Women's he alth 2024, October

Pain with uterine fibroids: causes, methods of pain relief, advice from gynecologists

Pain with uterine fibroids: causes, methods of pain relief, advice from gynecologists

More than 60% of women suffer from diseases of the reproductive organs. And a considerable percentage of these diseases is occupied by uterine fibroids. It most often occurs in women over 30 years of age. This article discusses what pains are felt with uterine fibroids. We will also tell you how to deal with this symptom

Chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases and the first signs of pregnancy

Chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases and the first signs of pregnancy

Feeling unwell can disturb a woman, especially if the pain does not go away for a long time. The best way out is to make an appointment with a doctor, but it is not always possible to do this quickly. If the chest hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, then you need to understand why this is happening. What are the possible reasons for this condition? Learn from this article

Focal formation of the mammary gland: what is it, signs and features of treatment

Focal formation of the mammary gland: what is it, signs and features of treatment

A woman's breasts are perhaps the most vulnerable part of the body. At present, more and more often, at a mammologist's appointment, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity learn about the presence of signs of focal formation of the mammary gland. These can be single or multiple tumors that have clear or blurred contours. Therefore, every woman should know what is a focal formation of the mammary gland, what is its danger and what methods can be used to treat this pathology

The norm of fat in a woman's body: minimum and maximum indicators, ways to reduce body fat

The norm of fat in a woman's body: minimum and maximum indicators, ways to reduce body fat

Thinness is not yet a sign of he alth. It is much more important that the fat content is normal. The combination of bone and muscle mass, water and fat is of decisive importance. The rate of fat content in a woman's body needs to be known not only for losing weight. It will be useful for those who simply respect their he alth. In order for it to be normal, and life is active, the required percentage of the norm of fat in a woman's body should be 13-15, and for a man - at least 5-9%

Breast mastalgia: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment options, advice from mammologists

Breast mastalgia: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment options, advice from mammologists

What is breast mastalgia? This concept is collective and it means a special condition of the mammary glands, characterized by pain and a feeling of discomfort. Such sensations are experienced by 80% of women at least once during their lives. It may indicate functional or organic disorders in the breast tissue

Pain in the ovaries during ovulation: causes and what to do

Pain in the ovaries during ovulation: causes and what to do

Pain in the ovaries during ovulation is considered a completely normal process, unless it is very strong and does not cause significant discomfort to the woman. In case of intense pain, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and complex treatment

Before menstruation, the uterus increases: norm and deviations, causes, opinions of doctors

Before menstruation, the uterus increases: norm and deviations, causes, opinions of doctors

It is known that this organ changes a lot before the onset of menstruation. At the same time, it tends to increase in size, fall, and in some situations, on the contrary, rise. Many women feel some tingling, which often worries them. Sometimes pain can be a sign of a variety of diseases, so at the slightest suspicion of a pathology, you need to consult a doctor and conduct diagnostic tests

Cost of egg donation: how to become a donor, description of the procedure, overview of clinics, approximate cost

Cost of egg donation: how to become a donor, description of the procedure, overview of clinics, approximate cost

Egg donation may be required in case of depletion of one's own ovarian reserve (stock of follicles capable of further development). Women in the period of menopause, with pathologies of ovarian development, after radiation or chemotherapy usually cannot have children, but if desired, in this case, you can use the donation program. For a donor, this is an opportunity to help someone find the happiness of motherhood

Puncture of the mammary gland under ultrasound control: the procedure for the procedure, interpretation of the results, consequences, reviews

Puncture of the mammary gland under ultrasound control: the procedure for the procedure, interpretation of the results, consequences, reviews

Puncture is an invasive diagnostic method during which a tissue or organ is punctured to take material for examination. Most often, they resort to his help when examining the female breast. We are talking about the early diagnosis of cancer, which ranks first among all oncopathologies in women. Modern technologies make it possible to perform this procedure with visualization. Ultrasound-guided breast puncture provides high accuracy and information content of the examination

Lochiometer after childbirth: what is it?

Lochiometer after childbirth: what is it?

A woman's body can begin to change after giving birth. The body thus gets rid of unnecessary tissue that has already fulfilled its function. The healing processes of the endometrium of the uterus primarily begin with the disintegration and alienation of placental particles. In addition, the remnants of glands and other elements are rejected. Lochiometer after childbirth is a rather serious complication. This disease is characterized by a violation of secretions

How to induce menstruation with a delay with the help of medicines and folk remedies? Delayed period without pregnancy

How to induce menstruation with a delay with the help of medicines and folk remedies? Delayed period without pregnancy

It is worth noting that the interval between periods should be no more than 21-35 days. If critical days do not come on time, this sometimes indicates violations in the work of internal organs. The article discusses the reasons for this phenomenon

How to delay menstruation: medical and folk remedies, consequences

How to delay menstruation: medical and folk remedies, consequences

The question of how to delay menstruation, at least once puzzled every girl. The reasons can be different - a long-awaited date, an important event or a vacation at a resort that nothing should spoil. Well, there are many methods. All, of course, can lead to consequences, but if the situation really requires it, then you can resort to one of them

How to delay the period for a few days?

How to delay the period for a few days?

Practically every woman has come across such life moments when she wondered how to delay her period for a few days. Often in such situations even small delays of one or two days can save. It is so natural that a he althy normal woman has blood discharge every month

How to calculate the day of ovulation: tips

How to calculate the day of ovulation: tips

Ovulation is the day you are most likely to get pregnant. But how to calculate it?

How to Express Breast Milk with Hands and a Breast Pump: Instructions

How to Express Breast Milk with Hands and a Breast Pump: Instructions

Pumping is one of the effective ways to improve lactation. That is why every mother should know how to properly express breast milk. This process is especially significant in the first days after the start of lactation

Scanty periods: causes, treatment and consequences

Scanty periods: causes, treatment and consequences

Many women of reproductive age do not attach much importance to the nature of the monthly discharge. They usually pay attention to aspects such as the regularity of bleeding, the presence or absence of delays. However, the properties of menstruation should not be ignored. By the volume of secretions and their duration, an experienced specialist can say a lot about the he alth status of the fairer sex

Can pregnant women swim in different water bodies?

Can pregnant women swim in different water bodies?

Pregnancy is an important and responsible stage in the life of every woman. That is why the expectant mother is interested in everything related to nutrition, bathing, walking, etc

Structure of antenatal clinic: functions, tasks and principles of work in gynecology

Structure of antenatal clinic: functions, tasks and principles of work in gynecology

Women's consultation is a medical institution that receives women, examines them, and treats diseases of a certain nature. What is the structure of the antenatal clinic? What do the experts do? What tasks does this type of institution have and what functions does it perform? Let's look at all this in more detail below

How to tighten the chest?

How to tighten the chest?

In the article we will talk in detail about the tug of the chest. This information will be especially useful for new mothers. He alth is something that everyone needs to follow, because it is given once and for all life

Chlamydia in women: signs, symptoms and treatment

Chlamydia in women: signs, symptoms and treatment

We all know how dangerous sexually transmitted infections are. They are not only long and difficult to treat, but also entail a number of negative consequences. One of the most common STDs is chlamydia. It infects more than 100 million people every year. Now we will talk about the signs of chlamydia in women, as well as what to do if this STD was found in the body

Frigid wife: how to deal with this problem?

Frigid wife: how to deal with this problem?

Among all the reasons why couples break up even after many years of marriage, sexual dissatisfaction (both men and women) occupies a leading position. Whatever the opinion may be, but in 90% of cases it is not the "rude male" who is to blame for everything, but the frigid wife. It is this exclusively female disease that does not allow both spouses to enjoy the "charms" of intimate life, which causes not only numerous quarrels, but also frequent trips &q

Elevated prolactin in women: treatment, causes and consequences

Elevated prolactin in women: treatment, causes and consequences

A woman is considered he althy when her hormonal system is also he althy. An increase in prolactin is a serious deviation that can bring a huge number of problems. Any representative of the weaker sex of reproductive age may encounter such a phenomenon that can make her not only sick, but also childless. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms, treatments, causes and consequences of elevated prolactin in women

Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating in women: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Unfortunately, often women and men have to deal with an unpleasant sensation at the time of urination. There are also frequent urges and burning during this. How to treat such a pathology? Let's talk further

What to do if there is no milk after childbirth: causes, ways to improve lactation, tips

What to do if there is no milk after childbirth: causes, ways to improve lactation, tips

Each expectant mother during pregnancy dreams of how she will enjoy the process of breastfeeding her long-awaited baby. However, in reality, everything does not always go so smoothly: for the opportunity to feed a child with your own milk, you often have to wage a real struggle

Benign breast dysplasia: what is it and how to treat it?

Benign breast dysplasia: what is it and how to treat it?

Benign breast dysplasia is a very common problem. In this case, we are talking about the pathological growth of glandular and connective tissues, which often leads to the formation of cystic structures, seals and other formations

At what age do women end their periods? Preparations for women with menopause

At what age do women end their periods? Preparations for women with menopause

Many of the fair sex aged 40 and older are interested in the question of how many years menstruation ends. In women, this process proceeds individually, which depends on the characteristics of the body. On average, the cessation of menstruation at the age of 45-55 is considered the norm, but menopause can occur earlier or later than this period. What are the symptoms of menopause? How to alleviate the condition of women during this period?

Feeling dizzy before menstruation: causes, symptoms, hormonal changes, ways to solve the problem and recommendations from doctors

Feeling dizzy before menstruation: causes, symptoms, hormonal changes, ways to solve the problem and recommendations from doctors

Many women feel dizzy before their period. This is a normal phenomenon, which is associated with a change in the balance of hormones in the female body, which occurs as a result of the maturation of the gamete. Some girls also experience a feeling of weakness, discomfort in the lumbar region, anxiety, irritability, increased need for sleep

Why ovulation does not occur: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, stimulation methods, advice from gynecologists

Why ovulation does not occur: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, stimulation methods, advice from gynecologists

Lack of ovulation (impaired growth and maturation of the follicle, as well as a violation of the release of the egg from the follicle) with both regular and irregular menstrual cycles is called anovulation. More - read on

Uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Nowadays, quite often women are diagnosed with uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis. These are very common diseases in which there is a diffuse change in the tissues of the organ. Uterine fibroids with adenomyosis require careful and comprehensive treatment. These diseases often occur simultaneously for the reason that their appearance provokes the same infectious disease

What is impossible with uterine fibroids: the main contraindications

What is impossible with uterine fibroids: the main contraindications

Uterine fibroids is a chronic disease of the female reproductive system, which is prone to recurrence. It is characterized by the formation of nodes in the muscle layer of the reproductive organ. At the initial stage, no symptoms of fibroids are observed, so most patients do not even know about their diagnosis. Today, the disease is determined in 75-80% of women after 30-35 years

Can there be a delay in menstruation with cystitis in women: causes, symptoms, first measures

Can there be a delay in menstruation with cystitis in women: causes, symptoms, first measures

Very many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are wondering if there can be a delay in menstruation with cystitis. Of course, most often critical days do not occur due to pregnancy, but sometimes there are other situations. In this article, we will answer the question of whether there can be a delay in menstruation with cystitis, and we will also figure out what are the symptoms and causes of this phenomenon and what needs to be done

Why do women grow hair on their chests? Hirsutism in women: causes and treatment

Why do women grow hair on their chests? Hirsutism in women: causes and treatment

Hirsutism is a very unpleasant pathology, which is accompanied by the growth of hair on the face and body of a woman according to the androgenic type. According to statistics, almost 30% of the fair sex faces a similar problem in one form or another. What to do in such cases? Why do women have hair on their chests? Should I be worried about this? How to get rid of unwanted hair on the body?

Tingling in the ovaries: causes, description of symptoms, norm or pathology, treatment

Tingling in the ovaries: causes, description of symptoms, norm or pathology, treatment

Tingling in the ovaries is a rather non-specific symptom, as it can appear with a large number of diseases, for physiological reasons, or during pregnancy. In addition, the presence of pathologies of adjacent organs should not be ruled out

Solitary breast cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Solitary breast cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Diseases of the mammary glands inspire fear in most of the fair sex. There is an opinion that all of them lead to cancer. In fact, this assumption is wrong. Consider, for example, a solitary cyst of the mammary gland. This is a single neoplasm, which is a small capsule. It does not have a pathological nature, but requires constant monitoring by doctors

Menstruation 2 weeks earlier: reasons

Menstruation 2 weeks earlier: reasons

Every woman of reproductive age knows what the menstrual cycle is. If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is he althy, then her menstrual cycle will be regular, and will be about twenty-one to thirty-five days. The ideal period is considered to be twenty-eight days. However, there are situations when menstruation begins earlier or later than the due date. These conditions can cause panic

What should be normal discharge in women: amount, color of discharge, cycle dependence, pathology, testing, treatment and recommendations from gynecologists

What should be normal discharge in women: amount, color of discharge, cycle dependence, pathology, testing, treatment and recommendations from gynecologists

Every woman should ask herself the question: "What should be the normal discharge in women?" After all, they can already determine the state of women's he alth. Every woman can see a small amount of discharge on her underwear every day, and this is considered quite normal. However, in some cases, this may indicate the presence of serious pathologies and abnormalities in the body

Silicone breast: reviews, features of the operation, possible complications, photos

Silicone breast: reviews, features of the operation, possible complications, photos

Today, plastic surgery to increase the mammary glands is one of the most popular among the fairer sex. However, reviews about silicone breasts are extremely controversial. Some people will like it, but for others it will be a real bad taste. In this article, we will talk about how the operation is performed to improve the shape of the breast, find out how the rehabilitation goes, find out what complications can be, and also find out the opinions of men about silicone breasts

Uterus anteflexio: description, causes, symptoms, possible consequences

Uterus anteflexio: description, causes, symptoms, possible consequences

Anteflexio is a position of the uterus, against the background of which the woman's organ bends forward. The presence of a slight deviation from the norm is not at all a pathology, and at the same time does not pose any threat to women's he alth. But, if the uterus is too bent towards the bladder, then problems can arise that require correction

Pills for delaying menstruation: description and instructions

Pills for delaying menstruation: description and instructions

It happens that menstruation comes at a completely inopportune moment for a woman. You don’t always want to spoil your vacation or any other event, suffering from stomach pains for several days. Then pills for delaying menstruation can come to the rescue. How safe it is to postpone menstruation with the help of such medicines, you will learn from our article

What do white discharge before period mean?

What do white discharge before period mean?

Menstruation is not the most pleasant biological process that occurs in the body of every adult woman. But at the same time, the regularity of the menstrual cycle indicates the he alth of the reproductive system of the fair sex. Natural white discharge before menstruation appears in every woman, but what does it mean?