Women's he alth 2024, October

Uterine fundus height - by weeks and months

Uterine fundus height - by weeks and months

The height of the uterine fundus is measured by the doctor without fail by weeks. The fact is that it is this parameter that characterizes the development of the fetus

Blood from the urethra in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Blood from the urethra in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Isolation of blood from the urethra in women is undoubtedly a serious pathology, if it does not apply to menstrual days. This signal indicates danger, because the pelvic organs are closely related to the functions of childbearing. With the appearance of bloody discharge from the genitals of a woman, she speaks of problems with the genitourinary system

White discharge during pregnancy - normal or not?

White discharge during pregnancy - normal or not?

Pregnancy is the most responsible and mysterious period in the life of every woman. That is why much attention is paid to the he alth and well-being of the expectant mother. Any change can lead a woman into a panic state. To avoid this, you need to know what is considered normal and what is pathology. White discharge during pregnancy is a fairly common manifestation. Let's try to figure out if this is normal or not

Male hormones are elevated in women: causes, symptoms and treatment. How to restore hormonal levels in women

Male hormones are elevated in women: causes, symptoms and treatment. How to restore hormonal levels in women

Hormonal diseases quite often disturb the fair sex of any age. It is very important to pay attention to pathologies in a timely manner in order not to cause significant harm to your he alth. If male hormones are elevated in women, then this indicates serious he alth problems in the fairer sex

Itching after menstruation: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Means for intimate hygiene

Itching after menstruation: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Means for intimate hygiene

The main symptom that indicates the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in the reproductive female organs is considered to be itching after menstruation. This phenomenon often worries women, often it is the main sign of pathological changes, however, it rarely happens that this phenomenon is not associated with the disease

Headache after childbirth: possible causes, symptoms

Headache after childbirth: possible causes, symptoms

Many new mothers complain about constant headaches after giving birth. Of course, the birth of a new person is associated with fundamental changes in the lives of parents. But, in addition to everyday problems, women often face very tangible he alth problems. Weakness, dizziness, insomnia, postpartum migraines are symptoms that should never be ignored

Delayed menstruation with menopause: causes and treatment

Delayed menstruation with menopause: causes and treatment

For women over the age of 40-45, symptoms of delayed menstruation are normally characteristic as a signal of the transition to the menopause phase. This phenomenon is normal and even correct, and therefore no urgent medical consultation, pregnancy test or any disease is required. However, all of the above cannot be ruled out, as well as not paying attention to changes in your body

After "Postinor" delay in menstruation: the main causes and recommendations of doctors

After "Postinor" delay in menstruation: the main causes and recommendations of doctors

After intercourse without barrier protection, many women resort to emergency contraception. One of these is Postinor. However, none of the products on the modern pharmacological market provides guaranteed protection. What to do if there is no menstruation after Postinor? How long can the delay last?

11 day after ovulation: signs of the fertilization process, medical advice

11 day after ovulation: signs of the fertilization process, medical advice

The presence of a two-phase menstrual cycle with full ovulation is a special characteristic of he alth, as it indicates the normal functioning of the ovaries and the central link "hypothalamus - pituitary", which regulates this process. Irregular ovulation does not always mean serious functional or structural impairment

Pain in the lower abdomen and delayed menstruation: causes, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Pain in the lower abdomen and delayed menstruation: causes, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Timely menstruation, taking into account the woman's cycle, is the main sign of the he alth of the reproductive system. However, sometimes there may be pain in the lower abdomen and a delay in menstruation, which signals not only pregnancy, but also the course of many diseases, pathological disorders in the body

Cotyledon placenta: description, structure and function

Cotyledon placenta: description, structure and function

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event in the life of a family. Pregnancy of a woman is a crucial period of her life, when the he alth of her unborn baby is laid. Many factors influence its intrauterine development, but the most important is the normal functioning of the mother-placenta-child system. The placenta is a key link in this chain

After menstruation, an unpleasant odor: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

After menstruation, an unpleasant odor: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A woman's body is designed in such a way that after a certain time period she has critical days every month. They last from three to seven days. The amount of discharge can be small, profuse and normal, odorless or with an unpleasant odor. Such symptoms indicate the appearance of a disease that needs immediate treatment

Small breasts: what to do, how to enlarge? Results, reviews

Small breasts: what to do, how to enlarge? Results, reviews

The main reasons why a woman's breast stops developing and does not grow. As well as factors contributing to the development of asymmetry. The most common methods of breast augmentation are: taking hormones, dietary supplements, choosing physical exercises and mammoplasty. Girls reviews

Basal temperature during menopause: indicators, norm and deviations, features

Basal temperature during menopause: indicators, norm and deviations, features

Women face many challenges during menopause. An increase in basal temperature may indicate ongoing pathologies. Therefore, it is important to know the norms of this indicator. It is also worth learning how to measure BT correctly

Red spots under the breasts: causes and treatments

Red spots under the breasts: causes and treatments

The condition of the human skin is an indicator of painful or pathological processes occurring in the body. Neoplasms or a rash in the chest area may indicate the development of various pathologies, which are determined based on the size, color and sensitivity of the rash

Can nipples hurt before menstruation: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Can nipples hurt before menstruation: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Can nipples hurt before menstruation? Most women, asking this question to the doctor, want to make sure that the pain syndrome in the mammary glands is a temporary phenomenon and not associated with pathology, provoked by hormonal changes in the body during menstruation. Indeed, discomfort in the chest in the majority of cases should not cause concern, since they are not considered a deviation

Abortion at 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and possible consequences

Abortion at 16: doctor's appointment, rules and timing, indications, contraindications and possible consequences

Even in our time, underage pregnancy can be encountered. It is logical that at this age, young girls think about walks, clubs and fans. The reluctance to give up everything at 16 and become a mother pushes girls to have an abortion

Breast augmentation with own fat: indications and contraindications

Breast augmentation with own fat: indications and contraindications

Not every woman is happy with her bust or how she looks in relation to any style of dress. But in the yard of the 21st century and today there is practically nothing impossible, like breast augmentation with your own fat. But is it possible? Will there be consequences? These and other questions swirl through the minds of women who want to have breasts of the right parameters. One thing is certain - the procedure is completely safe, but you should follow the advice of specialists

How is breast milk produced? Breastfeeding Rules, Tips and Tricks

How is breast milk produced? Breastfeeding Rules, Tips and Tricks

How is breast milk produced? What is the mechanism and principle of its formation? What can and cannot be done while breastfeeding? What you need to know about lactation How to preserve the beneficial properties of mother's milk? Women often have to find answers to these and many other questions on their own. So this is just one thing - it's time to find out the most relevant and useful information about breastfeeding

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy: complications, consequences for the child, treatment methods

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy: complications, consequences for the child, treatment methods

MS is diagnosed predominantly at a young age (15-25 years), with the incidence being two to three times higher in women than in men. Up to 10% of cases of the disease are due to a genetic predisposition, pathology can develop due to elevated blood sugar levels, lack of vitamin D, regular physical exertion or severe stress

Menstruation 10 days early: causes of cycle failure

Menstruation 10 days early: causes of cycle failure

A woman's he alth at any age is a fragile and delicate mechanism, so it needs to be given increased attention. From time to time, many are faced with failures and problems of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, periods may appear 10 days earlier. Such failures can cause significant harm to women's he alth and disrupt all plans. How to be in this situation? What can cause menstrual irregularities?

Little blood during menstruation: causes and treatment

Little blood during menstruation: causes and treatment

Any deviation from the norm should make a woman think, because the changes that have occurred may indicate the development of a pathological process in the pelvic organs. The symptoms include not only the unequal duration of the phases of the cycle, but also the amount of discharge during menstruation and their total duration

Contraception after childbirth - features, recommendations, methods, means and methods

Contraception after childbirth - features, recommendations, methods, means and methods

Postpartum contraception is frankly not an easy topic. It is known that it is during this period that the probability of an unplanned pregnancy is higher than in any other period of life. The most reasonable option is to visit a local gynecologist to select the best remedy for a particular woman

How long do periods last for the first time, after childbirth and abortion?

How long do periods last for the first time, after childbirth and abortion?

Menstruation is the monthly bleeding from a woman's genital tract that recurs approximately every 28 days. Their duration depends on individual characteristics, he alth status and many other factors. How long should a normal period go? More about it below

Intrauterine spiral "Multiload": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Intrauterine spiral "Multiload": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Unfortunately, the number of abortions has been growing significantly in Russia in recent years. The reason for this is the neglect of contraceptives. Gynecologists strongly recommend protection

Contraceptive ring "NovaRing": side effects, instructions, analogues, reviews

Contraceptive ring "NovaRing": side effects, instructions, analogues, reviews

Does Nuvaring have side effects? This question interests any modern woman who is considering options for hormonal contraception in general and this ring in particular. Indeed, the promises of the manufacturer look tempting, but on the Internet you can find a lot of frightening reviews - supposedly some people completely stopped menstruation while using this effective contraceptive, others suffer from mood swings, emotional instability

"Reserpine": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues and reviews

"Reserpine": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues and reviews

"Reserpine" is a complex sympatholytic drug that has a hypotensive, antipsychotic and sedative effect. The active substance of this drug is one of the alkaloids of such a rare plant as snake rauwolfia

Suppositories for restoring microflora in gynecology

Suppositories for restoring microflora in gynecology

Suppositories to restore microflora, as a rule, are used if the body is not able to independently regulate the ratio of various bacteria. There can be quite a few reasons for the imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. Among them are diseases of infectious origin, hypothermia, non-observance of personal hygiene rules or a sharp change in climate