Medicine 2024, October

Grapefruit and drugs: interaction and compatibility

Grapefruit and drugs: interaction and compatibility

Doctors are warning people about the dangers of mixing a huge range of drugs with seemingly harmless food like grapefruit. The fact is that this fruit can cause an overdose of certain drugs. It also prevents the breakdown of drugs in the liver and intestines. Let's talk about the compatibility and interaction of grapefruit and drugs

Prevention of non-communicable diseases. Prevention of childhood diseases

Prevention of non-communicable diseases. Prevention of childhood diseases

Preventive medicine is the main section, which is aimed at strengthening the defenses of the whole organism and its individual systems. At the present stage, it has several subsections. What is the prevention of non-communicable diseases and other ailments and how to comprehensively affect the body?

Hyperbaric oxygenation - what is it? Indications for use and contraindications

Hyperbaric oxygenation - what is it? Indications for use and contraindications

Every year medicine develops more and more, new drugs, procedures and methods of treatment of various diseases appear. Special equipment is also effectively used, with the help of which you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time

The he althiest foods for the intestines

The he althiest foods for the intestines

The key to a person's well-being is proper nutrition, first of all, this factor affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who want to provide the body with the necessary substances, but at the same time not harm it, are interested in the question: what foods are good for the intestines?

What is tissue fluid? One of the most important components of the body

What is tissue fluid? One of the most important components of the body

The human body is one of the most complex structures, which consists of many elements. In addition to internal organs, there are a huge number of connecting parts, one of which is tissue fluid. It performs many important functions and is vital for every person

Quantum therapy: feedback on treatment with the device

Quantum therapy: feedback on treatment with the device

Quantum therapy is the latest treatment for many diseases. It is completely painless and often even more effective than drug treatment. A huge list of diseases that can retreat before the quanta of light

Kinesiotherapy - what is it? Method of kinesiotherapy

Kinesiotherapy - what is it? Method of kinesiotherapy

Kinesiotherapy is one of the new methods of post-traumatic and age-related rehabilitation. Through this method, diseases of people associated with the spine and joints are treated

Gastroscopy - what is this procedure? Gastroscopy: reviews

Gastroscopy - what is this procedure? Gastroscopy: reviews

Something incomprehensible is going on with the stomach: it hurts, then it swells, and then suddenly nausea appears. In order not to torment yourself with doubts, it is best to decide on a procedure called "gastroscopy"

Tests for IVF: list, validity period

Tests for IVF: list, validity period

One of the ways to get the desired baby is IVF. This is a rather complicated method of conceiving a child

Crutches with elbow support (Canadian)

Crutches with elbow support (Canadian)

The first mention of crutches (as devices designed to reduce the load on the lower limbs) date back to 2830 BC

How to cure psoriasis at home: traditional medicine to help you

How to cure psoriasis at home: traditional medicine to help you

Alternative medicine is rich in many ways that will tell you how to cure psoriasis at home

Hermaphrodites are people with two sexes

Hermaphrodites are people with two sexes

Hermaphrodites are people who have both female and male characteristics. At the same time, they can have a huge number of problems both in the reproductive and social spheres of life

What will fluorography show in normal and pathological conditions

What will fluorography show in normal and pathological conditions

Many are interested in the question of what fluorography will show in normal and pathological conditions. The fact is that despite the prevalence of this study, only specialists have enough information about it

Prophylactic routine vaccinations for children and adults

Prophylactic routine vaccinations for children and adults

Even in the modern world, there are a large number of deadly diseases that cannot be cured. In order to prevent their development, vaccines have been created. To date, this is the only method of preventing dangerous pathologies. The list of injections is reflected in the national vaccination calendar

Mycologist: what treats and how to get an appointment?

Mycologist: what treats and how to get an appointment?

Such a medical specialization as mycology is not known to all citizens. In fact, a mycologist is engaged in the prevention and detection of diseases resulting from the appearance of fungal infections in the human body

"Suction" is Definition of the term, description of the process, features

"Suction" is Definition of the term, description of the process, features

"Absorption" is a process that transports digested nutrients directly from the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract into the lymph, blood and intercellular space. In physiology, this is how the ability of tissues to assimilate the molecules they need for life, which as a result of this, are modified. In this article, we will provide a definition of the term, a description of the entire process and its features

Immunoassay blood test: deciphering the result

Immunoassay blood test: deciphering the result

ELISA - or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - is one of the most common methods for early diagnosis of a number of serious human diseases. Including oncological and viral. Many harmful bacteria and pathogenic microbes live in the human body and do not manifest themselves in any way. How to deal with the interpretation of the result, what you need to know about the technology of passing the analysis and the principles of its implementation?

Hospital Pokrovskaya. City Intercession Hospital, St. Petersburg: photos and reviews

Hospital Pokrovskaya. City Intercession Hospital, St. Petersburg: photos and reviews

The Pokrovskaya Hospital on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg has been treating patients for over 150 years. Today it is one of the largest multidisciplinary clinics in the city, where treatment, counseling and high-tech diagnostics services are provided

Evaluation of the result of the Mantoux test in adults and children (photo)

Evaluation of the result of the Mantoux test in adults and children (photo)

Evaluation of the result of the mantoux test causes a great resonance among the masses. Many parents are convinced that this is a useless injection, and some believe that it is simply necessary

Polyclinic No. 191 (Moscow). Reviews about doctors, address, opening hours

Polyclinic No. 191 (Moscow). Reviews about doctors, address, opening hours

Polyclinic No. 191 includes 5 specialized medical institutions that are ready to provide assistance to the population on working days and on Saturday

Antigens. Properties of antigens, structure and main functions

Antigens. Properties of antigens, structure and main functions

The human body is a unique ecosystem created by the fusion and coordinated work of billions of cells. In addition, a variety of bacteria live and peacefully coexist inside us, forming a mutually beneficial symbiosis. These little creatures help us and usually do not cause immune responses. However, not all microorganisms are so friendly and helpful. Most of them cause harm and provoke the immune system into protective measures

Deciphering a blood test for herpes

Deciphering a blood test for herpes

Herpes is a disease that is the result of infection of the body with a special virus that can affect the mucous membranes throughout the body, and in severe cases, other tissues and organs of a person. About 85% of the world's population are carriers of this disease, which, at the slightest opportunity, is taken again and again to attack an infected victim

Hormones for endometriosis: list, tests and reviews of doctors

Hormones for endometriosis: list, tests and reviews of doctors

The disease is very insidious, in particular due to the fact that it disguises itself as other ailments, and may not manifest itself at all. One of its most unpleasant consequences can be infertility. In this article we will talk about the problems, diagnosis, what hormones are given for endometriosis and modern methods of treating the disease

Antibodies to hepatitis C: diagnosis and interpretation of the analysis

Antibodies to hepatitis C: diagnosis and interpretation of the analysis

A test for hepatitis C antibodies shows their presence or absence in a person's blood. This procedure is often done to help diagnose the cause of liver inflammation and separate it from other possible causes

What should a first aid kit for a child at sea contain?

What should a first aid kit for a child at sea contain?

What should a first aid kit for a child at sea consist of? When choosing medicines, one should proceed from the principle of collecting a similar adult first-aid kit

Koenig's disease: causes and consequences. Methods of treatment and diagnostics

Koenig's disease: causes and consequences. Methods of treatment and diagnostics

The term "Koenig's disease" refers to a pathological process, the development of which is accompanied by a gradual exfoliation of cartilage tissue from the bone. According to statistics, most often the disease is diagnosed in men under the age of 30 years. When the first warning signs appear, you should consult a doctor

How to increase TSH? Symptoms and causes of hormonal changes, consequences, treatment and explanation of the endocrinologist

How to increase TSH? Symptoms and causes of hormonal changes, consequences, treatment and explanation of the endocrinologist

TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It plays an important role in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and is responsible for the production of hormones T3 and T4, which are involved in the work of many organs and body systems

Methods for diagnosing the thyroid gland

Methods for diagnosing the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland regulates the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems through the production of hormones. That is why a lot depends on this little defender. If the work of the gland is disturbed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause and prescribe treatment

How do bronchoscopy of the lungs and bronchi: reviews. Does a bronchoscopy hurt?

How do bronchoscopy of the lungs and bronchi: reviews. Does a bronchoscopy hurt?

What is bronchoscopy, why and how this complex medical procedure is performed, indications and possible risks

Human integumentary system

Human integumentary system

Human integumentary system: skin, nails, hair and glands. Their features, structure and main functions

Decidual tissue: definition, indicators and features

Decidual tissue: definition, indicators and features

Maternal, or decidual, tissue is located between the embryo and the uterus, it is necessary for the implantation of the fetal egg, the development of the fetus, the birth of a he althy child

Neurology - what is it? What does a neurologist treat?

Neurology - what is it? What does a neurologist treat?

Often, patients have to deal with the concept of neurology. What is it and how to interpret it? First of all, neurology is a science that studies the normal and pathological development of the nervous system. She also deals with changes in the nervous system that occur as a result of external influences or diseases of other organs

Influenza shot: contraindications. Is a flu shot needed?

Influenza shot: contraindications. Is a flu shot needed?

Seasonal influenza is a disease that affects millions of people every year. The most favorable time for the disease is autumn and winter, when a person's immunity is weakened and does not cope with viruses so effectively. Different strains of viruses can cause the development of acute respiratory illness, but, despite the nature of the pathogen, the symptoms are very similar in all cases. The patient has a fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough and headache

Dopamine - what is it? dopamine levels in the body

Dopamine - what is it? dopamine levels in the body

In the life of every person sometimes there come such moments when the mood rapidly deteriorates, the desire to communicate with anyone disappears, pessimistic views dominate. One of the main reasons for this condition, experts call the lack of dopamine - a hormone whose level can be regulated

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia: examination features, diagnostic methods, indications, contraindications, conclusions and treatment

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia: examination features, diagnostic methods, indications, contraindications, conclusions and treatment

When the body's hemoglobin synthesis is disturbed, iron deficiency occurs. This leads to various physiological pathologies indicating anemia and sideropenia. Studies have shown that more than two billion people in the world suffer from this form of the disease of varying severity. Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is carried out in the clinic, after which treatment is prescribed

What foods to boost immunity: a list of foods to boost immunity

What foods to boost immunity: a list of foods to boost immunity

The benefits of foods are no longer a secret for many people. However, few people know that with the help of them you can increase immunity, as well as strengthen it and prevent many diseases. To be he althy, you need to eat he althy foods. Therefore, everyone should know what exactly should be eaten in the first place so as not to get sick

Orthostatic test. What is this research method used for?

Orthostatic test. What is this research method used for?

Diseases of the cardiovascular system require immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment. Orthostatic test is one of the research methods that allow to determine changes in the main hemodynamic parameters. Thanks to it, deviations in the initial stages can be detected and serious complications can be prevented

Esophageal atresia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Esophageal atresia: causes, symptoms and treatment

An article about the development of such a disease as esophageal atresia. A similar disease occurs in newborns. Consider the possible treatment of pathology and the consequences of the disease

How to determine when it is better to conceive children?

How to determine when it is better to conceive children?

How to prepare for the most important thing in the life of any couple - conceiving a baby? What is important to know about this period?

Antibodies to nuclear antigens: indications for prescribing, screening, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

Antibodies to nuclear antigens: indications for prescribing, screening, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

Antibodies to nuclear antigens, or ANA, is a heterogeneous group of autoantibodies that are directed against elements of their own nuclei. They are detected as a marker of autoimmune diseases and are determined to establish a diagnosis, assess the activity of the pathology and control therapy