Can I breastfeed a baby with a fever?

Can I breastfeed a baby with a fever?
Can I breastfeed a baby with a fever?

After childbirth, the female body is weakened and prone to various diseases. Mom can catch a cold, and then she will have to use medications for treatment. How to be in such a situation? Is it possible to feed a child with a temperature? Or is it time to stop breastfeeding?

is it possible to feed a child with a temperature
is it possible to feed a child with a temperature

Causes of mother's illness

There are various factors that can affect the he alth of a breastfeeding mother. A woman can fall ill for several reasons: an exacerbation of a chronic illness, the appearance of an acute bacterial infection, or an acute viral infection. In any case, the mother will be concerned about the question: “Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature?” Everything will depend on what caused the disease. Stopping breastfeeding may be due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease can penetrate into breast milk and be transmitted during feeding to the child. In addition, during treatment, a woman may have to take medications thatcontraindicated for babies.

Should I breastfeed my baby with a temperature or not?

A sick mother who feels bad, of course, does not want her baby to become infected. But, contrary to the opinion of "in the know" people who advise to boil breast milk or stop feeding altogether, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding.

breastfeeding a baby with fever
breastfeeding a baby with fever

After all, when a mother is sick, her child is especially in dire need of nutritious mother's milk. In addition, the cessation of feeding can provoke stagnation of milk and an even greater increase in temperature. Through breastfeeding, a mother provides her child with protection against viral diseases, as antibodies are produced along with it.

What to feed a child with a temperature: milk or formula?

If a mother does decide to temporarily stop breastfeeding, she will need to express milk about six times a day, otherwise breast congestion may occur, which will lead to an even higher temperature, and mastitis will begin. Can I feed my baby with expressed milk? Of course yes. But no devices and breast pumps will empty the breast as well as the baby does. If a woman still continues to worry about the question of whether it is possible to feed a child at a temperature, then it should be noted that there are no changes in breast milk at high temperatures, its properties do not change in any way: it does not sour, does not coagulate and does not changes the taste.

how to feed a babytemperature
how to feed a babytemperature

It should also be noted that boiling milk destroys many nutrients.

Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature and what to do to defeat it?

Paracetamol is allowed to reduce fever, but aspirin should never be used. You can use medicines only if the nursing mother does not tolerate high temperatures. For the treatment of viral infections, symptomatic treatment is carried out using inhalers, cold remedies, and gargles. All these activities are permissible to carry out while breastfeeding. In addition, today a fairly large number of medicines have been released that are allowed to be used by a nursing mother. The right choice of medicines for a woman will be helped by her attending physician.
