Monthly, a woman's body prepares for conception and possible pregnancy. The long process of bearing a baby is accompanied by changes in the sexual, digestive, nervous and other systems, heart and blood vessels. The body begins to work in a completely different way. After childbirth, a process of reverse development occurs, that is, all organs and systems return to their normal rhythm of work. You don't need to plan your next baby right away. You need to give your body a chance to rest. In the event that the child was born by CS, it is advisable to become pregnant again no earlier than three years later. Before this time (and even before the onset of menstruation), you need to think about contraception.

Discharge after surgery: normal
After childbirth (it doesn't matter if theynaturally or the child appeared as a result of the operation), the uterus is a continuous wound surface, so intense bloody discharge appears. This is not menstruation, but the process of restoring the female reproductive system. Over time, the uterus, which has increased from 50 g to 1000-1200 g during pregnancy, shrinks and returns to its normal state.
Bleeding after childbirth appear immediately. That is why you need to put several packs of disposable panties in your bag at the maternity hospital. There may not be enough pads, and it is forbidden to use tampons (you need to control the abundance, color and consistency of the discharge). Within two hours after delivery, the woman is placed on the stomach with an ice pack so that the uterus begins to contract. Abundant discharge continues for seven to ten days after delivery, and then subsides.
Normally, spotting continues for one and a half to one month after childbirth. At this time, menstruation does not occur, because the body has not yet fully recovered. These secretions are not associated with the onset of ovulation and the separation of the endometrial layer from the uterine cavity. The body is not yet ready to start bearing a child again (it is the readiness for a new pregnancy that means the onset of menstruation). When do periods start after a caesarean section? We will consider this issue in detail below.

Possible complications after childbirth
Complications are relatively rare after CS. Adhesions may appear - these are extra fused tissues. They are present in the normappear after any surgical intervention. Spikes protect the female body from the occurrence of pus, but there should not be too many of them. Another possible complication that affects the state of the female body as a whole, including the time of onset of menstruation after childbirth, is a violation of peristalsis.
Endometrium is one of the most common complications after CS. This is an inflammation that is localized in the uterine cavity. With endometritis, during the intervention, microbes unusual for it enter the body. The disease is manifested by severe pain in the lower abdomen, profuse brown discharge with pus inclusions, which most often have an unpleasant odor, high fever and weakness.

What affects the timing of menstruation
How long after a caesarean section will my period return? Several factors influence the return time of critical days. Young mothers recover faster than women who have had a baby in their 30s and older. The younger the mother's age, the faster the body will recover and menstruation will begin again.
The reproductive system will return to normal faster if there were no complications during pregnancy. It is important to combine stress and relaxation in the life of a young mother. If a young mother does not fully rest and becomes irritable, then periods will not recover quickly. In addition, the period of recovery of menstruation after cesarean section with artificial feeding or breastfeeding is affected by the lifestyle of a young mother.before pregnancy, nutritional adequacy and so on.
EP or CS and due date of period
The tactics of childbirth has little effect on the rate of recovery of the female body. If there were no complications, then the woman after EP and CS will recover in about the same period of time - about two months. Although, according to the experience of many women, the recovery of the body after CS is slower and more difficult for most than after EP.
Impact of breastfeeding
Most of all, lactation affects the period of restoration of menstruation after CS or EP. If a woman feeds the child herself, then prolactin is produced, due to which the production of milk is ensured. In addition to this function, prolactin affects the ovaries, but not in the best way. The more prolactin the body produces, the more lethargic the ovaries become. As long as mommy feeds the baby often, a quick recovery of menstruation is unlikely.

Period after caesarean section while breastfeeding recovers in about four to six months. Even if at this time the young mother continues to breastfeed the baby, the amount of prolactin begins to decrease. If there is little milk initially, then periods after a caesarean section with artificial feeding will begin two to three months after the CS (two weeks after the postpartum hemorrhage).
Some patterns
In most cases, there is a close relationship between lactation and the menstrual cycle. Doctors note the following patterns:
- The first KD after CS often comes with the introduction of complementary foods to the baby.
- With mixed feeding, critical days come on average three to four months after CS.
- With active breastfeeding, periods after a caesarean section may not occur for several months (even more than a year).
- If a woman generally does not feed her baby on her own, then physiological discharge may begin five to eight weeks after CS, but no later than two to three months.
Normal period after cesarean
Menstrual flow tells about how internal processes proceed. The nature of menstruation can warn of possible violations. The first CDs after CS are likely to be very heavy. Intensive discharge will be in the next cycle, although in general the woman's condition will not worsen. The reason for heavy periods is that hormones begin to work more actively to restore the ability to conceive. If intense discharge does not stop for a long time, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps this is a sign of hyperplasia, that is, the formation of cells in large numbers, or other serious pathologies.

In the first month after menstruation after a caesarean section, there will be no ovulation with artificial feeding or natural ovulation, because the body has not yet recovered enough. By the next critical days, the ovaries will begin to work more actively, the hormonal background will be balanced, and ovulation will become regular. Given the characteristics of the body, you should not worry aboutinconsistency of the cycle in the first three to four months. After normalization of the cycle, it will be approximately 21 to 35 days, and the duration of menstrual bleeding will be 3-7 days.
Cycle duration
During the first four months after CS, periods that come every two to three weeks should not cause concern. If critical days come for more than three cycles in a row, then this may indicate problems in the contractile activity of the uterus. This condition can be caused by surgery or the negative effects on the body of certain drugs. How long are periods after a caesarean section? As usual - three to seven days. You also need to contact a gynecologist if the duration of critical days exceeds seven days.
Normal menstrual flow
Monthly after caesarean section while breastfeeding should not be too heavy or meager. Scanty discharge indicates insufficient uterine contractions, which can cause blood stasis and inflammation. Abundant periods are the norm only in the first two months, after which it can only be uterine bleeding, which requires urgent medical attention. Tangible pain during menstruation or spotting most often speaks of endometritis.

Restoring the cycle after CS: tips
Menstruation after caesarean section with artificial feeding will recover faster if you follow a number of recommendations. You need to follow the regime, that is, get enough sleep, every daywalk in the air and eat right. It is important to reasonably limit hygiene procedures. Hot baths are contraindicated, as is the use of tampons, baths or douching. For a while, you will need to be content with just a shower and pads.
After surgery, a woman will have to maintain sexual rest for some time. It is advisable to refrain from vaginal sex for three to four months. If there is still a sexual life, then you need to take care of protection from conception. A woman can give birth to a he althy child without harm to her own he alth only after three or four years (during this time, the suture will completely dissolve and the body will recover). Conception in the second cycle may result in miscarriage or damage to the uterus.

When should I see a gynecologist
For menstruation after caesarean section with artificial feeding or natural feeding, a woman should monitor herself. You need to visit a doctor a maximum of two to three calendar months after childbirth, but you should not postpone going to a specialist if the discharge ends too quickly or continues for a long time, menstruation does not come for four months after the CS or EU, do not differ in regularity after three cycles, are very abundant or scarce. Perhaps this indicates some serious violation. As a result of the examination, both hormonal failure and gynecological diseases can be diagnosed. To restore the female reproductive systemit is necessary to undergo an adequate course of treatment. So a woman can subsequently conceive, endure and give birth to another desired baby.