Ultrasound for lactostasis: benefits, contraindications, reviews

Ultrasound for lactostasis: benefits, contraindications, reviews
Ultrasound for lactostasis: benefits, contraindications, reviews

Lactostasis is understood as a condition when breast milk stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands of a nursing woman. This problem can occur at any stage of breastfeeding, both immediately after the birth of the baby, and a year later. In addition, it can either occur once or repeat after a certain period of time. Lactostasis can cause significant discomfort to a young mother, as well as jeopardize the entire process of breastfeeding. Comprehensive treatment of this condition includes physiotherapy. In this review, we will look at how to identify lactostasis in a nursing mother, the symptoms of such a manifestation and methods of treatment.

Why does it occur

chest pain
chest pain

What is lactostasis? Why would he show up at all? There are a number of reasons for this condition. One of the main ones is improper attachment of the baby to the breast. The baby should be turned to face the mother's chest, the head and torso should be located inone plane. The baby's mouth should cover most of the areola. If the baby is attached to the breast correctly, the mother does not feel pain. The only exceptions are the first stages of feeding. If the baby is applied incorrectly, the breast will not empty completely. As a result, breast milk can stagnate in the ducts. This condition is called lactostasis.

Another common cause of milk stasis is feeding a baby not on demand, but by the hour. Milk may come, but it does not reach the baby. As a result, lactostasis occurs.

Other reasons

There are also a number of negative factors that can cause lactostasis in a nursing mother. Treatment may depend on the underlying cause.

Breast milk stasis usually results from the following conditions:

  • Maternal respiratory infections (in this case also due to tissue swelling).
  • Hyperlactation (increased milk content in the mammary glands). This condition, as a rule, develops as a result of irrational frequent pumping.
  • Swelling of breast tissues can occur when wearing improperly selected underwear. Bra seams can exert excessive pressure.
  • Breast injury (Tissues in the area of impact may swell, the ducts are compressed, and the milk does not flow as it should).
  • Anatomical features: in many women, the ducts of the mammary glands are too narrow or excessively tortuous.
  • Sagging breasts.
  • Sleep on your side or stomach withsqueezing the mammary glands.
  • Physical surge.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.

Stagnation of milk in the duct can cause an increase in pressure in the entire lobule. As a result, tissue edema occurs, which can turn into a painful induration. Milk, having no outflow paths, can be partially absorbed into the blood. This causes an increase in body temperature. Due to prolonged hypertension in the lobules, milk production decreases until lactation completely stops. This condition is called total lactostasis.


girl with a child
girl with a child

Let's take a closer look at this. It is easy to identify this condition. First of all, a woman usually pays attention to pain in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe breast. Along with this, there is a feeling of heaviness and bursting. When probing, a painful seal may appear. There may also be an increase in temperature to subfebrile (37-38 degrees) and febrile (38-39) values. The disease can be accompanied by a state of chills. Many sick mothers first notice weakness, and only then pay attention to fever, and then try to find the cause of this condition. Even at home, a woman may well palpate a painful lump in the depths of the breast.

It should be noted that not every mother will be able to independently detect a seal. In this case, you must consult a doctor. Some women don't even have a fever. With lactostasis, feeding is accompanied by severe pain. Over time, compactionmay increase in size, the skin over it turns red. If the woman is not given medical attention at this stage, an infection can enter the stagnant milk. As a result, mastitis develops. This can lead to a buildup of pus in the breast.


What is lactostasis and how to treat it? To eliminate this disease, experts recommend that nursing mothers express milk using a breast pump. First of all, it is worth noting that with stagnation in the early stages, a woman can cope with the problem on her own. It is enough just to attach the baby to the chest. The easiest way to treat milk stasis is to apply frequently. However, you need to make sure they are correct. Then the discussed manipulations will be more effective. The baby should be positioned so that his chin is directed towards the compaction. Thanks to this, an additional massage will also be carried out. With stagnation in the upper segments, it is recommended to apply the child upside down. In this case, the young mother will have to try hard, but the result will not be long in coming.


girl holding baby
girl holding baby

Is it possible to somehow prevent lactostasis (ICD-10 code 091 - mastitis)? Many qualified professionals recommend taking a warm shower before feeding. Water jets should be directed to the area between the shoulder blades and to the area where the seal is localized. Warm jets of water will carry out a kind of massage, as a result of which the ducts and muscles in a state of spasm willrelaxed. You can also try using a compress instead of a shower. It is applied for 15-20 minutes before the intended feeding.

Experts recommend using compresses with camphor alcohol. However, it is worth noting that this tool can reduce the level of lactation. Restoring the original state can be extremely difficult. This method is fully justified and can be used if lactostasis is caused by hyperlactation.

Before and after feeding, doctors advise to do a gentle massage. Previously, it was believed that the stagnation of milk in the breast can only be “broken”, thereby delivering excruciating pain to a young mother. Such a massage often left behind a lot of bruises. Too rough mechanical impacts can cause swelling of the delicate breast tissue, which subsequently leads to a whole series of lactostasis.


girl holding her chest
girl holding her chest

Traditional methods of treating milk stasis are not always effective. Therefore, many are interested in how ultrasound is used for lactostasis.

This technique has many advantages:

  1. Ultrasonic impact is directly on the area of the seal. Not all restorative techniques have this feature.
  2. Ultrasound on the mammary glands with lactostasis does not cause any harm to soft tissues and other structures.
  3. Milk stasis is treated by micro-type massage.

In tissues treated with ultrasound, there is alsoimprovement of blood circulation and acceleration of metabolic processes. This has a positive effect on all the functions of the body of a young mother.

Features of the technique

The use of ultrasound in medicine has become quite widespread. It consists in the impact of frequency fluctuations up to 3000 kHz, which must be strictly dosed. Ultrasound can only be used under the supervision of a mammologist. He will be able to determine all the features of a woman's condition.

Due to the impact of ultrasonic waves, it is possible to achieve a mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effect. In fact, the presented technique plays the role of an irritant that can trigger the body's natural defense mechanisms. As a result, accelerated tissue regeneration is observed.

Is ultrasound effective in lactostasis? Patient reviews confirm that the pain when using this technique passes quite quickly.


girl feeding a baby
girl feeding a baby

This issue should be given special attention. Despite the high efficiency, ultrasound in lactostasis can not always be used.

Mammologists identify the following contraindications to such physiotherapy:

  • nervous system damage;
  • cancerous tumors and malignancies;
  • exacerbation of mastitis.

Less contraindications include hormonal disorders. The problem is that some of their forms lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, in thiscase, ultrasound cannot be used for lactostasis. Contraindications also include cystic diseases (breast fibroadenomatosis).

Preliminary examination

Before you start using ultrasound for lactostasis, you must definitely undergo a medical examination. Only on the basis of tests, mammograms and ultrasound results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate therapy. This will help prevent the development of complications and eliminate lactostasis in a nursing mother. Treatment usually includes a full course of physiotherapy as well as medication.

At home

girl hugging baby
girl hugging baby

What is lactostasis? Can this condition be treated at home? Doctors strongly advise the use of special complexes of vitamins and minerals. These drugs will help improve the general condition of a young mother.

How is mastitis treated in a nursing mother? Again, 091 is the ICD-10 code for lactostasis. The most effective technique is ultrasound. If you follow a number of recommendations, it can even be used at home. Some preparation is required. First, you should stop taking hormonal drugs. It is also not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages before the procedure. This can worsen the general condition of the body and minimize the therapeutic effect of the treatment.

To make the ultrasound with lactostasis as effective as possible, it is recommended to massage the breast with soft relaxing movements before the procedure. This will speed up the absorption of the milk.


mom and baby
mom and baby

In this review, we examined what lactostasis is in a nursing mother, the symptoms of this condition and methods of treatment. Before carrying out any procedures, it is better to consult a specialist. Take care of yourself and your baby!
