Women's he alth 2024, October

Diet for thrush in women: a list of allowed foods, recipes, reviews

Diet for thrush in women: a list of allowed foods, recipes, reviews

Thrush is a fairly common disease that affects women more often than men. In the fight against it, proper nutrition and the selection of products that cope with the suppression of infection play an important role. With a well-designed diet, recovery comes much faster

Stitches after childbirth on the perineum

Stitches after childbirth on the perineum

Every woman looks forward to the birth of a baby with impatience and trepidation. The birth process is different for everyone. Some give birth with ease, while others may experience complications in which ruptures or incisions occur in the perineum, vagina, or cervix. All these situations require suturing and further care for them

Why does cystitis occur in women? Treatment at home

Why does cystitis occur in women? Treatment at home

Cystitis is a disease associated with severe inflammation of the bladder, which affects mainly women. According to statistics, this disease in girls occurs 5 times more often than in the male population of the planet, due to the small penetration of the latter into the genitourinary system due to the wide and short urethra, as well as various structural features of the female genitourinary system. Many women know firsthand about this disease

Causes of cysts on the cervix, treatment, photo

Causes of cysts on the cervix, treatment, photo

Cyst is a benign formation, which is often formed in the tissues of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, in the area of the cervical canal and the vaginal part of the cervix. Many women of reproductive age face this problem

What is period with chunks?

What is period with chunks?

Perhaps no girl needs to be explained that critical days are a rather unpleasant thing. However, what to do if, in addition to a bad mood and painful sensations, the nature of the discharge suddenly changes - for example, menstruation begins with pieces of blood?

The article will tell you about what fertile days are and how to use them skillfully

The article will tell you about what fertile days are and how to use them skillfully

What are fertile days and who can use the ability to determine their beginning? Read more about this in this article

Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages: the course of the operation, rehabilitation and consequences

Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages: the course of the operation, rehabilitation and consequences

Under certain circumstances, a woman may hear a doctor's decision that she needs surgery to remove her uterus. Amputation of the uterus or total hysterectomy is performed in extremely advanced cases, when all other methods of treatment have been tried, or in a situation where they are contraindicated. There are various medical techniques and methods for performing surgical intervention to remove an organ

FSH: the norm in women. Decrease and increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone

FSH: the norm in women. Decrease and increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone

In all women in the body there is a change of some hormones by others throughout the cycle. It is necessary that each representative of the weaker sex monitor their number and maintain women's he alth

Women's consultation (Ukhta): experienced specialists and friendly atmosphere

Women's consultation (Ukhta): experienced specialists and friendly atmosphere

Recently, thanks to the Federal Modernization Program, some of Ukhta's he althcare facilities have been overhauled. The city polyclinic was no exception, and, accordingly, the antenatal clinic

Dark labia: possible causes and treatment features

Dark labia: possible causes and treatment features

The article describes the various causes of dark skin on the labia, as well as the features of the treatment

White cheesy discharge and itching: causes and treatments

White cheesy discharge and itching: causes and treatments

Most of the women, about 70%, including completely he althy ones, at least once in their life faced with white curdled discharge and itching of the vagina. The development of pathological processes is indicated by curdled discharge, which is accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort and burning of the labia

Discomfort in the urethra in women - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Discomfort in the urethra in women - causes, symptoms and treatment features

In medical parlance, the urethra is called the urethra. This is a thin channel, covered from the inside with a mucous membrane. Discomfort in the urethra in women can signal the development of infectious processes in the organs of the urinary system. Girls are often embarrassed to seek advice from a nephrologist or urologist with such a delicate problem. If you let the development of the disease take its course, this can lead to serious complications

Diet for cystitis in women: diet menu for acute cystitis

Diet for cystitis in women: diet menu for acute cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder resulting from infection, irritation, injury, or a combination of the three. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, increased frequency of urination, urgent urge to urinate. This problem is widespread among women and can lead to a number of unpleasant sensations and inconveniences in social life. Reviews about the diet for cystitis are only positive: still, because proper nutrition can never harm you

When does a girl's breasts start growing?

When does a girl's breasts start growing?

When puberty occurs, not only internal but also external changes occur in the body. And during this period, when growing up, girls begin to have questions about how old breasts begin to grow and how long it will last. This topic will be covered in detail in this article

How to get rid of PMS: methods, medicines and folk remedies

How to get rid of PMS: methods, medicines and folk remedies

Practically every girl and woman of childbearing age is faced with a condition such as premenstrual syndrome every month. This condition is really very difficult and terrible for every woman. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to help yourself. In this article, we will look at how to get rid of PMS and regain your good he alth. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible

Clit pimple: Causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, and treatment

Clit pimple: Causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, and treatment

Acne on the clitoris causes severe discomfort and causes a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. There are many factors that cause acne to appear. Only after passing a medical examination, the doctor can determine the exact cause of their appearance and prescribe treatment

Why do you feel sick before menstruation: causes, possible diseases

Why do you feel sick before menstruation: causes, possible diseases

Some women may feel nauseous just before the start of their menstrual cycle. This is a very common phenomenon, and, as a rule, it does not indicate the presence of any he alth problems. Nausea before a new cycle can be caused by many factors, including the presence of cramps and premenstrual syndrome

On the first day of the delay, the test is negative: causes, the possibility of pregnancy, reviews

On the first day of the delay, the test is negative: causes, the possibility of pregnancy, reviews

Children are undoubtedly the flowers of life, but for many women, an unplanned child can be a real stone on the neck, so a delay in menstruation is a serious cause for concern. On the very first day of your missed period, you ran in a panic to get a test, which turns out to be negative. Why did it happen?

Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment?

Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment?

Today, many women suffer from a disease such as cervical erosion. Without visiting a gynecologist, it is rather difficult to find out about such an ailment, at least until it begins to actively progress. However, if left untreated, it can lead to very serious consequences, such as the inability to have a child, and even cancer. Many women wonder if cervical erosion can go away on its own. You will learn about this by reading the article

Focal adenomyosis of the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Focal adenomyosis of the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Focal adenomyosis of the uterus is a localized disease, the focus of which is in the overgrown endometrium. As a rule, the site of the lesion has clear contours. The focal form of the disease is one of the varieties of endometriosis, which distinguishes the disease from exclusively uterine distribution

Why thrush does not go away: causes of the disease, effective treatment, medical advice

Why thrush does not go away: causes of the disease, effective treatment, medical advice

Thrush is a disease caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. If the first symptoms of this disease occur, then the woman should consult a specialist to determine the optimal method of therapy. But if a woman is going to self-medicate, then after taking some ineffective medication, a permanent, that is, a chronic form of thrush, may develop. In this case, women do not understand why the thrush does not go away

What to do to burn breast milk: methods and tips

What to do to burn breast milk: methods and tips

When a baby is born, one of the most exciting questions for a young mother is how to improve lactation. As soon as the child turns one year old, most mothers ask a completely opposite question in meaning: “What should be done to reduce lactation and expedite weaning?” True, there are those who are faced with a similar situation only 2-3 years after the birth of the baby. In any case, the question is considered one of the most relevant among mothers

Diet after removal of the uterus: nutrition instructions, sample menu

Diet after removal of the uterus: nutrition instructions, sample menu

Removal of the uterus, for whatever reason, is a very serious intervention in a woman's body, which will certainly affect her he alth. The diet after such an operation should help to recover, preserve and strengthen the body. Unfortunately, this article tells about this side of the postoperative life of many women

How to stimulate ovulation at home: concept, indications and contraindications for stimulation, herbs, diet, main steps

How to stimulate ovulation at home: concept, indications and contraindications for stimulation, herbs, diet, main steps

Often in gynecology there are situations when a woman cannot conceive a baby, since there are no periods of ovulation. At the same time, she is literally haunted by the dream of a child, she considers herself physically handicapped. Currently, infertility, unfortunately, is becoming one of the most common problems for spouses. Assistance is needed in these clinical situations

Breast correction: methods, choice of procedure, reviews

Breast correction: methods, choice of procedure, reviews

Basic methods of breast correction. When is Breast Reduction and Augmentation Surgery Performed? The main contraindications and the choice of the method of surgical intervention. How is the recovery period going?

The main signs of increased estrogen in women: description and features of treatment

The main signs of increased estrogen in women: description and features of treatment

Estrogens are considered the main female hormones, and it is wrong to use this word in the singular. We can say that they make a woman, her attractiveness, height, weight, smoothness and youthfulness of the skin, splendor of hair, female figure, voice, mood and sexual activity depend on them. At the slightest deviation, the body reacts instantly, changing the appearance and internal state of a woman

Candida fungus in women: symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines and folk methods

Candida fungus in women: symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines and folk methods

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common gynecological diseases of women around the world. It is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms, and without proper treatment, thrush leads to a number of negative consequences. It is caused by the fungus Candida. In women, symptoms can be pronounced. When certain signs appear, you need to start the right treatment, which the doctor will prescribe. What is thrush and what are the features of its treatment will be discussed later in the article

Why doesn't the follicle burst? The reasons. What to do?

Why doesn't the follicle burst? The reasons. What to do?

The main reasons why follicles do not burst are a dense layer of tissue that makes up the follicle itself, or hormonal failure. In fact, the connective tissue of such a capsule should burst when the egg matures

Can there be thrush without discharge?

Can there be thrush without discharge?

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) appears due to the reproduction of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi in a he althy body are on the surfaces of mucous membranes, their number is regulated, since their growth is constantly inhibited. If conditions arise under which active reproduction of fungi can occur, then the appearance of pathology will not take long

Hemorrhoids after caesarean section: causes, methods of treatment, prevention, reviews

Hemorrhoids after caesarean section: causes, methods of treatment, prevention, reviews

Hemorrhoids after caesarean section must be controlled, use all drugs prescribed by the doctor and not let the disease take its course. Women face the problem already in the postoperative period and experience quite unpleasant sensations. Due to the fact that the disease requires mandatory treatment, sometimes cardinal, there may be problems with breastfeeding

Weight gain before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, reviews

Weight gain before menstruation: causes, norms and deviations, reviews

The onset of menstruation is recognized by many women by changes in the general condition of the body and other manifestations. Some women feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, nausea, dizziness, others have swelling of the chest, limbs, and constipation. The body of different women reacts differently to the approach of menstruation. But almost all ladies note weight gain before menstruation

Does nicotine pass into breast milk? Smoking with HB. Baby refuses to breastfeed

Does nicotine pass into breast milk? Smoking with HB. Baby refuses to breastfeed

Expectation of a child and his birth is a period in the life of every woman preparing to become a mother, when she is ready to do anything for the he alth of the baby. But sometimes there are situations when parents do not have the willpower or desire to give up addictions. And then natural questions arise: "How harmful is smoking during lactation and does nicotine get into breast milk?"

Permanent delays in menstruation: causes and methods of treatment. Prevention of menstrual disorders

Permanent delays in menstruation: causes and methods of treatment. Prevention of menstrual disorders

Every he althy woman should observe the regulation of the menstrual cycle. On average, its duration is 28 days. In the absence of any he alth problems, the menstrual cycle should not cause a woman severe pain. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the beginning of menstruation in some cases is postponed by a couple of days

Chronic inflammation of the uterus: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Chronic inflammation of the uterus: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

It is impossible to confuse the symptoms of inflammation of this organ with any other disease. One of the signs of chronic inflammation of the uterus is severe pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen, especially on the first day. In order to avoid complications, when symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment of this unpleasant ailment

Menstrual herpes: symptoms, causes, treatment

Menstrual herpes: symptoms, causes, treatment

Herpes is a very common disease. All people are susceptible to infection, regardless of gender and age. But women whose body is affected by the virus often face such a problem as menstrual herpes. The disease in this case worsens almost before every menstruation. Constant relapses significantly worsen the patient's quality of life. What to do in such cases?

Symptoms of chronic endometritis, diagnosis, causes, treatment methods

Symptoms of chronic endometritis, diagnosis, causes, treatment methods

Signs, symptoms and sensations of a woman with chronic endometritis do not indicate the development of an inflammatory process in all cases. Sometimes (during remission, for example) there may not be any alarming symptoms, but at the same time, the pathology continues to develop and can make it impossible to conceive and bear a child

Urethritis in women: treatment with folk remedies, traditional treatment, recovery, disease prevention and doctors' recommendations

Urethritis in women: treatment with folk remedies, traditional treatment, recovery, disease prevention and doctors' recommendations

Signs of this pathology deserve especially close attention. For diagnosis and timely treatment, you need to see a doctor. Despite the fact that urethritis in women is not as pronounced as in men, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will prescribe a treatment course and help eliminate an unpleasant pathology

Delay 2 day, pulls the lower abdomen: possible causes and what to do about it

Delay 2 day, pulls the lower abdomen: possible causes and what to do about it

2 day delay, pulling the lower abdomen, chest pain - every woman faces such signs from time to time. For some, this phenomenon is commonplace, someone has a glimmer of hope of becoming a mother, and someone begins to look for a reason for concern. Why is there a delay in menstruation? What does this indicate?

Ovarian cyst in menopause: causes, treatments, consequences

Ovarian cyst in menopause: causes, treatments, consequences

Neoplasms occur against the background of a change in the habitual work of the body. In women of reproductive age, functional neoplasms are more often diagnosed, and in postmenopausal women, cysts are more often of an organic type. Consider next the symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts in menopause. Most often, women are interested in the question of the need for surgical intervention. Surgery is necessary if the tumor is malignant, grows rapidly, or the patient complains of severe pain

Itching with thrush: how to get rid of, treatment methods, disease prevention

Itching with thrush: how to get rid of, treatment methods, disease prevention

Today, thrush is the most common fungal disease of the female genital organs. There are simply a huge number of factors that provoke its occurrence. Each representative of the fair sex, faced with this disease, knows firsthand what unpleasant sensations it leads to. In this article, we will talk about how to get rid of itching with thrush, as well as what measures can be taken to prevent and treat this disease