Are tampons harmful? Types of tampons, gynecological tampons, size range, rules of use, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Are tampons harmful? Types of tampons, gynecological tampons, size range, rules of use, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Are tampons harmful? Types of tampons, gynecological tampons, size range, rules of use, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Tampons are most often chosen by women who lead an active lifestyle. Indeed, with sanitary pads it is difficult to play sports, swim, it is dangerous to wear light and tight clothes. How to use these products correctly, how to determine the right size and absorbency? Are tampons harmful? After reading the article, you will learn about the features of their application.

What is a modern tampon?

Modern product does not cause any harm to a woman if she is completely he althy. If there is a need for application, then you can use this tool, but you should carefully study the pros and cons.

Is it bad to wear tampons? They are currently:

  1. Small elongated objects made from environmentally friendly materials. The main component of the product is cellulose, which does not cause any harm.
  2. The hygiene product contains an applicator that allows you toquickly pull out the tampon to replace it.
  3. The product absorbs liquid and adapts to the anatomical features of the woman's body.
  4. Modern materials do not allow him to accumulate secretions on top of the remedy.

Tampons have many differences from products that were produced in the last century. However, they have a number of features that must be considered when using.

Common myths

Are tampons harmful? Here are the most common misconceptions about their use:

  • Tampons harm the body. Some women believe that menstrual blood should flow outside rather than accumulate inside the body. However, the product does its job well and absorbs liquid while in the vagina. Bacteria do not have time to multiply, because the maximum period for using a tampon is 4 hours. Then it is changed to fresh. Only 0.004% of women experience toxic shock syndrome.
  • The product is prohibited for use by virgins. However, the hymen is quite stretchable, and during menstruation it becomes even more flexible. The tampon is placed at a shallower depth and does not touch it.
  • Medicine may fall out of the vagina. When defecating, the product remains in place. The tampon may fall out if the discharge contains a lot of mucus. In such cases, additionally use a sanitary napkin.
  • A tampon can get stuck in the body. All products have a return cord, so that it is removed outside. Girls who constantly use these tools knowthat when pulling out there are some obstacles. This is due to the fact that when filling the tampon increases in size. Even if the cord breaks, which is unlikely, when the tampon is saturated, it will come out of the vagina on its own.
  • The product is difficult to change outside the home. This will only take 2 minutes. Hands must be washed with soap before the procedure. After removing them, wipe them with a damp cloth. Manipulation is easiest to do in the toilet.
Are tampons bad for women?
Are tampons bad for women?

Are tampons bad for menstruation? With strict observance of the rules for the use of products, they do not adversely affect the he alth of a woman.

Types and sizes of tampons

Products are distinguished by the amount of liquid absorbed. Are tampons bad for women? So that they do not have any negative impact on the body, they must be chosen correctly.

Before being released for sale, tampons are tested using an artificial vagina. Products are tested for absorbency using synthetic blood. This indicator is indicated in the form of droplets. Absorbency classification:

  1. 1 drop - the minimum absorption for menstruation of a light nature.
  2. 2-3 drops. Average absorbency for normal periods.
  3. 4-5 drops. For heavy flow.

When choosing tampons, consider absorbency and size. Mini products are suitable for young and nulliparous girls. For adult women, it is best to use standard tampons, and for mature women and women in labor, use maxi.

Productsmay be with or without an applicator. A tampon without an applicator has a rigid cylindrical shape with a rounded end. Products with a plastic device are softer, so without them it will not work to enter the product into the body.

For the first time, it is best for women to use a tampon with an applicator, because without it, nothing will work. It is easy to enter them, you must wash your hands before starting the procedure.

Are tampons bad for menstruation?
Are tampons bad for menstruation?

Women should be aware that products with applicators increase in length when filled, so the edge of the tampon can put pressure on the entrance to the vagina. It is best to inject deeper. Rigid products that are inserted with a finger expand in width, while remaining unchanged in length.

Rules of application

Is it harmful to use tampons during menstruation? Usually, a negative effect on the body is manifested if women do not use products correctly. To prevent this, you must read the instructions for using tampons.

It includes the following items:

  1. It is best to use products in the first days of menstruation. During this time, the discharge is especially abundant, so full protection is needed.
  2. You need to use tampons with varying degrees of absorbency. On days when the discharge is especially plentiful, you need to use "Super" or "Super Plus", and on other days "Normal".
  3. It is necessary to change products every 4 hours. It is not recommended to use tampons at night due to their limited time.applications. It is better to use regular pads.
  4. Introduce tampons correctly and with clean hands.

Are tampons harmful? Danger can only arise if used incorrectly. Women should not forget them in the vagina and should choose them according to the degree of absorption and size.

Why do you need to change tampons often?

It is not recommended to wear such hygiene products for a long time. This can lead to:

  • with heavy discharge, the tampon will simply overflow, and the woman will not notice it;
  • the occurrence of toxic shock when the product is left inside the vagina for a long time;
  • blood produced during menstruation is dead, so if it is concentrated in one place, it will lead to the process of putrefaction and decomposition.
Is it safe to use tampons during menstruation?
Is it safe to use tampons during menstruation?

If you follow these rules and change the product in time, then there will be no questions about whether tampons are harmful.

Can I use tampons after giving birth?

Experts do not recommend using the product within 6-8 weeks after the birth of a child. This is due to the release of lochia. And the wound resulting at the site of attachment of the placenta is very sensitive to infection. Therefore, tampons should not be used until it is completely healed.

Products can be used after consulting a gynecologist.

How to use gynecological tampons?

Such products are most often used to treat:candidiasis, inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries, endometriosis, cervical erosion.

Tampons in this case are made from sterile gauze. For the treatment of female diseases, various oils are used, sea buckthorn oil is especially popular. It has antiseptic properties.

Is it bad to wear tampons
Is it bad to wear tampons

Tampons with sea buckthorn oil are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes. The process should take place under the supervision of a specialist and taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Main benefits of tampons

When used correctly, products can bring many benefits to a woman:

  • They are compact. The packaging is convenient to carry in your bag, take with you to work and travel. Especially if a woman uses 2-3 drop tampons, which are the smallest of all types of products.
  • They are hygienic, especially those sold with applicators. Women should always wash their hands before inserting tampons.
  • Products provide complete protection, even against heavy leaks. If the tampon is full, this can be seen by the thread stained with blood and change it in a timely manner. Therefore, it is best to use a daily gasket.
  • Products are easy to use while swimming or playing sports.

Is it harmful to use tampons during menstruation all the time? With all their advantages, there are also negative aspects of their use, so this should be taken into account.


Are tampons harmful whenmonthly? Products have a high degree of absorbency, which causes drying of the vaginal mucosa. This can cause microcracks and irritation, which will cause an inflammatory process.

The situation is usually complicated by the fact that the secretions cannot go outside and thus create favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. In combination with microcracks, this contributes to the development of inflammation, and in some cases even erosion of the cervix.

Are tampons bad for menstruation?
Are tampons bad for menstruation?

Active reproduction of pathogens causes one of the serious complications - toxic shock syndrome. The causative agents include bacteria of pyogenic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and clostridia.

In small quantities, such pathogens are present in any organism, but it is the use of tampons that increases their growth at times. This causes severe intoxication and deterioration of the general condition of the body.

Is it safe to use tampons
Is it safe to use tampons

Is it harmful to use tampons all the time? This can cause toxic shock syndrome, the main symptoms of which are:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • rashes on arms and legs;
  • reddening of the skin of the external genitalia.

Sometimes the deterioration of a woman's he alth is caused by the material from which the pads are made.

Is it harmfuluse tampons? Of particular danger to the body is dioxin, which whitens tampons made of cotton and viscose. The substance is a carcinogen and has a toxic effect on women's he alth. Regular use of tampons can lead to infertility.


Are tampons bad for menstruation? It is strictly forbidden to use the product in the treatment of gynecological diseases with special ointments and suppositories. When a tampon is inserted, it absorbs the medicine and interferes with the therapy process.

Products are not suitable as a substitute for sanitary napkins. Gynecologists prohibit their use in the following situations:

  1. With inflammation of the genitals and uterus.
  2. Allergic reaction to product components.
  3. In the first months after the birth of a child.
  4. For severe pain in girls who are not sexually active.
  5. Chronic dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Otherwise, a woman can use tampons if this type of protection suits her.

Doctors' opinions

Is it harmful to use tampons during menstruation? Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with such hygiene products. They are really handy when traveling and traveling.

Are tampons harmful?
Are tampons harmful?

Gynecologists do not always treat them negatively. If used correctly, they will not be able to harm the body. The main thing is to consider the following:

  • Change the tampon every 3-4 hours, in extreme cases - no later than 6-7 hours.
  • Women should wash their hands before and after inserting the product into the vagina.
  • At the very beginning of application, take tampons with an applicator to facilitate the insertion process.
  • Using them at night is prohibited.
  • See a doctor if you have a high fever or general weakness.

Women should choose tampons that are ideal for the degree of profusion of discharge.


Using tampons is a chance to forget about stress during menstruation. Women can safely play sports, swim and lead an active lifestyle. When using them, you just need to follow certain rules and consult a gynecologist before using them.
