Many patients are advised by doctors to undergo an ultrasound of the scrotum. This is a safe and absolutely painless procedure that allows a specialist to examine the organs of the scrotum, assess their structure, study the features of blood flow, and detect the presence of any pathological changes.
Of course, men are looking for more information. What is the procedure? What diseases are diagnosed with its help? How to do an ultrasound of the scrotum? Is there any special preparation needed for this? Are there any contraindications to conduct? What do normal readings look like? The answers to these questions will be discussed in this article.
What is the procedure
Ultrasound of the scrotum is often included in the process of diagnosing a disease of the reproductive system. This procedure is based on the property of human tissues to reflect ultrasonic waves.

This is a fairly affordable and simple diagnostic technique that allows you to determine the size of the testicle and study its condition, evaluate the shape and functioning of the appendages, partially examine the spermatic cord, and when usedspecial equipment also analyze the work of the vessels.
Ultrasound of the scrotum: advantages of the technique
As you know, the scrotum consists of various membranes, inside which important structures are enclosed, including testicles, appendages, spermatic cords, vessels that provide tissues with oxygen and nutrients. In the presence of certain diseases of the reproductive system, sometimes a general examination and palpation of the scrotum is not enough - you need to study its internal contents.
Ultrasound examination has a number of advantages. To begin with, it is worth saying that this is a completely painless and safe procedure that has practically no contraindications - patients regardless of age can undergo it (even small children are examined).

Despite some excitement around the issue of the effect of ultrasonic waves on the functioning of human organs, to date there is no data that would confirm the existence of a negative impact.
In addition, a similar procedure can be performed in almost any clinic. Diagnosis using ultrasound is much cheaper than, for example, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and therefore more accessible.
Ultrasound with Doppler sensors helps not only to examine the structure of the scrotum and determine their size, but also to study the nature of blood flow.
As for the shortcomings, there are practically none. Of course, during the procedure, you can get a lot of useful information, but, for example, you can’tdetermine whether a lump in testicular tissue is malignant or benign.
Indications for the procedure

Ultrasound of the scrotum is recommended for suspected various diseases of the male reproductive system. The indication for the procedure is:
- If a couple has problems conceiving a child, but the causes of infertility have not yet been found.
- Indications include an increase in the testicles and their appendages.
- The procedure is performed if a man cannot achieve an erection, and the reasons for this condition are not yet known.
- For swelling and severe pain in the scrotum, doctors may also prescribe an ultrasound.
- If there is a suspicion of the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the scrotum (for example, orchitis, epididymitis, orchiepididymitis).
- If any seals have formed in the tissues of the testicle, tumors of unknown origin.
- Ultrasound is also included in the list of mandatory diagnostic measures that are carried out if the teenager has too late or, conversely, early puberty.
- Such a diagnosis is carried out if the results of the spermogram indicate problems in the work of the male reproductive system.
- Indications include inflammation of the lymph nodes located close to the urinary organs.
- If a varicocele is suspected, an ultrasound examination can confirm the doctor's suspicion.
- If a patient is missing oneor both testicles.
- The procedure is performed with an inguinal hernia, if the doctor suspects that her tissues could partially penetrate the scrotal cavity.
- This technique is used to monitor the results of the treatment of chronic diseases, the growth or reduction of tumors, cysts and other structures.
- Ultrasound of the scrotum is performed before and after urological surgery. In this way, the doctor can draw up a more effective scheme of actions during surgical intervention and assess the speed and degree of tissue healing.
Using ultrasound equipment, you can detect pathological processes and the appearance of uncharacteristic seals. Sometimes such studies are used to confirm an existing diagnosis, and sometimes to conduct an initial examination.
Ultrasound of the scrotum: preparation
In fact, this type of diagnosis does not require special training. Before scrotum ultrasound, patients are advised to perform all standard hygiene procedures. Before carrying out manipulations, a person is sometimes recommended to change into a spacious hospital gown. In any case, you should be prepared to take off your underwear. It is important to maintain a comfortable temperature in the office, as the organs of the scrotum react to cold - this can slightly distort the results of the examination.
Scheme of the procedure
How is an ultrasound of the scrotum done? In fact, the procedure is quite simple. It is carried out using a linear ultrasonic transducer. This diagnostic technique requires an ideal knowledge of anatomy from the doctor.
The patient is laid on his back (sometimes on his side). The skin of the scrotum is covered with a special gel that improves the transmission of ultrasonic waves. Using a sensor, the doctor examines the internal structures - the image is displayed on the screen. The procedure rarely takes more than 10-15 minutes. Manipulations are painless. The remains of the gel after the procedure are removed with a napkin.

This is a non-invasive technique, so you should not be afraid of pain. There may be only slight discomfort from contact with the cold gel. Pain and burning appear only in the presence of an inflammatory process - in such cases it is worth notifying the doctor about your condition so that the specialist performs all manipulations more carefully.
Dopplerography and its features

Ultrasound of the scrotum with Doppler is carried out according to the same scheme. During the procedure, special sensors are used that record information about the blood flow. With the help of Doppler ultrasound, the doctor can assess the quality and intensity of blood supply. This procedure is prescribed for patients with suspected testicular torsion, varicose veins of the scrotum, as well as a number of other pathologies associated with a violation of the structure or functioning of blood vessels.
What diseases can be diagnosed by the technique
Scrotal ultrasound is part of the primary diagnosis. During the procedure, you can determine the presence of the following pathologies:
- congenital or acquired dropsy;
- hypogonadism;
- formation of calcifications in tissuestesticles;
- presence of cysts, tumors and other formations;
- adnexal abscess;
- presence of injuries of the scrotum;
- lymphocele, hematocele.

In most cases, ultrasound alone is not enough. To make an accurate diagnosis, a man takes various tests and undergoes additional diagnostic procedures.
What indicators can be considered normal?
In modern medical practice, ultrasound of the scrotum is very often performed. Photos, indications, advantages of the technique and features of the implementation - you have already familiarized yourself with this information.
But what do the results mean? What indicators can be considered normal:
- During the procedure, the testicles must be identified. These structures, as a rule, have even, clear contours, a homogeneous structure. There should be no additional neoplasms in testicular tissues.
- Appendages should also be uniform, with smooth edges. The size of the head should not exceed 10-15 mm, but the tail and body are not normally visible.
- A homogeneous free liquid with a volume of approximately 1-2 ml is allowed.
- The thickness of the scrotal wall is usually 8 mm.
Are there any contraindications?
Ultrasound of the scrotum is a completely safe and painless procedure, so there are no absolute contraindications to its implementation. There are just a few restrictions that are mostly temporary:
- presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases on the skin of the scrotum;
- allergic reactions;
- erosion, sores, scratches, non-healed wounds after surgery, ulcers on the tissues of the treated area.
In the above situations, the patient first needs to undergo treatment and wait for the complete recovery of skin tissues. After that, an ultrasound can be performed.

How much does the procedure cost?
Ultrasound examination of the scrotum is offered in many clinics. Of course, the cost of the service will fluctuate, as it depends on the quality of the equipment used, the pricing policy of the medical center and the doctor who performs the procedure. On average, the cost is about 1000-2000 rubles, so the procedure is affordable for most patients.