Medicine 2024, October

Control hormone: mechanism of action, types

Control hormone: mechanism of action, types

The contrainsular hormone is one of the necessary biological compounds for carbohydrate metabolism. It is needed to ensure normal glucose levels and prevent the development of hypoglycemia. There are several such hormones. Each of them has its own mechanism of action and performs certain functions in the body

Klebsiella pneumonia - the causative agent of purulent-septic and enteric diseases

Klebsiella pneumonia - the causative agent of purulent-septic and enteric diseases

Klebsiella pneumonia is the causative agent of pneumonia, rhinoscleroma, ozena. It also causes damage to the intestines, genitourinary system, meninges. In newborns, Klebsiella provokes intestinal diseases and a toxic and septic condition. These microorganisms can cause outbreaks of nosocomial infections

Primary and secondary immunodeficiency states: causes, symptoms, treatment

Primary and secondary immunodeficiency states: causes, symptoms, treatment

The immune system acts as a shield for humans. It protects it both inside and out so that its own organs and tissues function properly. But, like any body system, the immune system is subject to pathological processes. The result is a disease called immunodeficiency

Antiphospholipid antibodies: description of the concept, types and types, testing, decoding

Antiphospholipid antibodies: description of the concept, types and types, testing, decoding

Antiphospholipid antibody test is used to recognize certain proteins that are produced by the body against itself as a result of autoimmune reactions. They are associated with thrombocytopenia (reduced number of platelets in the blood), as well as with the threat of miscarriage, preeclampsia (the appearance of late toxicosis in pregnant women) and with premature birth

ACCP analysis: features, preparation, norm, decoding, where to pass

ACCP analysis: features, preparation, norm, decoding, where to pass

Today, rheumatoid arthritis is considered the most serious disease. It affects the internal tissues of the joint. Accurate medical diagnosis is necessary to fight the disease. It depends only on her how effective the treatment will be

F-50 blood test - what it is, how it is done, decoding the result

F-50 blood test - what it is, how it is done, decoding the result

All infectious pathologies need accurate and timely diagnosis. HIV is no exception. An early diagnosis allows early treatment to begin, thereby prolonging the patient's life. When determining the pathology, an F-50 blood test is given. What is it and how to properly prepare for it?

Increased Mantoux in a child: reasons, what to do?

Increased Mantoux in a child: reasons, what to do?

Mantoux is a mandatory test that all children do. The procedure itself is considered very simple and practically does not bring any pain. They do it annually, but there is a belief that the child should not have symptoms of a cold on the day the vaccine is given. Even the slightest inflammatory process can give a false positive result. Thanks to vaccination, doctors can easily determine the possible presence of tuberculosis pathogens in the child's body

Hemoglobin 100: purpose, blood sampling algorithm, tests, interpretation of the result, causes of low hemoglobin and doctor's advice

Hemoglobin 100: purpose, blood sampling algorithm, tests, interpretation of the result, causes of low hemoglobin and doctor's advice

The degree of hemoglobin in a person's blood can be increased by introducing foods such as meat, liver, dairy products, egg yolk, legumes, germinated cereals, red berries, beet juice into the menu. What if the hemoglobin is 100?

Vandiloma virus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Vandiloma virus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

If the papilloma virus gets on the skin, a wart develops, and if the mucous membrane, for example, the penis, vagina, cervix or anus, so-called genital warts appear

At what pressure to call an ambulance: hypotonic and hypertonic types, normal blood pressure, lower and upper limits of normal, dangerous blood pressure indicators and first aid

At what pressure to call an ambulance: hypotonic and hypertonic types, normal blood pressure, lower and upper limits of normal, dangerous blood pressure indicators and first aid

Hypotonia and hypertension are often confused with each other, although in fact they are absolutely opposite. But under certain factors, hypertension can develop into hypotension, and vice versa, hypotension into hypertension. At what pressure should I call an ambulance during pregnancy and in the normal state? Let's deal with this issue

Blood pressure - what is it? What blood pressure is considered normal

Blood pressure - what is it? What blood pressure is considered normal

What does blood pressure mean? BP is one of the main indicators of the activity of the cardiovascular system. Let's look at this issue in more detail

Collar area massage technique at home

Collar area massage technique at home

The cervical-collar spine is most susceptible to stress, which causes discomfort and discomfort that accompanies us throughout the day. An effective tool for relieving pain in the collar zone is a special massage, it can be done by a specialist or done at home on your own

The best maternity hospital in Moscow. Rating of maternity hospitals in Moscow

The best maternity hospital in Moscow. Rating of maternity hospitals in Moscow

If you are afraid of complications during the birth of your baby, want an ideal ward and a friendly attitude of the staff, then try to choose the best maternity hospital in Moscow. True, for some this concept implies comfortable conditions of stay, for others - the presence of the best specialists, and for others - proper nutrition

The outpatient clinic is a small clinic

The outpatient clinic is a small clinic

Outpatient treatment is a way of providing medical care to the population, which does not imply the placement of the patient in an inpatient medical institution. All treatment and diagnostic measures are carried out at home or when the patient appears for an appointment with a doctor of a medical institution

Galvanization is a method of physiotherapy. Description of the procedure, equipment

Galvanization is a method of physiotherapy. Description of the procedure, equipment

What is galvanization, in what cases is it used, what helps, how does the procedure proceed, are there any contraindications?

Sporadic is the incidence rate outside the epidemic

Sporadic is the incidence rate outside the epidemic

Sporadic incidence: definition of this concept; what diseases are sporadic

Idiopathic means "having no known cause"

Idiopathic means "having no known cause"

What is an idiopathic disease? Definition. Examples of idiopathic diseases. Who gets idiopathic diseases?

What is magnetic resonance imaging? Is MRI harmful to he alth?

What is magnetic resonance imaging? Is MRI harmful to he alth?

What is special about MRI? Preparation and diagnostic procedure. What are the contraindications to this method of studying the body?

Gynecologists of Stavropol: overview, services, contacts and reviews

Gynecologists of Stavropol: overview, services, contacts and reviews

How to find a good gynecologist in Stavropol? Many residents of the city are puzzled over this issue. There are many specialists, but I want to choose the ideal one - a neat, kind, tactful and very competent doctor. The following list of the best gynecologists in Stavropol will help you make a choice

Nasal swab for eosinophils. What is this study?

Nasal swab for eosinophils. What is this study?

What is a nasal swab for eosinophils? What are the norms? After reading our article, you will find answers to these and other exciting questions

EHF-therapy - methods, indications, contraindications, patient reviews

EHF-therapy - methods, indications, contraindications, patient reviews

Often patients may hear the term "EHF-therapy". What does this mean? Extreme high frequency therapy is the use of electromagnetic waves in medical practice

CNS - what is it? Central nervous system: departments, functions

CNS - what is it? Central nervous system: departments, functions

CNS - what is it? This is an evolutionarily formed system that allows a person to exist in constantly changing conditions, in other words, it is a biocomputer that controls our body

Symbols of medicine - a reflection of the ways of healing ancient peoples

Symbols of medicine - a reflection of the ways of healing ancient peoples

Everyone knows that the symbol of medicine is a bowl with a snake, and the people jokingly call it "mother-in-law eats ice cream." But what such an emblem means, not everyone knows

How to want to write: medications and home methods

How to want to write: medications and home methods

Circumstances that force pee require additional action or even medical attention. How to want to write, if necessary? What measures should be taken? More on this later in the article. How to quickly want to write for analysis? The easiest and most harmless way is to drink a glass of water, you can try washing your hands under the tap

Hospital No. 9 Children's City Clinical named after. Speransky: address, services, reviews. outpatient department of the hospital

Hospital No. 9 Children's City Clinical named after. Speransky: address, services, reviews. outpatient department of the hospital

The hospital provides assistance to children with complex diseases of all life-support organs. Every year, 22,000 - 24,000 children are treated inpatiently, about 50,000 outpatients, and about 7,000 operations are performed. The hospital works in the system of the budget-insurance model within the framework of the Compulsory Medical Insurance program. In addition, for children not eligible for CHI, there is a limited number of beds paid through insurance companies under the VHI program

Mariinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg): address, photos and patient reviews

Mariinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg): address, photos and patient reviews

The Mariinsky Hospital is one of the largest modern medical institutions in the central part of the city of St. Petersburg, working around the clock and seven days a week. It provides emergency medical care to the population under voluntary and compulsory insurance, as well as on a paid basis. Every year, at least 40,000 people are treated here in a hospital, about 11,000 surgical operations are performed

Why people often yawn: reasons

Why people often yawn: reasons

Yawning is an unconscious breathing act, a deep long inhalation and a rapid exhalation. At first glance, yawning seems to be a natural process for the body, but in some cases, excessive yawning can become a symptom of the disease. There are several hypotheses that answer the question of why people often yawn. Doctors are studying why this process is necessary for the body, but they have not come to final conclusions

Maternity hospital №16 (Moscow): doctors, family births, reviews, address and photo

Maternity hospital №16 (Moscow): doctors, family births, reviews, address and photo

Maternity Hospital 16 is part of the Department of He alth of the city of Moscow, is under the leadership of the City Clinical Hospital No. 81. Among the gardens and old mansions, in a beautiful picturesque area, this abode of goodness and light is located, where daily and hourly new life is born. Here, women from Muscovites and residents of other Russian cities give birth. The number of babies born in the walls of this maternity hospital is about 4000 per year

Duplex scanning of BCA - what is it?

Duplex scanning of BCA - what is it?

In case of violations of the cardiovascular system, frequent headaches, dizziness and many other diseases, the doctor prescribes duplex scanning of the BCA to the patient to diagnose the condition. What it is? Ultrasound BCA - examination of the main (brachiocephalic) arteries using ultrasound

Submandibular salivary gland: human anatomy, structure, purpose, inflammation, diseases, methods and methods of treatment, recovery period

Submandibular salivary gland: human anatomy, structure, purpose, inflammation, diseases, methods and methods of treatment, recovery period

The human endocrine system is the control mechanism of the whole organism as a whole, just like the nervous system. The production of hormones and glands is necessary for the normal and uninterrupted operation of all organs, including the organs of the digestive system

Secondary and primary sexual characteristics of men and women

Secondary and primary sexual characteristics of men and women

Gender characteristics are a number of differences in the structure and functions of the organs of the body, which determine the gender of all organisms. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics help to distinguish the male from the female, despite the fact that they are determined by the same genes, which, under the influence of special hormones, can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent

What is the position of orthopnea in medicine?

What is the position of orthopnea in medicine?

The respiratory disorder that occurs in a person with certain diseases can truly impair his he alth and normal lifestyle. One of the symptoms is shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, in which patients subconsciously try to assume a special position. Let's find out in more detail what it means in medical terminology

The appendix of the caecum: where is it located, what functions does it perform

The appendix of the caecum: where is it located, what functions does it perform

Most people don't consider appendicitis a serious condition. However, many do not even realize what complications it can entail. This article describes the causes of inflammation of the appendix, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods. In addition, recommendations of physicians are presented that will help to avoid inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the caecum

Appendicitis: symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children

Appendicitis: symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children

Today, one of the most common surgical diseases is appendicitis. Its symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children are somewhat different. For correct and timely diagnosis, it is very important to know their features

Chemical face peeling. Description, types of procedures

Chemical face peeling. Description, types of procedures

You can return your former youth with the help of a chemical peeling of the face. The results are visible within a week. What is the essence of the procedure? Certain chemicals are applied to the skin of the patient's face, as a rule, weak solutions of carboxylic hydroxy acids, which, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, activate metabolic processes, remove age spots, and smooth out small scars and wrinkles. Chemical peeling of the face is often used to remove acne, age spots, and small scars

Medical parasitology: definition, diseases, classification of parasites

Medical parasitology: definition, diseases, classification of parasites

Our world is beautiful and fantastically diverse. Thousands of life forms are admired for their beauty, strength, ability to survive and other unique features. But, unfortunately, there are creatures in the world that absolutely do not attract and differ only in that they live at the expense of other creatures. These are parasites. Medical parasitology deals with those that are dangerous to human he alth and life

Abdominal surgery. concept

Abdominal surgery. concept

Under abdominal surgery it is customary to understand one of the areas of general surgery, which deals with the study and direct treatment of organs, as well as the walls of the abdominal cavity. Let's consider this direction in more detail

Kalinichenko Svetlana Yurievna, endocrinologist-andrologist: biography. "Clinic of Dr. Kalinichenko" in Moscow

Kalinichenko Svetlana Yurievna, endocrinologist-andrologist: biography. "Clinic of Dr. Kalinichenko" in Moscow

Article about professor and doctor of medical sciences Kalinichenko Svetlana Yurievna. What influenced the choice of profession. Biography about the student years and admission to the medical institute. Further successes and achievements of Svetlana. About the clinic in Moscow, founded by Kalinichenko

ART diagnostics: description of the procedure, features and reviews

ART diagnostics: description of the procedure, features and reviews

ART diagnostics is a unique method of comprehensive examination of the body, which allows to identify any problems in the body and choose an effective treatment regimen

Contraceptive injections: types, classification, gynecologist consultation, choice of remedy, composition, instructions for use, pros and cons of use

Contraceptive injections: types, classification, gynecologist consultation, choice of remedy, composition, instructions for use, pros and cons of use

Every woman in her life is faced with the choice of a method of contraception. One way is birth control injections. This is an effective method of long-term protection. Hormone injections are more than 99% reliable for preventing unwanted pregnancies