Ovarian cyst is a pathological growth of the tissues of the affected organ in the form of a bubble or sac filled with liquid. With severe inflammation, fluid begins to accumulate inside it. There is also an accumulation of pus, and at the same time the ovaries become painful, and the woman has signs of intoxication.
Cystic proliferation of ovarian tissues is very rarely a separate disease, it occurs mainly against the background of other disorders, being their complication. The cause of the pathology can be hormonal changes, gynecological diseases, lack of production of thyroid hormones by thyroid cells, miscarriages and abortions. Most of the functional cysts do not need surgical treatment, but require constant monitoring.
If the cyst is very large, it can rupture, dangerous with severe bleeding, so you need to know exactly how the pathology manifests itself and be able to distinguish it from other diseases.
Types of cysts
Be sure to know what types of cysts areovaries, and how they differ from each other. Among the main types of the disease, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- follicular;
- paraovarian;
- endometrioid;
- dermoid;
- yellow cyst.
A follicular cyst forms at the site of a follicle. The disease develops gradually, if due to hormonal changes occurring in the body, the egg does not mature and does not come out. A follicular cyst is common in young people, but can also form in menopausal women.

In terms of its structure, it is a thin-walled neoplasm. Its walls are lined with follicular tissues, and the outside is completely covered with connective tissue. Subsequently, they begin to exfoliate, and cubic or flat cells are found on the inner surface.
The causes of ovarian follicular cysts are related to hormonal levels. Often this neoplasm is single-chamber. In some cases, several of them are formed at once. All of them are located side by side, which creates the impression of one large tumor, their size is no more than 60 mm, and light content accumulates inside.
Most women don't have any symptoms. Only in some cases they provoke a delay in menstruation. During their formation, aching pains in the lower abdomen may occur.
The formation of a corpus luteum cyst occurs after ovulation, when the follicle bursts, and a neoplasm appears in its place. This can mainly beviolation of blood flow and lymph formation. A cyst is formed mainly at the age of 16-45 years. This type of ovarian formation is functional and is not associated with severe organ diseases.
Symptoms are mostly absent, but only in some cases a delay in the menstrual cycle is possible. After ovulation, there may be pain in the lower abdomen. In many women, the cystic corpus luteum gradually decreases. Luteal cells are gradually replaced by connective cells, and the cystic formation almost completely disappears.
The paraovarian cyst of both ovaries is formed from the germinal tissues that make up the ovaries. They are located between the ligaments of the uterus, diverging over the entire surface to the ovaries and tubes. Often, such neoplasms are diagnosed in women under 40 years old. The size of the neoplasm can be very large.
Causes of an endometrioid cyst are associated with the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus on the tissue of the ovary. In this case, a slight adhesive process is formed. As the disease progresses, the cyst grows on both ovaries.
Dermoid cyst contains cartilage, fatty tissue, nails, hair and teeth. It is formed in violation of the development of the development of the child. Such a cavity grows gradually, without provoking any special symptoms. Many are interested in the question of whether it is worth removing a dermoid ovarian cyst and what consequences it may have. The main complication can be torsion of the leg and the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Such a cyst must be removed withlaparoscopy.
Cyst during pregnancy
We examined the classification of ovarian cysts, it is worth considering that such a neoplasm during pregnancy can cause certain problems. It is quite possible to become pregnant with such a pathology, and often it is detected precisely during the bearing of a child. A corpus luteum cyst often resolves on its own and poses no danger.
However, during the bearing of a child, if such a pathology is detected, it is necessary to take tests for tumor markers, as well as undergo periodic ultrasound diagnostics. As the cyst grows, rupture may occur, which is fraught with the development of more serious complications. At a later date, it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish it from other gynecological pathologies.

At 16-18 weeks the cyst is removed laparoscopically and classically. It is worth remembering that the possibility of developing malignant neoplasms cannot be ruled out. Even if there is a cyst on the ovary, childbirth can proceed naturally. However, it should be borne in mind that the larger its size, the higher the likelihood of complications, especially rupture. Therefore, a caesarean section is often performed with simultaneous removal of the cyst.
Malignant neoplasm
If we turn to the classification of ovarian cysts, it must be borne in mind that it can be malignant. The tumor grows very quickly and reaches a considerable size. Some individual types of cystomas, in particular, mucous membranes, have a tendency to malignancy, reborngradually into a malignant neoplasm.
Kistoma provokes menstrual disorders, constipation, abdominal pain, and infertility. It often proceeds with torsion of the leg, rupture with the occurrence of internal bleeding, suppuration with the formation of peritonitis.
For the diagnosis of cystoma, the method of ultrasound, tomography is used. The diagnosis is confirmed by laparoscopy with biopsy. This intervention is often therapeutic in nature.
Sometimes there is a need for a laparotomy. At the same time, a small piece of tissue is taken from a woman and sent for histology. With a cancerous lesion of cells, the volume of the operation being performed is somewhat expanded. Malignant cystomas are also treated with hormonal drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation methods.
Main reasons
The main reason for the formation of an ovarian cyst is a change in the functioning of the endocrine system. Pathology can lead to:
- difficult working conditions;
- rapid pace of life;
- malnutrition.
According to the classification of ovarian cysts, provoking factors can be very different. However, the following disorders are most often found in patients with this diagnosis:
- inflammatory processes;
- hormonal disorders;
- obesity;
- late menopause.
Among the additional factors that provoke the formation of inflammation, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- alcohol abuse and smoking;
- changeclimate;
- excessive weight;
- overwork, depression;
- significant physical activity;
- early onset of sexual activity.
It is worth noting that no one is immune from the occurrence of ovarian cysts. A gynecologist will be able to determine the presence of disorders in both a young and an elderly woman, so it is important to be attentive to your body.
How to recognize the disease in the initial stages
To prevent a significant increase in cystic formation, it is imperative to know what the symptoms and treatment of an ovarian cyst are. It is important to recognize the signs of the course of the disease even at the initial stage of its development, when the tumor will only begin to grow. They are not characteristic of this pathology, but should be the reason for going to the doctor.

When a woman has a cyst, her hormonal background is disturbed, which affects her appearance and provokes certain changes in her body. A woman can gain weight quite dramatically, provided she maintains the same diet and level of physical activity. Fat deposits are often accompanied by swelling and are localized mainly in the abdomen and thighs.
At the same time, the activity of hair follicles increases, which leads to intensive growth of body hair. They can appear in places where they have never grown before. Changes can also affect the timbre of the voice, as it becomes rougher. Some women may become hoarse.
Main symptoms
According to classificationovarian cysts, symptoms may vary somewhat. Most often, the pathology is asymptomatic. Such neoplasms are detected after an ultrasound during a preventive examination. However, sometimes there are signs such as:
- aching and pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
- heavy feeling;
- increased pain during intercourse;
- uterine bleeding;
- pressure when emptying urinary or bowel;
- nausea and vomiting;
- menstruation disorder.
In addition to all these signs, there are a number of symptoms, in the presence of which a visit to the doctor should be urgent. These should include such as:
- abdominal hardening;
- temperature increase;
- uterine bleeding;
- dizziness, weakness, weight loss.
All of these signs may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst. This can be a real threat to a woman's life.
Only a gynecologist can detect and diagnose an ovarian cyst in time, determining its type, variety, exact location and nature of the pathological process. For diagnostics, you need to undergo examinations such as:
- initial inspection;
- blood and urine tests;
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- blood test for hormones;
- pregnancy test.

Tests for ovarian cysts are required to detect the course of an inflammatoryprocess, nature and degree of blood loss. Ultrasound makes it possible to obtain the most complete information regarding the presence of a neoplasm. In addition, you need to take tests for ovarian cysts for hormones, as they help diagnose existing hormonal disorders. In more serious cases and rare forms of the disease, tests such as:
- puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix;
- tests for tumor markers in ovarian cyst;
- laparoscopy;
- tomography.
Puncture is required if a ruptured cyst is suspected, as this will reveal fluid or blood in the abdomen.
Feature of treatment
Depending on the type and symptoms of the ovarian cyst, the treatment is selected strictly individually, and only the doctor decides on the method of therapy. Treatment can be carried out conservatively and by surgical intervention. In order to prevent the occurrence of torsion and rupture of the cyst, the following recommendations should be followed:
- reduce physical activity;
- give up physical therapy and spa;
- do not take hot baths.
In addition, you need to limit exposure to the sun, and also do not visit the solarium, as this can only aggravate the condition.
Drug therapy
Most types of ovarian cysts are treated on an outpatient basis with hormone therapy. The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. The complex treatment includes the following groups of medicines.
- Antibacterial. They are prescribed in the presence of a cyst in order to eliminate the inflammatory factor and avoid complications ("Cefepime", "Cefazolin", "Cefotaxime", "Zinnat", "Doxycycline", "Ampicillin", "Vilprafen").
- Anti-inflammatory. Used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. These can be rectal suppositories (Diclofenac, Indomethacin), tablet forms (Ibuprofen, Analgin) or injectables (Ketanov, Diclofenac).
- Vitamins. If functional cysts are suspected, vitamins A, E, C are prescribed to normalize menstrual function and hormonal activity.
- Enzymatic. This group of drugs helps to resolve cysts and prevents the formation of adhesions. Wobenzym, Longidaza are appointed.
The duration of the course of therapy depends on the size of the cyst and the growth rate of the neoplasm.

Folk techniques
Drug therapy can be combined with folk remedies, as this allows you to deal with the existing problem much faster and more efficiently. Medicinal herbs are used for treatment. When applied, the first positive changes can be seen literally after 2 months.
A walnut, or rather its partitions, is an effective remedy. Partitions are taken from four fruits, poured with a glass of boiling water and heated over moderate heat for 20 minutes, the remedy is taken 2-3 tablespoons three times a day. After a month of treatment, it is necessary to repeat the ultrasound, which will show whether the tumor continues to grow orits reverse development.
Burdock juice is consumed three times a day, one spoonful for a month. The juice must be fresh, pressed from the stems of the plant, so this treatment is carried out in the summer months.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs have certain contraindications, and can also provoke allergies. That is why, when choosing a remedy for treating a cyst, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of immunity. In case of pain and inflammation, herbal treatment should be stopped immediately.
Determine which operation for an ovarian cyst should be performed, only the attending doctor can determine. With uncomplicated, follicular neoplasms, the cavity with the contents is removed, and the resulting ovarian defect is sutured.

Polycystic ovaries are treated by excising the affected part of the organ where the greatest release of hormones occurs. With the same type of cyst, electrocoagulation can become the most effective method.
With an endometrioid cyst in reproductive age, the pathological focus is removed, but the ovary is preserved. During menopause, the cyst is removed along with the ovary. Laparoscopic surgery is much less traumatic. The intervention involves the introduction of instruments through a small puncture in the abdominal cavity.
What could be the complications
Women definitely need to know why a cyst is dangerousan ovary and what complications can be. The most common violations are:
- intra-abdominal bleeding;
- abscess and inflammation;
- cyst necrosis and pedicle torsion;
- may turn into cancer.
Even if a functional cyst is small, it can rupture without objective reasons. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention, as this process is accompanied by intra-abdominal bleeding.
If for some reason the pedicle of the ovarian tumor is twisted, as a result of this, tissue necrosis occurs and peritonitis develops at this site. In the presence of genital infections, there is a high probability of inflammation. This may result in an abscess.
Preventive measures are very important. Considering that the causes of cyst formation in many cases are associated with the course of inflammation, prevention includes:
- reducing the number of abortions;
- enough physical activity;
- weight normalization;
- using a condom.
Ovarian cyst is quite common in women. It can be benign and malignant. Before treatment, it is imperative to undergo a complete examination to determine the type of pathology and prescribe therapy.