Immunoassay blood test: deciphering the result

Immunoassay blood test: deciphering the result
Immunoassay blood test: deciphering the result

Immunoassay is a special analysis of human fluids and blood, which allows to detect certain immunoglobulins or antibodies in their composition. These proteins respond to the penetration of foreign enzymes, viruses, pathogenic microbes and parasites into the human body.

Blood samples by ELISA method
Blood samples by ELISA method

To take samples, not only blood is used, but also fluid from the spinal canal, the eyeball, as well as amniotic fluid or mucus from the woman's cervical canal. The analysis is absolutely safe, carried out under the supervision of an obstetrician or gynecologist. It is relatively safe for both mother and baby.

A little about the protective role of proteins in the human body

After infection, human antibodies change their concentration in the blood, depending on the stage of the disease. It is studies of the quantity and quality of antibodies that help determine whether this phase is acute or chronic and howeffectively the body copes with alien flora.

Immunoglobulin group G
Immunoglobulin group G

ELISA analysis is effective in the study of hormonal disorders, determining onco- and immune disorders. It can detect in the early stages such serious diseases as hepatitis B and syphilis, HIV infection, as well as a number of viruses that do not manifest themselves in any way, for example, cytomegalovirus.

Immunoglobulins - everyone has a role to play

There are five main immunoglobulin proteins that are involved in the body's reactions in the fight against pathologies.

Class A proteins (IgA). According to studies, more than 80% of the immunoglobulins of this group are concentrated in the tissues of the stomach and lungs. And only 20% are in plasma. That is why this group of antibodies can be determined using a blood test no earlier than 14 days after the onset of the disease. The concentration of this immunoglobulin in the blood decreases to normal after 8 weeks from the moment of infection. And if they are found after, then this indicates that the disease has passed into the chronic stage.

Immunoglobulins of class M(IgM) are the main guardians of our body. They are able to "detect" the infection as early as five days after infection. They are determined in the blood up to 6 weeks after the disease, then their number decreases to normal.

Immunoglobulins class G (IgG) - the main blockers of infection in the body. It is they who defeat the disease, completely destroying the signs of the disease. These antibodies have their own memory, i.e. are able to recognize the signs of the pathogen when they meet again, more efficiently and quicklyblock him. For example, a certain concentration of immunoglobulins of this type in the body may be present if a person has had rubella or chickenpox.

What does vaccination have to do with it

The ability of class G immunoglobulin to remember the "violator" is widely used in vaccination. Vaccination is made from weakened pathogens, after vaccination, an immune response of class G antibodies occurs.

Immunoglobulin class E (IgE). They mainly manifest themselves if a person is a carrier of parasites. Determines such diseases: toxoplasmosis, ascariasis, giardiasis, cysticercosis, trichinosis, fascioliasis. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for parasites is effective in detecting both acute and chronic forms of the disease. In addition, antibodies are active against many allergens - their list is very extensive, about 500 different pathogens.

Immunoglobulins class D (IgD). Very little has been studied. Until now, some researchers cannot determine exactly the role of this protein in the body's defense system. If we allocate the shares of all five types of immunoglobulin, this one in the human body for his entire life will hardly take a percentage. It has been proven that it is involved in the process of the birth of lymphocytes. According to the observations of doctors, in pregnant women with HIV infection and bronchial asthma, the concentration of this immunoglobulin is as high as possible.

Samples by ELISA method
Samples by ELISA method

Advantages of ELISAanalysis

  1. Low cost and availability.
  2. High accuracy and the possibility of early diagnosis of the disease.
  3. The ability to control the course of the disease. It can be taken multiple times.
  4. The test is safe and has no side effects.
  5. The ability to study many pathologies at once.
  6. On-line execution.
  7. Does not require highly trained staff. The device evaluates the result.
  8. Data can be used to study chronic pathologies and hereditary diseases.
  9. Even children can do it.

Any analysis requires control

The analysis should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician, as some chronic diseases can blur the result - sometimes there are several such diseases. In this case, the test may be uninformative. Although the human factor is minimized in this study, when it comes to samples with antigens, laboratory assistant errors cannot be completely ruled out.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is usually done in three steps

Sampling of human blood serum. Blood samples are carefully applied to a special plate, dotted with wells. Each of them contains a specific pathogen.

Wells with antigen sets
Wells with antigen sets

After a certain time, the specialist studies the color of the holes. The intensity of the color and its color depends on the amount of human antibodies to a given antigen. The brighter the color, the more infection in the human blood.

Sample staining optionsblood
Sample staining optionsblood

Comparison of the obtained sample with the control. A special device, a spectrometer, examines and compares the samples, and then gives the result.

Deciphering the options for the norm of an enzyme immunoassay has its own characteristics. In the body of a he althy person, class M immunoglobulins should be completely absent. In this case, the result is considered negative.

G group immunoglobulins are not taken into account, because, as we remember, they can be present in the human body for many years. It only says that a person once had a disease. It's just that the squirrel remembered it, and now, just in case, it is ready to fight back.

Features of decoding ELISA results in children

Up to a year and a half, a child may retain a certain amount of group G immunoglobulin obtained in the womb. This is a normal situation and should be taken calmly. However, if group M immunoglobulins are found in a child, this indicates that the fetus may be infected by itself, since the proteins of this group do not cross the placenta. In each specific case, the pediatrician will suggest an algorithm of actions.

Test tubes with blood samples according to the ELISA method
Test tubes with blood samples according to the ELISA method

Deciphering the enzyme immunoassay in adults is presented in the following table.

IgM IgE IgG IgA Transcript
0.5-3.5g/L 30-240 mcg/l 7-17g/l 0.9-4.5g/L Indicators of the norm of immunoglobulin
- + + - There is post-vaccination or post-infection immunity
+ + -/+ -/+ Acute infection
+ _ + + Exacerbation of chronic infection
- _ +/- +/- Having a chronic infection

Indicated by an increase in the concentration of proteins in the blood

  • Ig group A. Perhaps the presence of chronic liver disease, autoimmune disorders in the body. A high concentration of this protein indicates a possible chemical poisoning or oncology.
  • Ig group G. An increase in concentration indicates an acute stage of infection with diseases: hepatitis, syphilis, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, streptococcal or staphylococcal infections.
  • Ig group M. They say about the beginning of the development of infection. May show infection even before any symptoms appear. An increase in this immunoglobulin may indicate Crohn's disease, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the heart and blood vessels, as well as anaphylactic shock.

Sent to ELISA - aboutwhat you need to know

Special attention should be paid to the process of preparing for the test. It is not recommended to carry them out to women on the days of menstruation. The day before the test, it is better to refrain from taking drugs and alcohol. In addition, it is better to schedule an analysis on Monday, since the body will be rested after the weekend, the result of the analysis can be affected by strong psycho-emotional stress or stress. In addition, it is better not to overeat spicy and fatty foods at night.

Tubes for analysis by ELISA
Tubes for analysis by ELISA

An analysis is taken on an empty stomach, it is usually recommended to do it early in the morning. It is believed that it is at this time that the sample will show the most objective result. If a person has suffered an injury, or a serious operation, it is better to refuse to take the test, since the concentration of proteins can be increased. You can take an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at any clinic at your place of residence, usually this analysis is free of charge. It is important to understand that many infections can be in the human body and not manifest themselves in any way. Therefore, regular he alth checks should become a habit.
