In the article, we will consider instructions and reviews for the Bilobil preparation.
Pathologies of cerebral vessels are currently a common cause of death in people in our country. A general deterioration in the quality of life, an increase in stress causes a massive spread of these diseases, reaching terrible numbers - about 450,000 strokes per year in Russia.
About 80% of patients with this diagnosis survive, however, there is a reduction in their vital functions and limited opportunities.

Patients think that they need to change their diet, reduce the pace of activity and emotional stress, streamline their regimen, give up alcohol and nicotine, walk at least an hour a day, but not everyone follows these recommendations. This is the reason for the unpleasant symptoms that indicate the presence of diseases of the vessels of the brain, more and more "younger".
If there are memory impairments, headaches, constant anxiety and absent-mindedness in a person’s life, a drug is prescribed"Bilobil". Reviews abound.
Issue Forms
The drug has the following release forms:
Capsules with a dosage of 40 and 80 milligrams ("Bilobil Forte") and 120 milligrams ("Bilobil Intens"), in some cases erroneously referred to as tablets. The blister contains gelatin capsules

When is the drug used?
The Slovenian preparation "Bilobil" is an extract of ginkgo biloba leaves with a low content of auxiliary components (lactose monohydrate, corn starch, liquid dextrose, talc, magnesium, silicon dioxide).
Angioprotective phytopreparation helps fight various progressive diseases of the vascular system of the brain, improves blood circulation, and eliminates cognitive impairment in the period after a stroke.
The drug is of natural origin, which guarantees a complex soft effect.
Ginkgo biloba, or ginkgo biloba, is a sprawling 40-meter tree with unusually shaped leaves. Such a plant is the only one in its class that has managed to survive the global cataclysms of nature.
Scientists very much regret that there is no mass distribution of such useful plant forms, as this would help to improve the he alth of all mankind.
This relic tree has been growing on the planet for about 250 million years. Currently, the area of \u200b\u200bits growth is only the eastern parts of China. In he alth innovative technologies andpharmacology uses ginkgo leaves. They contain flavone glycosides that can give blood flow a high speed by acting on spasmodic or sclerotic vessels. In addition, the leaves of the plant are a source of terpenes, ginkgolic and organic acids, amino acids necessary for the body. The extract also contains steroids, vitamins and waxes.
The plant is a source of an extensive list of useful elements (titanium, selenium, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and calcium).
Reviews on the use of Bilobil are mostly positive.

Fight against stroke
Stroke causes a whole range of chronic vascular diseases, any person who is attentive to his he alth and himself can determine the level of danger.
It is easier to prevent a stroke than to completely eliminate its consequences, and therefore it is necessary to encourage and clean the vessels already at the first symptoms of the pathology.
Of course, you need to consult a doctor about taking Bilobil if the patient has more than three symptoms from the list:
- arteries, veins and capillaries narrow;
- blood viscosity increases;
- swellings appear regularly;
- vascular fragility;
- showing symptoms of aging along with a weakened immune system;
- defects in carbohydrate metabolism;
- high cholesterol;
- weakening of reaction, memory, intellectual abilities is noted;
- lack of vitality.
The main audience of Bilobil is elderly patients. But vascular disease is expanding its reach, and recent studies by American scientists show that one in five strokes affects people before the age of 55.

Signs of impaired functioning of the circulatory system of the brain are now determined in people even in 30 years. It is very important to fix the manifestation of the symptoms listed above in time, conduct a diagnostic examination and begin therapy. The sooner help is provided to the vessels, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.
Reviews of doctors about "Bilobil" will be presented at the end of the article.
Useful Features
The drug is complex, has a wide spectrum of influence. It contributes to the normalization of the activity of the vessels of peripheral tissues and the brain.
Blood microcirculation is its main vector, so the primary task is to reduce erythrocyte aggregation, Bilobil does an excellent job with it.
The small arteries of patients taking Bilobil require expansion, the vessels need to be filled with blood, and the veins need to be toned. It all happens when used correctly.
Biologically active components present in ginkgo biloba extract can reduce the permeability of blood vessels, prevent platelets from sticking together, thereby preventing the formation of new blood clots.
There is an improvement in microcirculation, the tissues of the limbs and the brain are better able to perceive oxygen and glucose, which theyrequired.
"Bilobil" helps to improve the perception of information and memory, reduces anxiety, absent-mindedness and fatigue. It is also used to bring the blood circulation of the limbs to a stable state, the drug copes well with sleep disorders, dizziness and tinnitus.

Side effects
"Bilobil" is a completely natural remedy. It does not cause addiction in patients and is well tolerated by most of them. In rare cases, allergic reactions are recorded: small rashes and itching, redness, headache, swelling, dyspepsia, dizziness, poor blood clotting and insomnia.
Reviews about Bilobil confirm this.
The medication has a number of contraindications for use:
- excessive sensitivity of the organism to the composition of this remedy;
- blood clotting below normal;
- peptic ulcer during exacerbation;
- erosive gastritis;
- acute cerebral circulatory defects;
- myocardial infarction;
- galactose/glucose malabsorption syndrome;
- lactase deficiency, galactosemia;
- very carefully you need to take "Bilobil" with an increase in the occurrence of tinnitus and constant dizziness; before starting a treatment course, it is imperative to consult a doctor;
- in case of sudden hearing loss or severe deterioration, you should immediately contact a specialist;
- drug not prescribed to patientschronically using gentamicin, thiazide diuretics, anticonvulsants, warfarin, acetylsalicylic acid, and tricyclic antidepressants.
There are no clinical data on the reaction to the drug in women and after childbirth, as well as during lactation, so the manufacturer does not advise taking the drug at this time. Also, the drug is not prescribed until the patient reaches the age of majority. So it is said in the instructions for use for Bilobil. Reviews of the drug should be read in advance.
Dosage and application features
Each day for 4-12 weeks, take one capsule three times a day with a small amount of water to speed up the liquefaction process and improve absorption.
Sick people notice signs of improvement in their well-being after four weeks. It is advisable to carry out 2-3 treatment courses during the year.
Also, experts do not recommend mixing Bilobil with other biological supplements in order to avoid unpredictable negative consequences.
According to reviews, analogues of Bilobil are no less effective.

If the drug is not available in the pharmacy, you can choose one of its analogues: "Vitrum Memory"; "Tanakan"; "Gingium Ginkgo Biloba"; "Memoplant"; "Ginkgo biloba leaf extract"; "Ginkgo biloba leaf extract dry".
Reviews about Bilobil from doctors
The medical data that is available in science regarding the drug was conducted relativelyGinkgo biloba leaf extract. He showed his own effectiveness. The course of taking the medicine is on average three months. The frequency of use and dosage are prescribed by a specialist.
According to neurologists, Bilobil is usually well tolerated.
If the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 240 mg per day, this allows you to get a tangible result in 2-3 weeks. Elderly patients are recommended to conduct four courses of one month each year. The drug significantly affects the functional activity in general and cognitive functions.

Reviews about Bilobil from patients
The effectiveness of the drug is achieved by improving the blood supply to the brain. The price is quite affordable for patients, more profitable than similar drugs with the same ginkgo. People like that taking the medicine does not depend on food intake. The first results are noticeable after three weeks. It became easier to memorize the material, memory improves.
Pleases patients and the natural composition, it is safe, no side effects.
We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for the medication "Bilobil Intens" and "Bilobil Forte".