Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies
Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diarrhea is an intestinal disease associated with an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. That is why, with the diagnosis of "diarrhea", the treatment consists in taking drugs that help restore this balance. These probiotics include: bifidobacterin, lactobacilli.


Methods of treatment of intestinal disorders

Probiotics are those preparations based on living organisms that, when introduced into the human body, have a positive effect, as they help restore intestinal microflora.

However, the victims of this disease are sure that with the diagnosis of "diarrhea" treatment with folk remedies is somewhat more effective than the drug method. The most popular such recipes are:

- dilution of a spoonful of potato starch into a glass of boiled water, but already cooled down. The resulting mixture is drunk;

- a teaspoon of s alt is diluted in 80 g of vodka. This solution is drunk;

- with severe diarrhea, the following is an effective remedy: 2 tablespoons of bird cherry is poured with one glass of boiling water. The broth is boiled over low heatwithin 7 minutes. After it is insisted for about 20 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered, and water is added to the same volume level as it was originally. A folk remedy is taken in a warm form, ¼ cup three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

In order for the treatment of diarrhea to be effective, a certain diet must be followed. For example, drink strong tea along with white bread crumbs. It will also be useful to take rice water.

Banana is considered an excellent remedy. This is due to the fact that the composition of this fruit does not include coarse vegetable fiber, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Eat 1-2 bananas 3 times a day. For a child, this dosage is somewhat less.


Also, when diagnosed with diarrhea, treatment includes taking ½ teaspoon of garlic gruel. This product should be consumed with meals. Garlic tends to inhibit fermentation in the intestines and reduce inflammation.

Diarrhea in children

Most often this disease occurs in children. This is due to the fact that a large number of microbes enter the child's body. After all, as a rule, every child is energetic, plays a lot, touches various objects, puts dirty hands in his mouth. As a result, an infection enters the intestines.

Another cause of intestinal upset is the consumption of unwashed vegetables and fruits. Also, diarrheal infection in children is associated with:

- some animals;

- direct contact with faeces;

-drinking dirty water, etc.;

- dirty changing table;

- dirty toys.

When diarrhea occurs in children, treatment is required in the following situations:

- frequent and prolonged loose stools;

- the age of the child does not exceed six months;


- at body temperature over 38 degrees;

- repeated vomiting;

- refusal to drink;

- abdominal pain;

- diarrhea mixed with blood or mucus.

Typically, when diarrhoea, children are treated with a strict diet and plenty of fluids. If this disease is caused by viruses and bacteria, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are not provided.

Read more at Folkremedy.ru.
