Calculous pancreatitis is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the pancreas tissues with further formation of hard stones in the ducts of the organ. This disease is considered a precancerous condition and therefore requires timely diagnosis and adequate therapy.
Of course, many people are interested in more information. Why does acute calculous pancreatitis develop? What symptoms should cause concern? What can a doctor suggest? Are the forecasts favorable? The answers to these questions are worth exploring.
General information about the disease

Calculous pancreatitis is a very dangerous pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of stones in the structures of the pancreas. It is believed that the trigger in this case is a change in the chemical composition of pancreatic juice. ATin the ducts of the gland, small neoplasms are formed from phosphate or carbonic lime. Calculi are usually small, not too dense and resemble small grains of white or grayish sand.
Such neoplasms accumulate in the pancreatic ducts, preventing the normal outflow of pancreatic juice. The fluid begins to accumulate, which leads to the expansion of the duct, the activation of pathogenic microflora and the further development of the inflammatory process.
In modern medicine, both acute and chronic calculous pancreatitis are distinguished. Cholecystitis, hepatitis, malnutrition, medication - all this can provoke the development of this disease, which is not so easy to treat.
Main causes of occurrence
In fact, medicine knows a large number of factors, the impact of which can provoke the development of such a disease. But, as statistics show, in most cases, the formation of calculi in the pancreatic ducts occurs against the background of the progression of other diseases. This is why calculous pancreatitis develops:
- Cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder often lead to damage to the pancreas.
- The list of causes includes hepatitis, as well as other liver diseases.
- Potentially dangerous in this case are ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach and intestines.
- Calculous pancreatitis can be the result of various pathologies of the vascular system and connective tissues.
- Great value in thiscase has power. The quality of food consumed directly affects the synthetic activity of the pancreas. Excessive stress on the organ can provoke the development of inflammation.
- Risk factors include bad habits, in particular, alcohol, drugs, smoking. All this irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
- Incorrect intake of certain medications, in particular antibacterial drugs, may be the cause of inflammation.
- The environmental situation, the degree of environmental pollution, the quality of water and food consumed play a certain role.
Calculous pancreatitis: symptoms

Of course, the features of the clinical picture depend on the form of the disease and the stage of its development. The first sign, of course, is pain. Localization of discomfort directly depends on the degree of damage to the organ by calcifications.
If stones have accumulated in the area of the head and body of the gland, then patients complain of pain in the middle part of the abdomen and epigastric region. Sometimes stones are present only in the body of the gland, in which case the pain radiates to the right side of the abdomen. If discomfort occurs in the region of the left hypochondrium, then this may indicate the accumulation of calcifications in the tail of the pancreas. Often there is a lesion of the entire organ - patients suffer from severe girdle pain.
Of course, there are other violations that simply cannot be ignored:
- increased heart rate;
- excessive sweating appears;
- body weight is gradually decreasing, which is associated with a decrease in appetite and incomplete digestion and, accordingly, absorption of food;
- stool problems;
- frequent bouts of nausea, often ending in vomiting.
Unlike hepatitis, this pathology is not accompanied by yellowness of the sclera of the eyes and skin. Sometimes the accumulation of stones affects the synthesis of insulin - there is a risk of developing diabetes, especially when it comes to chronic inflammation.
Features of the diagnostic process

It is very important to diagnose the disease in the early stages of development. This will be done by the doctor during the consultation. The sooner treatment of calculous pancreatitis is started, the higher the likelihood of a quick and complete recovery:
- First of all, patients are advised to donate blood and urine for laboratory analysis. An increase in the number of leukocytes confirms the presence of inflammation. In addition, against the background of the formation of calculi, an increase in the level of amylase is observed.
- Ultrasound is a fairly informative, simple and affordable procedure. During the examination, the doctor can determine the presence of dilated pancreatic ducts.
- Additionally, an x-ray is taken, which allows you to detect the stones themselves (especially if they are large enough).
- If the above procedures did not provide the doctor with enough information, then the patientare sent for endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (the technique makes it possible to examine the ducts of the organ from the inside).
Conservative Therapy

What to do with a similar disease? How to relieve severe pain in calculous pancreatitis? Many patients ask about this at the doctor's office. Immediately it should be said that drug therapy in this case is only auxiliary. Some drugs help manage symptoms, while others restore the digestive system:
- In case of severe pain syndrome, analgesics and antispasmodics are used, in particular, Analgin, Drotaverine, Papaverine, No-shpa.
- Means with antiulcer properties are also used - Famotidine, Gastroceptin, Ranitidine.
- The therapy regimen also includes enzymatic drugs, for example, Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal. They help relieve stress on the pancreas and improve digestion.
- Antacids are also used, in particular, Maalox, Almagel, Dalargin.

According to statistics, it is only occasionally possible to cope with the disease with the help of medicines. In most cases, surgery is required. If possible, the pancreatic ducts are drained.
Sometimes the doctor establishes an anastomosis, connecting the pancreatic duct and the cavity of the small intestine - thishelps to restore the normal outflow of pancreatic juice. If there is extensive damage to the organ, then the doctor may decide on its complete resection.
After the operation, the patient is prescribed appropriate medications, as well as physiotherapy. Recommended spa treatment and periodic examinations.
Calculous pancreatitis: diet

With this disease, diet is very important. Improper nutrition in this case only creates additional stress on the pancreas, further aggravating the patient's condition. The rules for compiling the optimal diet are quite simple:
- Smoked, too s alty, as well as spicy, fried and fatty foods are contraindicated, as all this negatively affects the state of the pancreas, irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
- Need to give up alcohol and carbonated drinks.
- It is better to refuse pork. Rabbit meat, poultry meat, lean fish are allowed, but it is better to cook them for a couple (in no case fry).
- It is allowed to eat vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, cereals (oatmeal is considered especially useful).
- The diet should include fermented milk products, omelettes, fat-free cottage cheese.
- As for drinking, herbal teas, jelly, rosehip decoction are useful. Coffee and strong black tea should be abandoned at least for a while.
- The best option is fractional meals - eat a little, but often.
Folk remedies: what can you do yourself?

Some remedies can be prepared at home:
- Walnut tincture is considered effective.
- Patients are advised to drink a decoction of oat grains (they must first be ground in a coffee grinder).
- Doctors recommend drinking chamomile tea, which helps reduce inflammation.
- Decoctions of dandelion leaves and roots are effective.
- Decoctions and infusions of calamus root are also great for digestive problems.
Naturally, you can use drugs only with the permission of a doctor, that is, only after consulting a specialist. Traditional medicine can only be used as ancillary methods.
Prognosis for patients
Prognosis in this case directly depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed. With calculous pancreatitis, there is always a risk of degeneration of the pathology into a full-fledged oncological disease. Sometimes such damage to the pancreas leads to disability. However, there is also a possibility of a favorable outcome.
Prevention: is it possible to prevent the development of the disease?
Unfortunately, there are no special drugs or other means that could completely protect against the development of calculous pancreatitis. On the other hand, following some simple rules significantly reduces the risk of developing an ailment.
It is very important to monitor nutrition,Eat only light, well-cooked foods. Experts recommend quitting smoking and drinking alcohol - these bad habits have a negative impact primarily on the work of the digestive system. Try to spend more time outdoors, strengthen your immune system, get enough rest and, of course, avoid stressful situations.
If you notice any deterioration, then you urgently need to inform the doctor about this and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. As you know, the sooner therapy is started, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome.