For about ten years, our entire country has been arguing about how much per mille of alcohol a driver can have in his blood. Drivers, the government, doctors and traffic police inspectors - everyone has their own point of view and everyone thinks that he is right. Where is the truth? How these disputes will end, no one knows until the end. And, after all, is 1 ppm of alcohol a lot or not so much yet?

What is known for sure is that alcohol on the road does not lead to good. The road accident statistics speak for themselves. Thousands of dead, tens of thousands maimed and left disabled. This is a sufficient argument in favor of absolute sobriety behind the wheel, for 0 ppm of alcohol. But not everything is as clear as it seems. We live in Russia, we can't have everything going smoothly, it's always mysterious with us.
Let's start with the basics. Alcohol is alcohol-containing drinks of different strengths. Once in the human body, it affects the nervous system, disables self-control. Under its influence, criticism decreases, motivation is disturbed. It begins to seem to a person that “the sea is knee-deep to him”, that he is capable of feats, that he is a genius, and no one understands him. Alcohol is honored in many countries, but only here, for some reason, this problem has taken on a serious social character.

Promille of alcohol (one thousandth) is a measure of the amount of alcohol in the blood. A bottle of beer for a man gives about 0.3 ppm, and for a woman 0.5-0.6. Why is that? due to physiological characteristics. The male body consists of 70% water, and the female only 60%. Yes, men are larger than women. There is also a feature of perception and the speed with which alcohol is digested by the liver. Promille are different. A woman loses her reaction speed faster. Mostly ladies have problems with this, and then there's alcohol. But men should not relax and think that they are allowed more than women. If only because most women are well aware of their weaknesses. So, they try not to take risks while driving. But men almost always overestimate their capabilities, which ends in failure.
Zero ppm of alcohol was introduced two years ago. But there is another problem, which, as it were, is not the main one, but a person who encounters it can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, it is the presence of endogenous alcohol in the blood, there are people whose body itself produces alcohol. This sometimes occurs with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The second is the errors that breathalyzers give. In both cases, a person canface a fine.

There is a way out. It must be remembered that only a blood test can show an objective picture. If you are accused of taking alcohol, and you are one hundred percent sure of yourself, you need to donate blood. Only then will it become clear whether there are notorious ppm of alcohol or not.
Probably, we will argue for a long time whether we should enter a valid ppm value or leave it at zero. But everyone should remember: when driving a car, he takes responsibility not only for his own life, but also for the lives of other people. And every driver must become the toughest breathalyzer for himself.