Discharge from cystitis in women: what can it be and what do they talk about

Discharge from cystitis in women: what can it be and what do they talk about
Discharge from cystitis in women: what can it be and what do they talk about

In the article, we will consider whether there are discharges with cystitis in women. Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by changes in the genitals and urinary canal, which are visually manifested by discharge. The spots that a woman sees on her underwear cannot be ignored, as they are a disease-causing symptom that requires additional diagnosis and further treatment.

Symptoms of cystitis

You can determine the beginning of cystitis in yourself by characteristic features:

  • discoloration or cloudy urine;
  • appearance of discomfort and pain while going to the toilet;
  • signs of intoxication of the body (weakness, temperature, pain);
  • urge to urinate frequently;
  • impaired performance;
  • sleep disorders.
odorless cheesy discharge and itching
odorless cheesy discharge and itching

Due to cystitis, the quality of life is deteriorating, there arepsychological disorders, neuroses. Patients have to give up all their usual activities, because of the frequent urge to go to the toilet, they stay at home. All of these symptoms characterize the acute stage, when cystitis discharges of various odors and colors may appear. They need separate treatment when the cause is a disease of the genital tract.


What pathologies and infections provoke the appearance of discharge in cystitis? Let's list them:

  • bacteria that are transmitted through sexual contact: mycoplasmas, gardnerella, chlamydia, gonococci;
  • non-specific infections: fungi, E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, proteus;
  • severe infections: septic diseases, diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis;
  • tumor pathologies;
  • defects in the nutrition of the tissues of the outer surfaces of the bladder and genital organs, due to chronic constipation and the impossibility of frequent emptying of the bladder;
  • endocrine system disorders that reduce local protective factors and regenerative stages (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus);
  • use of immunosuppressive agents and post-radiation and chemotherapy conditions;
  • long-term use of medications that chemically irritate mucous tissues;
  • local irritation with s alts of the bladder mucosa with urolithiasis and insufficient fluid intake.

Highlight color value

In cystitis, discharge is not the most characteristic symptom. If urinary diseasethe bladder is accompanied by discharge, it is recommended to inform the doctor about the abundance, color and expected area of \u200b\u200bdischarge of this secret (vagina, urethra).

stop cystitis
stop cystitis

Due to the fact that in women, infectious cystitis is often associated with urethritis (the process of inflammation of the urinary canal) and damage to the genital structures inside, discharge from the urethra is an occasion for a three-point smear analysis, as well as urethrocystoscopy.

What are the highlights like?

Discharge can have the following color: white, brown, purulent green, slimy, transparent. Only a qualified specialist (therapist, gynecologist, nephrologist, urologist) can guess what the causes of the violations are, make the necessary examination and prescribe medication. Many cities have express diagnostic centers.

Discharge from the urethra in the morning

  • Transparent-mucous discharge with cystitis is a variant of the norm, which reports minor symptoms of an inflammatory process in the membranes of the urethra.
  • In cystitis, purulent discharge indicates a pronounced inflammatory and infectious phenomenon that affects the bladder and urethra.
  • Brown discharge - a symptom of inflammation of the capillaries of the mucous membrane, may indicate a deep lesion of the outer walls or an ulcerative process of the urinary lower tract. They are stained due to attachment to the mucous secretion of the blood.
discharge from cystitis in women
discharge from cystitis in women

Curdled discharge, odorless and itchy, is observed in mycotic cystitis and skinfungal infection of the urinary canal and its inner part

Discharge is more common than in men. Representatives of the stronger sex are less likely to suffer from urethritis, which leads to cystitis. Stop, this topic is not about men.

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge in female cystitis, depending on the abundance, smell and color, signal a correction in the treatment of cystitis, as well as an additional examination (manual, ultrasound, examination with gynecological instruments). Mucous and white discharge with cystitis in women is a variant of the norm when it does not cause irritation and itching of the skin of the labia.

Discharge with yellow-green pus (abundant) can indicate an STI. After the tests, recovery will be accelerated, since in such cases cystitis is caused by the same pathogen as in the inflammatory process of the genital organs.

Vaginal brown discharge can be a symptom of a local lesion of the uterine cervix (in case of erosion), ovarian damage or inflammation of the uterus, which causes an imbalance in the woman's hormones.

are there discharges with cystitis in women
are there discharges with cystitis in women

Cystitis in all these situations is rarely an independent disease. In infections of the reproductive system, the inflammatory process of the bladder is a consequence of the main process in the appendages, vagina and uterus.

odorless curdled discharge with itching almost always implies a pathological process associated with infection of the mucous membranes with yeast-likemushrooms against the background of reduced immunity.

In some cases, symptoms of cystitis in women (if urine tests are good) can be observed with tumors of the ovaries or uterus.

Smell of vaginal discharge

In women, the smell of discharge can have a wide spectrum - fishy, odorless, fetid, sour. He talks about the presence of certain bacteria and processes that occur in the tissues. A specialist can evaluate them.

If the discharge smells with a slight hint of fish, then we are talking about a variety of vaginal dysbacteriosis - gardnerellosis. For many women, gardnerella are opportunistic accompanying, in most cases they do not cause lesions of the mucous membranes. If the number of key cells increases, this indicates a violation of the hormonal balance or vaginal acid-base balance.

white discharge with cystitis in women
white discharge with cystitis in women

A sour smell can accompany a fungal infection - vaginal candidiasis. This kind of balance of the environment of the intimate organs is formed against the background of the use of certain drugs, incorrect antibiotic therapy, high acidity of the vaginal environment.

A fetid odor is a symptom of a purulent process. Can cystitis cause bleeding?

Meaning of spotting

It is worth mentioning separately the discharge of blood during urination. A similar symptom is observed in the hemorrhagic form of cystitis, it needs special attention. In addition to the typical signs of bladder inflammation, there are also:

  • fever;
  • general weakness;
  • chill;
  • bad urine smell;
  • high temperature.
can cystitis cause bleeding
can cystitis cause bleeding

Impurity of blood in the urine indicates the presence of bleeding in the body. It can be localized as follows:

  • if one or more drops at the end of urination is a sign of bladder pathology; such a symptom indicates a complicated form of cystitis, urolithiasis is also not excluded;
  • blood is excreted during the entire time of urination - the kidneys are affected, there may be a tumor or stones; additionally, the probability of renal tuberculosis or their injury (after a fall or a strong blow) is assumed;
  • when the urethra is damaged, traces of blood will appear in the first portion of urine directly at the beginning of urination, sometimes such discharge occurs outside of this process; often the blood comes from the movement of stones through the channel or trauma caused by medical procedures.

Since cystitis in almost all cases is accompanied by other processes of inflammation in the body, blood can be a symptom of many diseases. Only a doctor can adequately assess the patient's condition after all the necessary studies.

Do women have cystitis discharge? We have answered this question. The woman's body is very sensitive to all changes and quickly signals pathologies. Discharge is not just an uncomfortable phenomenon, but a reason to take a closer look at your condition.

What elseneed to tell the doctor?

To make a complete clinical picture, it is important to report:

  • abundance of secretions (abundant, moderate, meager);
  • consistency (curdled, thick, liquid);
  • duration (morning, constant, periodic).
curdled discharge
curdled discharge

You can not self-medicate if there are symptoms of pathology and the presence of specific secretions. Only a competent specialist will conduct an analysis, diagnose diseases in a timely manner and help get rid of them. We need to say “stop” to cystitis once and for all!
