Female things: a few reasons why nipples itch

Female things: a few reasons why nipples itch
Female things: a few reasons why nipples itch

If a woman's breasts itch, it's mostly in the nipple area. But why nipples itch - you can’t immediately determine! This can happen for several reasons. For example, due to skin irritation in that area.

why do nipples itch
why do nipples itch

After all, the breast is in contact with the synthetic material from which the women's bra is made, and if it is also a size smaller than it should be, then there is every reason to suspect this very reason. As a rule, both nipples itch, as well as those places where the seams of the bra dig especially hard. It is easy to check if this is the case. Wear a loose, non-synthetic bra. If you feel that the itch is gone - feel free to review your underwear wardrobe!

But you think a bra is the only reason why nipples itch? Don't be fooled by this! Now we will give you a whole list of possible causes of itching on the most delicate part of the female breast.

Causes that cause itching on the nipples

  1. Firstly, the reason why nipples itch in women ismay lie in an allergy (or irritation) to a detergent or conditioner. The fact is that most bras are made of dense fabrics that can trap the smallest particles of powder, and the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe female nipples is the most sensitive and delicate. This reason is very real! Use, say, laundry soap to wash your bras, rinse them thoroughly by hand. If the chest has stopped itching, then congratulations - you have found a way out! Change your detergent. If the itching has not disappeared, then this is not the reason. Let's think further…
  2. Secondly, if you are a teenage girl, then the question is: "Why do my nipples itch?" you shouldn't be worried. In most girls, during their sexual development, the chest begins to itch - this is an absolutely normal process. Since the body is hormonally rebuilt, and the mammary glands begin to grow, the skin in this area is stretched, and therefore itches. If this gives you discomfort, then there are two options for eliminating unpleasant itching in the place where it itches constantly. Breast nipple should be lubricated with oil (olive, sea buckthorn, burdock, sunflower) or try wearing loose underwear made from natural material.
  3. itchy breast nipple
    itchy breast nipple
  4. Thirdly, pregnancy is a completely logical explanation for why nipples itch. In principle, the mechanism of action is the same as that of adolescent girls. The growth of the mammary glands, their filling with milk stretches the delicate skin around the nipples, which means it causes itching. By the way, during pregnancy, the breast can itch in another way.cause - dry skin, which causes an increased content of progesterone in the blood of a woman. Don't let this happen! Use moisturizers that are based on elastin and collagen.
  5. why do nipples itch
    why do nipples itch
  6. Fourthly, itching on the nipples, as well as on any other parts of the body, can occur due to skin diseases or be a reaction to taking a particular medication. In this case, the skin around the nipples is irritated, flaky, reddened, and rashes may appear on it. Then you should definitely visit a gynecologist!
