Delay 5 days, negative test: what could be the reasons?

Delay 5 days, negative test: what could be the reasons?
Delay 5 days, negative test: what could be the reasons?

If a woman is 5 days late, she starts to worry. And of course, the first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. The woman immediately buys a test to check it out. But not always the reason for the delay in menstruation is pregnancy. Sometimes it happens that the test shows a negative result. "What is the reason for the delay then?" the woman asks. And there can be many reasons. But do not immediately panic that you are sick. Perhaps it's not all that bad. Not all women know their body and how it works. First, let's find out what the menstrual cycle is.

delay 5 days
delay 5 days

Menstrual cycle

Every month all women get their period. If the body is completely he althy, then they go regularly. The menstrual cycle is the process that is responsible for the reproductive function. It is usually triggered by the brain. But researchers have not yet been able to find out exactly which site is responsible for these processes. The only thing,what is known is that the pituitary and hypothalamus receive information from the cerebral cortex. Thanks to this, they produce a certain amount of hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Both hemispheres of the brain also regulate other secretion glands. They are also important for the proper start of menstruation.

Usually, the cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation, and on average it lasts 28 days. But not everyone is like that. After all, every body is different. A cycle of approximately 21 to 35 days can be considered the norm, and a 5-day delay in menstruation should be an alarming bell. You should focus on your cycle regularity. In its first half, the egg matures, the body prepares for conception. The follicle bursts to release the corpus luteum. It produces the hormone progesterone. It is he who prepares the uterus for conception. In the second half of the cycle, there may be two options. If conception has occurred, then there is a natural delay in menstruation. And if the pregnancy does not come, then menstruation comes.

5 days late test negative
5 days late test negative

Weight and latency

Delay of 5 days (negative test) also occurs in overweight women. If you think you have a weight problem, you can check it very easily. For this, a special formula was created that calculates the body mass index. It looks like this: kg / height in meters squared. If you get more than 25, then you are overweight, and if less than 18, then your weight is very low, which is also not good. If you achieve a weight between 18 and 25, then the cycle will be restored. Therefore, ifyou are 5 days late, the test is negative, then pay attention to your weight and lifestyle.

pregnancy delay 5 days
pregnancy delay 5 days


Pregnancy is a great happiness for every woman. Because with its onset, our life changes for the better. Many women dream of a child and are waiting for the coveted second strip on the test. Sometimes it happens that an unplanned pregnancy occurs. A delay of 5 days may mean that conception has occurred. In this case, you should pay attention to some more symptoms.

It happens that a woman feels pregnant even a few hours after conception. But, unfortunately, this is rare. In any case, you should pay attention to symptoms such as bloating, a feeling that something is bothering you, a slight increase in body temperature, an increase in basal temperature, a little brown discharge. A week after conception, other symptoms join all this: weakness and fatigue, it is not clear where acne appeared from, pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. A little later, toxicosis and chest pain may join. All of these symptoms are harmless. They mean that your body is rebuilding. It is very rare to have periods during pregnancy. In order not to torment yourself with guesses, you can do a test or take an hCG test, especially when you have, in addition to all the symptoms, a delay of 5 days. But the test does not always give the correct result, sometimes it does not show pregnancy.


Every woman has a discharge. But it is very important to understand whether they are dangerous, or whether this is a feature of ourorganism. When you're 5 days late, the discharge can tell you what's going on with you. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them. Brown discharge most often occurs when the cycle is delayed. This means that the tissue of the upper layer on the mucosa has grown old, and therefore the color of the discharge is so dark. However, if you have a stomach ache, a delay of 5 days, and you begin to feel unwell, then this is a reason to see a doctor. Sometimes discharge of this nature can mean diseases such as inflammation, menopause, cervical cancer, papillomavirus, chlamydia, or gonorrhea. But all these diseases can be accompanied by other symptoms. Women also have white discharge. The reasons for this can be very different: stress, diabetes, taking contraceptives or antibiotics, allergies, hormonal failure, inflammation and infection. Therefore, going to the doctor should not be postponed either.

stomach ache 5 days late
stomach ache 5 days late

Abdominal pain

During pregnancy, women often complain that the stomach pulls on the 5th day of delay. These pains are similar to those that bother us during menstruation, and women think that they are about to begin. But there are pains for which you need to see a doctor. These include strong and cutting. If you have a delay of 5 days, and you feel pain, then this is a sign of pregnancy, inflammation, or a threatened miscarriage. It can also give stress, exercise, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the ovaries, adnexitis or salpingo-oophoritis. If you are in extreme pain or bleeding, call an ambulance.

delayed period 5 days
delayed period 5 days

Dysfunctionovarian and delay

A 5-day delay should alert you. Especially if it happens for the first time. Nowadays, there are many women diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction. This diagnosis is not at all scary. It only explains why you have a delay in menstruation. It is very important to find the cause of the dysfunction. Based on it, you can be prescribed a course of hormonal drugs, and with the help of them your cycle will be restored. In order to prescribe you treatment, you will need to do some tests to understand the cause. Usually, with such a picture, a blood test is prescribed, including hCG, ultrasound. This is to determine if you are pregnant. It is very common that ovarian dysfunction occurs due to stress.

But the most common reason for this is inflammation. It can start due to various factors: poor hygiene, chlamydia, candidiasis, and other sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, it is very important to pass all the necessary tests and consult a gynecologist.

delay 5 days
delay 5 days

Reason for delay and consequences

A 5-day delay in menstruation can be for those women who work hard and overwork. Nowadays it is very difficult to avoid this. The nervous system can be affected by exams, problems at work, quarrels with loved ones, or a difficult situation in life. To avoid these factors, it is best to contact a psychologist and take everything easier. Lack of sleep can also affect your cycle, because this is also a lot of stress for the body. Overvoltage is also one of the reasons for the delay in menstruation. Very often atfemale athletes have problems with the cycle. There is a delay due to climate change. For example, if you went on vacation to another country where the climate is completely different, your body may not have time to readjust, then a delay is possible.

5 days late test negative
5 days late test negative

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Now there are many women diagnosed with "polycystic ovary syndrome". This disease involves hormonal disruptions and disruption of the ovaries. With this disease, the work of the adrenal glands and pancreas is disrupted. This diagnosis can be made by looking at a woman. Patients are usually overweight and have a lot of body hair. But there are those who do not have these factors. This disease can lead to infertility. It is difficult for women with this disease to become pregnant. With such a picture, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with hormones. If you start the disease, you may need surgery, so you should not hesitate to go to the gynecologist. Especially with a delay of 5 days. After treatment, the cycle is quickly restored, and you can get pregnant very quickly.
