Can't get pregnant after abortion: gynecologist's consultation. Termination of pregnancy: complications and consequences

Can't get pregnant after abortion: gynecologist's consultation. Termination of pregnancy: complications and consequences
Can't get pregnant after abortion: gynecologist's consultation. Termination of pregnancy: complications and consequences

Many women cannot get pregnant after an abortion. Let's figure out why this is happening.

Not for every woman the onset of pregnancy becomes a long-awaited and joyful event. Some decide to keep an unplanned pregnancy, others decide to terminate it. Modern medical practice is ready to offer various options for getting rid of unwanted pregnancies. True, no one warns about the consequences of the first abortion.

No method guarantees safety for the female reproductive system, as well as the ability to freely conceive in the future, so a woman needs to weigh the pros and cons before deciding on such an operation.

can't get pregnant after abortion
can't get pregnant after abortion

Ways to abort early

Methods of abortion artificially in the first trimester are significantly different from manipulations onlater dates. Modern medicine seeks to create the safest and least traumatic way to eliminate pregnancy. The likelihood of complications increases with increasing gestational age. In the first weeks, the uterine walls are not yet stretched, and the imbalance of hormones is not critical.

But even in this case, there is a possibility of infertility after an abortion.

There are three main ways to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy:

1. Vacuum aspiration. The safest and most uncomplicated method.

2. Abortion involving curettage of the uterine cavity.

3. Interruption through prescribed medications.

Hormonal disorders can accompany each of these methods, as well as other disorders in the female reproductive system. Regardless of the method of interruption chosen, which the specialist prescribes, a thorough examination should be carried out.

Diagnosis before procedure

The following are considered mandatory diagnostic measures before the abortion procedure:

1. Clinical study of the main indicators of urine and blood.

2. Gynecological examination and two-hand examination.

3. Taking a smear for the purity of the vaginal microflora.

4. Blood test for syphilis, as well as hepatitis C and B.

5. Carrying out a coagulogram.

6. Determination of belonging to the blood group and Rh factor.

7. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.


Physician consultation

In addition, the patient is assigned a consultation with a therapist, who must familiarize himself with the anamnesis and decide on the advisability of terminating the pregnancy, based on the existing pathologies. Also, some women are advised to visit a psychologist for a conversation. Some are dissuaded from having an abortion, others are given psychological support.

It happens that often women cannot get pregnant after the first abortion. Why?

Medical abortion

The operation is possible only in the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 12 weeks. Before the procedure, a woman undergoes an examination as part of a antenatal clinic, and then receives a referral for hospitalization in an inpatient setting.

The abortion procedure involves scraping the uterine cavity with a special curette. Abortion involves the removal of the endometrial layer along with the embryo. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, so the obligatory preparatory step is to work with an anesthesiologist. A consultation with this specialist will help eliminate contraindications for the use of anesthesia drugs.

Immediately before surgery you can not eat. It is necessary to empty the intestines and bladder, and also remove hair from the perineum.

After the anesthesia takes effect, with the help of special instruments, the cervical canal of the uterine cervix expands and the curettage procedure begins. With the help of a curette, the doctor gradually exfoliates the endometrium. The characteristic crunch indicateson the complete detachment of the fetal egg and membrane. Further, the bleeding should decrease, and the uterus should begin to contract. The standard blood loss during an abortion is 150 ml. In some clinics, the procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance, which reduces the likelihood of complications.

After curettage, the patient comes to her senses and is transferred to the ward. If a woman is Rh negative, immunoglobulins are administered after the operation. This makes it possible to prevent a Rh conflict during a planned pregnancy.

risk of infertility after abortion
risk of infertility after abortion

Injection of oxytocin

In addition, after the operation, the introduction of the hormone oxytocin is prescribed by drip, which helps to accelerate uterine contractions. Also, postoperative treatment includes taking antibiotics to prevent the inflammatory process. The length of stay in the hospital depends on the condition of the patient after the manipulation.

After an abortion, a woman is advised to refrain from sexual activity for the period of rehabilitation, as well as from overheating and physical exertion for one month. The day after the abortion, you can start taking oral contraceptives, which will help restore the menstrual cycle. When do periods start after an abortion?

Bleeding discharge may appear for several days after the operation, then it becomes lighter and disappears completely. However, if the bleeding increases, you should consult a specialist.

It is often after a medical abortion that they cannotget pregnant. Consider the reasons.

Medicated abortion

There is also the option of medical termination of pregnancy with the help of special medications. You can use this method only during the first 49 days of pregnancy, which is 7 weeks from the date of the last menstruation. This method is considered safer than surgery and guarantees no complications. The effects of medical interruption, such as bleeding and incomplete abortion, are the most common.

causes of infertility after abortion
causes of infertility after abortion

How to get pregnant after a medical abortion?

The most optimal term for terminating an unwanted pregnancy is 3-4 weeks. During this period, the fertilized egg has not yet attached to the uterine wall tightly enough. The psychotraumatic effect on a woman in this case is minimal, in addition, there is no risk of infection. For women with a negative Rh factor, this method is considered the most acceptable, since in this case it is possible to prevent the immunization of the fetus with antibodies.

Contraindications for drugs

Medicines used to terminate pregnancy have a number of contraindications, including:

  1. More than eight weeks.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Infectious lesions of the organs of the reproductive system in an acute form.
  4. Long-term hormone therapy or adrenal insufficiency.
  5. Severe bronchial asthmaform.
  6. Tendency to form blood clots.

Risk group

At the risk of a blood clot and blood clotting disorders are women who are over 35 years old, smokers, and also with a history of heart pathologies. In these cases, medical abortion is used with increased security measures.

Before a medical abortion, a woman undergoes a thorough examination and receives a consultation with a psychologist. The procedure is carried out in a gynecological office in a hospital or in a private clinic. Hospitalization in this case is optional. After taking the drug, a woman should be under the supervision of a specialist for two hours.

What medicines are used?

The doctor gives the patient "Mifepristone" in the amount of 200 mg. The drug interacts with progesterone receptors and blocks the action of the hormone. At the same time, the endometrial layer ceases to grow, and the fetus dies. Along with this, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, and the uterus contracts, rejecting the embryo. After 48 hours, the patient must take oral misoprostol or intravaginal gemeprost. These prostaglandins contribute to the acceleration of uterine contractions and the removal of a dead embryo. This does not cause injury to the endometrium.

When does my period start after this type of abortion?

Can't get pregnant after second abortion
Can't get pregnant after second abortion

Bleeding after taking these drugs is considered normal, but itshould not be too intense. If the pad has to be changed every half an hour, this indicates internal bleeding and requires immediate action. If there is no discharge for two days after taking the drug, this indicates an unsuccessful interruption attempt.

In some cases, women can't get pregnant after a second abortion.

Warning symptoms that should not be ignored are the following:

  1. Significant increase in body temperature.
  2. Severe pain in the abdomen.
  3. Foul-smelling discharge.

Two days after taking the drug, an ultrasound examination is performed, which allows you to evaluate the result of the abortion. If the fetal egg is preserved, the woman is sent for curettage or vacuum aspiration.

Menstruation starts 5-6 weeks after medical abortion. Immediately after the procedure, you must start taking contraceptives, as pregnancy can occur several days after bleeding. Oral contraceptives will restore the menstrual cycle.

So why can't women get pregnant after an abortion?


Abortion in any version is not just a medical manipulation, but a strong stress for the female body. The main consequence of artificial termination of pregnancy is a violation of the hormonal balance in the body of a woman. The thyroid gland, menstrualcycle, mammary glands, etc. The risk of developing pathological processes after an abortion is highest in women who have not yet given birth, as well as those who have not reached puberty. Recovery for such patients will take much longer, and the likelihood of complications is quite high.

can't get pregnant after medical abortion
can't get pregnant after medical abortion

What are the causes of infertility after an abortion?

In addition to pathological processes in the endocrine system of a woman, abortion can provoke some problems that will affect the further conception and bearing of a child, including:

1. Damage to the endometrial layer occurs with any type of abortion. This provokes the formation of adhesions and scars, as well as thinning of the inner uterine surface. Such damage will negatively affect the development of the placenta and the attachment of the embryo in the future. If the placenta becomes attached to the scar, it will affect the blood flow. A similar complication also leads to an underestimated location of the placenta, which makes the gestation process impossible. Why can't women get pregnant after an abortion?

2. Quite often, abortion provokes a lack of hormonal support during a subsequent pregnancy. Progesterone, which is actively produced during the normal course of pregnancy, is synthesized in insufficient quantities after an abortion. A supportive hormonal treatment option helps to solve this problem.

3. In most cases, abortion provokes pathological miscarriage, which is explained by trauma to the uterine cervix duringprocedure time. There is a development of insufficiency of the cervical canal, which affects the holding function, when the uterine neck is not able to withstand the pressure of the growing fetus. A similar situation causes a miscarriage after 16 weeks. Stitching the uterine cervix around 16-20 weeks helps to prevent such problems. Stitches are removed before childbirth and do not interfere with the natural process of delivery.

4. If there is a Rh conflict between a woman and a fetus, antibodies are formed after an abortion, which further negatively affect the next pregnancy. Rhesus conflict often causes intrauterine death of the fetus.

5. Termination of pregnancy increases the likelihood of developing endometritis, in which an inflammatory process occurs in the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. In the chronic form, the disease is difficult to treat and often causes infertility.

Of course, not everyone can get pregnant after an abortion. This procedure can be completed without adverse he alth effects.

Abortion recovery

If it is impossible to avoid an abortion, the possible risks for further desired pregnancy should be minimized. An important point is the timing of the interruption: the earlier a woman seeks help, the less likely it is to develop complications and consequences. Medical abortion during the first pregnancy is the most preferred, so this option is prescribed in the early stages.

There are also a number of recommendations, the observance of which will allowavoid negative consequences after an abortion.

can't get pregnant after first miscarriage
can't get pregnant after first miscarriage

1. It is not allowed to take independent measures to terminate the pregnancy. Even taking medication for this purpose is unacceptable without the recommendation of a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly select the drug itself and the required dosage based on the patient's condition, her medical history and gestational age.

2. A prerequisite for the postoperative period is the use of antibiotics. This significantly reduces the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes, including endometritis. Taking vitamin complexes helps the body recover and be ready for further pregnancy.

3. A few days after the abortion, an ultrasound examination is performed. This helps to prevent the development of complications, including incomplete abortion.

4. Taking hormonal drugs also reduces the risk of complications. Oral contraceptives help not only to avoid another unwanted pregnancy, but also to restore the menstrual cycle.

5. Under the ban after the operation is visiting saunas, baths and pools. The restriction is valid in the first two weeks after the abortion.

6. An important step in proper rehabilitation is psychological support.


Some experts draw a parallel between the uterine cavity after an abortion and an extensive bleeding wound. The uterine cavity after manipulation is easy to infect, so a woman should pay special attention to her he althand observe the rules of intimate hygiene. Also, after an abortion, it is supposed to give up sexual activity for one month.

We looked at why women can't get pregnant after an abortion.
