Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and early treatment

Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and early treatment
Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and early treatment

The causes of uterine prolapse and prolapse are weakness of the pelvic muscles and a decrease in the tone of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which can be caused by childbirth, hard physical work immediately after pregnancy, injuries that a woman received during the birth process, and age-related changes in the genitals. Basically, the risk group includes older women and ladies who have undergone numerous births. The causes of the disease are chronic constipation, an increase in pressure directly inside the abdominal cavity, work associated with constant transfer and weight lifting. Less commonly, this disease occurs in nulliparous women and girls.

Prolapse of the uterus: symptoms and treatment
Prolapse of the uterus: symptoms and treatment

Prolapse of the uterus. Symptoms and treatment

Prolapse of the uterus is quite slow. At an early stage, the main signs of the disease are pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen. As a result of the fact that the uterus is not in its place, it can exert pressureon the rectum, as well as the bladder, which can cause frequent urination and urinary incontinence, as well as constipation. In case of further development of the disease, in addition to the symptoms listed above, there is a feeling of a foreign body inside you and pulling pains in the vagina. The mucous membrane inside the vagina becomes very dry, as a result of which it is easily injured, which can lead to bleeding. The prolapse of the uterus after surgery is one of the consequences of surgical intervention. In addition, the cause of this disease can be hard work associated with lifting various weights or old age.

Uterine prolapse after surgery
Uterine prolapse after surgery

What to do if you have uterine prolapse? Symptoms and treatment

If you have found the first symptoms of this disease, first of all you need to urgently contact a specialist who will prescribe you a quality treatment. In the first stages, uterine prolapse is treated with conservative methods. An effective method of treatment is surgery. At the moment, there are various types of surgical treatment. The use of modern medical technologies makes it possible to perform the operation through vaginal access. With this method, the incision is not made on the abdomen, but directly in the vagina itself. At the same time, depending on the stage of the disease, small incisions can be made - laparoscopy.

Prolapse of the walls of the uterus: treatment

The treatment of this disease consists in special therapeutic exercises and therapeutic massage aimed atto strengthen the muscles of the perineum. At the same time, you can not lift various weights, jump and systematically wear a bandage.

Omission of the walls of the uterus: treatment
Omission of the walls of the uterus: treatment

Prolapse of the uterus: symptoms and treatment with special exercises

1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your arms and legs and spread them apart. As you exhale, turn to the left, bend over and reach the toe of your left foot with the fingers of your right hand; then on an inhale, return to the starting position. Take out the toe of the opposite leg with your left hand; on an inhale, return to the starting position. Take out the toe of your right foot with your left hand. So repeat 8 times.

2. The next exercise for lowering the uterus after the operation is as follows: sitting on the floor, wrap your arms around the shins of the legs bent at the knees. On the buttocks we move back and forth relying on the heels. Repeat exercise 8 times.

3. Standing on all fours, we inhale and energetically begin to retract the perineum, while lowering our heads and arching our backs; on exhalation, we energetically relax the muscles of the perineum and raise our head, while bending in the lower back. Repeat 8 times.

4. Standing on all fours, we bend our arms at the elbows and, while inhaling, we understand the straight leg upwards; On exhalation, we return to the original position. Repeat 10 times.

5. Lying on the chest, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows. Crawl in this position for 60 seconds.

Hopefully, an article on the topic “What is uterine prolapse? Symptoms and treatment of the disease with simple exercises”will be useful to you. Stay he althy!
