Ball in the scrotum: causes, symptoms, examination, necessary treatment and doctor's advice

Ball in the scrotum: causes, symptoms, examination, necessary treatment and doctor's advice
Ball in the scrotum: causes, symptoms, examination, necessary treatment and doctor's advice

The ball under the skin on the scrotum can be felt during hygiene procedures or self-examination. This is a benign neoplasm that most often consists of adipose tissue or may be filled with a clear liquid. In this case, the doctor talks about the formation of a wen or seminal cyst. A small ball in the scrotum can also form due to other reasons: an allergic reaction, sexually transmitted diseases, fungal infections, and so on.

Spermatocele definition

Spermatocele (seminal cyst) is a cavity filled with a clear or yellowish fluid. Most often, this pathology is detected in boys during growing up and puberty, as well as in men over 40. In both cases, this is due to age-related changes occurring in the body. A congenital cyst may form. This is a minor malformation to whichmay result in pregnancy complications for the mother.

ball on the skin of the scrotum
ball on the skin of the scrotum

Spermatocele symptoms

At the initial stage, the seminal cyst does not manifest itself in any way, does not affect the reproductive function and erection. After a while, you can find a small ball inside the scrotum. In a neglected state, the seminal cyst reaches an impressive size, and with active movements or during sexual contact, pain is felt. The sensitivity of the scrotum is reduced. A neglected pathology is fraught with the development of complications (up to infertility).

Treatment methods

In the early stages, doctors use a wait-and-see approach. It is possible that the pathology will disappear with time. This is especially true for congenital seminal cysts. If the ball in the scrotum increases, swelling forms on the testicle, pain or severe discomfort appears, then urgent treatment is indicated. Drug therapy or surgical removal of the cyst is possible.

As part of conservative therapy, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used. Often, the doctor recommends surgical removal of the cyst - this is the most effective method of treatment. In some cases, a microsurgical method is used, that is, scraping tissue from a cyst.

Wen: what is it

Wen is a neoplasm that consists of adipose and connective tissue, can have a different size and is well palpable through the skin. A ball on the skin of the scrotum can be detected during the development of the inflammatory process. Then education becomespainful. When pressed, the fat rolls freely under the skin. Usually these are white balls, which can reach a size of five to thirty millimeters. If there is no inflammation, then the biggest trouble from wen is a cosmetic defect.

small ball in the scrotum
small ball in the scrotum

Causes of pathology

A ball on the skin of the scrotum can be formed with the active secretion of the sebaceous glands, metabolic disorders. Sometimes such neoplasms develop as a result of slag deposits due to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or the endocrine system. Equally important are various hormonal imbalances or excessive sweating. Fat can occur after injury, mechanical damage to the skin, as a consequence of acne, with a sedentary lifestyle or poor diet.

External Manifestation

It is not difficult to notice a wen on the scrotum. Such neoplasms are easily palpated and diagnosed during a standard examination. A characteristic sign of the accumulation of secretions of the sebaceous glands under the skin is the appearance of a wen, resembling a small pea, which easily rolls under the skin. Wen are rarely painful, but if an inflammatory or purulent process joins, they begin to cause discomfort. Occasionally, discomfort may occur from rubbing against clothing or as a result of injury.

ball in the scrotum
ball in the scrotum

When a ball is found in the scrotum, you should consult a specialist to determine that the neoplasm is really a safe wen. disturbingsymptoms are soreness, a rapid increase in the size of the formation, sudden violations in the genital area or difficulty in urination, discomfort when walking due to friction on clothing. Any of these signs should alert a man.

Treatment of wen

You can get rid of the neoplasm by surgery. To date, this is the most effective method of treatment that helps to quickly eliminate a cosmetic defect. The doctor may suggest several ways to perform the operation: traditional excision or liposuction.

Liposuction involves the preliminary suction of the contents of the wen with a special tool. The use of this method does not guarantee that after a while a new formation will not appear in the same place. During liposuction, only the filling of the fat is removed, while the capsule itself remains. Practice shows that after such a procedure, the recurrence rate is very high.

Traditional surgical removal of a wen involves the removal of both the contents and the capsule completely. The procedure is painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. To date, this is the most effective technique that helps to get rid of the wen without recurrence. After the operation, the contents of the formation must be sent for histology to rule out malignancy.

white balls on the scrotum
white balls on the scrotum

Folk methods

In some cases, the formation of a wen is associated with the formation of atypical fat cells. In this case, it is possible to carry out treatment with alternative methods, and surgicalintervention is usually not required. Before starting treatment at home, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

You can remove a wen with a fresh Kalanchoe leaf. It is necessary to cut the plant and attach it to the damaged area, securing it with a bandage. The dressing should be changed approximately once a day. The course of treatment is usually not too long. It takes about one to two weeks for the fat to disappear on its own.

ball under the skin on the scrotum
ball under the skin on the scrotum

You can use coltsfoot bandages for ten days. The sheet should be applied to a sore spot, changed as needed. Lamb fat is quite effective. A tablespoon of the product is melted in a water bath, and then cooled to room temperature. Then a small amount of fat is applied to the wen area and massaged a little. After a couple of procedures, you can notice that the neoplasm is getting smaller.

Judging by the reviews, cosmetic red clay helps well, which is mixed with sour milk and s alt to enhance the effect. The mixture is applied to the wen, after which you need to protect the damaged area with a piece of polyethylene. The procedures must be repeated until the wen completely disappears.

Burdock root can be taken internally. First you need to pass the plant through a meat grinder (500 g is enough) to make a slurry. Next, the gruel is poured with 700 ml of vodka, and then left to infuse for about a month. When the infusion is ready, you need to use one tablespoon twice a day.

a ball appeared in the scrotum
a ball appeared in the scrotum

Other reasons for balloons

If a ball appears in the scrotum, this may indicate not only a benign neoplasm. The causes may be various pathologies, for example, oncology, dropsy, hernia, inflammation of the lymphatic ducts, varicocele, hematocele. The subcutaneous ball is red or white, single or multiple boils, seals can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, allergic reactions or infections. In some cases, the cause of the appearance of white balls on the scrotum is a banal non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

When sexually transmitted diseases, neoplasms on the genitals resemble a rash or pimples with watery contents, small purulent sores, cone-like growths. Most likely, these are signs of syphilis, herpes or HPV. Multiple red pimples may appear due to the activation of a fungal infection. This pathology is accompanied by discomfort during urination and severe burning in the perineum.

ball inside the scrotum
ball inside the scrotum

The ball in the scrotum can appear when wearing synthetic underwear, using aggressive detergents or due to the use of latex condoms. In this case, the appearance of blisters or pimples of red color, which are very itchy and flaky, is characteristic. These are symptoms of contact allergies, which can be eliminated by eliminating allergens from everyday life.

White balls on the scrotum may indicate cancer. The tumor may be benign ormalignant character. The pathological process is accompanied by heaviness and swelling in the damaged area, severe pain.
