture, are painful and not

The norm of the endometrium in menopause: thickness, methods of diagnosis and treatment

The norm of the endometrium in menopause: thickness, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Endometrium is the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, which plays an important role in the process of bearing a child and prevents the walls of the organ from sticking together. During menopause, the amount of hormones produced by the ovaries gradually decreases. In this regard, there is a gradual thinning of the endometrium. The norm of endometrial thickness during menopause may fluctuate, but the difference should not exceed 1-2 mm

Menstruation after caesarean section with artificial feeding: the onset, the difference between the cycle with artificial and breastfeeding

Menstruation after caesarean section with artificial feeding: the onset, the difference between the cycle with artificial and breastfeeding

Monthly, a woman's body prepares for conception and possible pregnancy. The long process of bearing a baby is accompanied by changes in the sexual, digestive, nervous and other systems, heart and blood vessels. The body begins to work in a completely different way. After childbirth, a process of reverse development occurs, that is, all organs and systems return to their normal rhythm of work

Are tampons harmful? Types of tampons, gynecological tampons, size range, rules of use, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Are tampons harmful? Types of tampons, gynecological tampons, size range, rules of use, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Tampons are most often chosen by women who lead an active lifestyle. Indeed, with sanitary pads it is difficult to play sports, swim, it is dangerous to wear light and tight clothes. How to use these products correctly, how to determine the right size and absorbency? Are tampons harmful? After reading the article, you will learn about the features of their application

Ovarian cysts: classification, types, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Ovarian cysts: classification, types, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Ovarian cyst is a pathological growth of the tissues of the affected organ in the form of a bubble or sac filled with liquid. With severe inflammation, fluid begins to accumulate inside it. There is also an accumulation of pus, and at the same time the ovaries become painful, and the woman has signs of intoxication

Delay and brown discharge: causes, consultation of a gynecologist

Delay and brown discharge: causes, consultation of a gynecologist

Provoke brown (dark red) discharge against the background of delayed menstruation can be several factors, both physiological and pathological. Often, accompanying symptoms indicate the nature of the problem. In any case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and find out why brown discharge appeared

Bleeding after curettage: norm and pathology, causes and methods of treatment

Bleeding after curettage: norm and pathology, causes and methods of treatment

Digital curettage is a gynecological operation that is used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The intervention is carried out in a hospital under anesthesia. During the operation, only the top layer of the endometrium is removed, which grows, dies and is removed monthly in a natural way. The cleaning procedure is simple, but certain complications may subsequently arise, so you need to know what the discharge, well-being, and so on should be

What causes thrush in women? The reasons

What causes thrush in women? The reasons

Today you can find out what causes thrush and how to deal with it

Stimulation of ovulation "Klostilbegit": reviews and results

Stimulation of ovulation "Klostilbegit": reviews and results

Today, many women suffer from infertility. Very often this is due to a violation of ovulation, which is caused by endocrine changes. In such cases, the drug "Klostilbegit" comes to the rescue. Reviews of the drug indicate that this remedy has helped many women find the joy of motherhood

How long do periods last: norm and deviations

How long do periods last: norm and deviations

The duration of menstruation in women is influenced by a huge number of factors, which also include physiological characteristics, lifestyle, the presence of certain acute or chronic diseases of the genital area and the endocrine system. Significant deviations from the norm, as well as instability of the menstrual cycle - the main symptoms of pathologies of the reproductive system

What is cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment

What is cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment

The name of the disease comes from the Greek word kystis, which means "bladder". Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder, namely in its mucous membrane. A constant desire to go to the toilet, pain and burning sensation when urinating - this is what cystitis is in women. But why does this disease affect the female body more often? How to get rid of this disease?

Can I breastfeed a baby with a fever?

Can I breastfeed a baby with a fever?

After childbirth, the female body is weakened and prone to various diseases. Mom can catch a cold, and then she will have to use medications for treatment. How to be in such a situation? Is it possible to feed a child with a temperature? Or is it time to stop breastfeeding?

How to stop breastfeeding safely

How to stop breastfeeding safely

No formula, no matter how expensive and good, can replace breast milk, so it is worth considering carefully how to stop breastfeeding and weigh the pros and cons before taking the baby from the chest

Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and early treatment

Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and early treatment

The causes of uterine prolapse and prolapse are weakness of the pelvic muscles and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which can be caused by childbirth, hard physical work immediately after pregnancy, injuries that a woman received during the birth process, and age-related changes in sexual organs. Basically, the risk group includes older women and ladies who have undergone multiple births

Cervical dysplasia CIN 1: causes, treatment and doctors' reviews

Cervical dysplasia CIN 1: causes, treatment and doctors' reviews

Cervical dysplasia cin 1 occurs in girls of reproductive age. This stage is the easiest, but it contains some dangers. And what, you will learn from the article

Sex life with menopause: features, recommendations, possible problems and solutions

Sex life with menopause: features, recommendations, possible problems and solutions

Climax - the transition of the body from the reproductive phase with regular menstrual cycles to the phase of complete cessation of menstruation. Features of the influence of menopause on sexual life, the pros and cons, possible he alth problems and the intensity of a woman's feelings during this difficult period, you will learn from this article

Delay 5 days, negative test: what could be the reasons?

Delay 5 days, negative test: what could be the reasons?

If a woman is 5 days late, she starts to worry. And of course, the first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. The woman immediately buys a test to check it out. But not always the reason for the delay in menstruation is pregnancy. Sometimes it happens that the test shows a negative result. "What is the reason for the delay then?" the woman asks. And there can be many reasons

Cheap and effective candles for thrush. Reviews of doctors and patients

Cheap and effective candles for thrush. Reviews of doctors and patients

What are the manifestations of thrush and how to deal with them? How to choose the cheapest and most effective candles for thrush? What are the most popular inexpensive and good candles for thrush?

Nodular form of uterine adenomyosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Nodular form of uterine adenomyosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Throughout life, a woman inevitably faces some gynecological problems. Some of them do not pose a threat to life and he alth, while others, on the contrary, are fraught with danger. The diagnosis of "nodular form of uterine adenomyosis" can scare a woman. Is it really a dangerous disease? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of nodular adenomyosis?