Throughout life, a woman inevitably faces some gynecological problems. Some of them do not pose a threat to life and he alth, while others, on the contrary, are fraught with danger. The diagnosis of "nodular form of uterine adenomyosis" can scare a woman. Is it really a dangerous disease? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of nodular adenomyosis?
Nodular adenomyosis of the uterus is a pathological condition in which the internal epithelium penetrates into other layers of the organ, thereby forming some nodules, thanks to which the disease got its name. Such processes are benign, but can significantly reduce the quality of a woman's life. In addition, nodules can form not only directly in the body of the uterus, but also in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, urinary tract.

What is uterine adenomyosis? In plain language itthe disease can be described as the germination of glandular tissue into the cavity of the organ. At the same time, its functions are partially preserved, so the nodes are filled with liquid. Nodes can be of different sizes. Growing, they cause discomfort to a woman, which forces her to turn to specialists.
Causes of occurrence
Today, medicine is still in search of the exact reasons for the development of the disease. However, there are a number of already known causes of the nodular form of adenomyosis of the uterus:
- hereditary predisposition;
- too early or late onset of menses;
- obesity, it is believed that the higher the body mass index, the higher the risk of a woman getting sick;
- too early onset of sexual activity, when the body is not ready for it or, conversely, belated;
- early birth (before 19) or late (after 35);
- inflammatory processes that occur in the internal genital organs;
- frequent stress;
- hard physical labor;
- some postpartum complications.

In addition, mechanical damage to the uterine cavity, such as abortion or curettage for other medical reasons, also significantly increases the risk of adenomyosis.
Signs of the nodular form of adenomyosis of the uterus may be as follows:
- First of all, you need to pay attention to unusually heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.
- With large blood loss, anemia may develop.
- WhenThis woman feels a general malaise, increased drowsiness and experiences frequent dizziness.
- In the intervals between periods, there may be bloody brownish discharge, which does not differ in intensity and disappears within 1-3 days.
- The strength of pain depends on the location of the focus of adenomyosis. For example, a woman experiences especially severe pain if the pathological process occurs in the cervix.
In addition, discomfort often appears in the place from which the formation arose. For example, pain in the groin indicates damage to the body of the uterus, and discomfort in the vagina indicates adenomyosis in the neck of the organ.
Disease and pregnancy
Of course, the joy of motherhood is important for most women. Therefore, having heard the diagnosis of "nodular form of uterine adenomyosis", expectant mothers begin to worry about a possible pregnancy. And not in vain, because this pathology is characterized by the formation of adhesions in the body, which can lead to infertility. What are the chances of a normal delivery and pregnancy with nodular adenomyosis?

Such a diagnosis is not a final verdict, despite the high risks of infertility. In this case, everything depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, special attention should be paid to research on the detection of sexually transmitted infections.
It is also very important to treat adenomyosis before the long-awaited pregnancy, as in this position mostdrugs are prohibited. The same rule applies to detected secondary diseases.
What is the danger?
The consequences of pathology can be as follows:
- with large menstrual blood loss, which is characteristic of the disease, anemia can develop, which provokes oxygen starvation of the brain, as a result of which there is a deterioration in well-being, memory and performance;
- germination of endometrial cells through the uterus and involvement in the pathological process of nearby organs, such as the intestines, bladder;
- disorders of the ovulatory cycle;
- infertility;
- impossibility of implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall.

In rare cases, a benign neoplasm can degenerate into a malignant one.
The study of the patient should begin with a gynecologist who will find out all the symptoms of the nodular form of uterine adenomyosis, and also conduct an examination using a gynecological mirror.

At the same time, other tests may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. Among them:
- Ultrasound with nodular form of adenomyosis of the uterus at any stage of development will help to identify the disease. At the same time, the doctor sees on the screen noticeably thickened walls of the organ due to the growth of glandular tissue, the asymmetry of the uterus.
- If the situation requires confirmation of the diagnosis or any points are not clear on ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging is necessarytomography.
In addition, the diagnosis of nodular adenomyosis involves testing for sexually transmitted diseases and co-infections.
After making a diagnosis, it is necessary to prescribe the necessary therapy. Most often it is complex and includes such methods of treatment:
- The use of hormonal drugs is due to the fact that adenomyosis is a hormone-dependent disease. Oral contraceptives can easily cope with this task, which reduce the level of the female hormone estrogen.
- Installation of intrauterine devices, which significantly reduce the intensity and duration of menstruation. However, this method is not recommended for women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future.
- Surgical intervention to excise nodes. This method is most suitable for women planning to become a mother in the near future. The operation is the least traumatic, as the intervention is carried out through small incisions.
- The cardinal measure is the complete removal of the internal genital organs. It is indicated in cases of severe growth of the endometrium and the danger of damage to nearby organs.
- Non-steroidal painkillers are recommended for severe pain.
- Performing electrocoagulation, in which lesions are burned out using electricity.

In addition, doctors note the need for adjunctive therapy, which includesyourself such methods:
- taking anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary to reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of new adhesions;
- high iron preparations used to prevent anemia;
- vitamin complexes to support the immune system.
When a secondary infection is detected, it is also necessary to carry out the correct treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Weight loss is recommended for overweight women, as excess weight also affects the body's production of estrogens.
Is a complete cure possible?
What is adenomyosis of the uterus, in plain language? This is a disease that is chronic, that is, there are periods of remission and exacerbation, in which the pathology returns. The number of recurrences that occur after conservative treatment of the disease in the next 1-2 years reaches 20%. Surgery reduces this percentage somewhat.
Significantly less chance of recurrence of the pathological process occurs during menopause, when ovarian function weakens. With cardinal treatment by amputation of the internal genital organs, the resumption of the disease is not possible.
It is possible to significantly reduce the risk of a nodular form of uterine adenomyosis if you follow these simple recommendations from gynecologists:
- Pay sufficient attention to intimate hygiene - washing daily with warm water, using a neutral pH gel, wearing organic cotton underwear.
- It is important to keep your weight within the normal range. To do this, it is recommended to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle. It is also necessary to give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse.
- It is necessary to avoid casual sexual contact with unfamiliar people, as this can lead to sexually transmitted diseases. They, in turn, can provoke the development of adenomyosis.
- Once every 6 months it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, even if there are no complaints, as some diseases, including adenomyosis of the initial stage, can be almost asymptomatic.
- Inflammatory or infectious diseases must be treated in a timely manner under the supervision of a specialist.
- It is necessary to monitor the state of the endocrine system, as it regulates the production of important hormones.
- It is recommended to find out the causes and eliminate menstrual irregularities in a timely manner, as well as to be careful about choosing and taking oral contraceptives.

In order for a woman to bear and give birth to a he althy child without any problems, it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner. It is also not recommended to use traditional medicine, especially all kinds of candles and tampons, without the appointment and control of the attending physician, since in this way the existing problem can be significantly aggravated. Self-medication by any means most often only enhances the inflammatory process and provokes the development of new nodules.