Treatment of psoriasis by folk methods involves the use of many decoctions and ointments that can be easily prepared at home. One of the most common dermatological diseases today is scaly lichen, which is characterized by scaly raspberry-colored rashes. Many also know this disease under the name "psoriasis". Such skin lesions can be observed in the hair on the head, joints, but in some cases the entire skin can suffer.

Changes in the nails in the form of pinpoint impressions are often noted.
Alternative medicine is rich in many ways that will tell you how to cure psoriasis at home. For example, there is a fairly simple recipe for bay leaves that are in every kitchen. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour a cup of boiling water over 10 finely chopped leaves and boil for half an hour. Take a decoction during the day for ¼ cup four times a day. This recipe is suitable for those patients in whom the disease is only in the initial stage.
How to cure psoriasis at home, the following medicinal fees will prompt. Highlyeffective is herbal tea from tricolor violet, wild rosemary, centaury, fume and European hoof. Crushed dried plants should be poured with a cup of boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes and taken ¼ cup four times a day. Do not self-medicate if the patient suffers from heart disease. In this case, you need to cancel the addition of hoof, as this plant contains poisons. That is why this recipe requires a very strict dosage.

Patients looking for answers to the question of how to cure psoriasis at home should know that the disease is not completely curable. To date, doctors still do not know the main reasons for its appearance. But thanks to properly applied methods of traditional medicine, this disease can be brought under control and prevent remission.
Activated carbon
It has long been known that charcoal has an excellent absorbent property, therefore it is a good "cleaner" of the body of toxins. You need to take pills at the rate of: one kilogram of weight - one piece (per day). The procedure must be carried out for at least 40 days while observing a strict diet. You can not eat during this period spicy, fatty, s alty, sour-milk food, and there is also a complete ban on alcoholic beverages.

How to cure psoriasis at home if the disease has gone into remission? There are many ways. But most importantly, patients shouldunderstand that treatment cannot be stopped even for a day, since psoriasis is incurable, and therefore exacerbations are possible.
Take 10 grams of dried string, pour boiling water, insist in a water bath, then strain. Take three times a day, three tablespoons at a time. In this case, it is imperative to use an ointment prepared as follows: tincture of a string, alcohol 70% (ratio 1: 1) and petroleum jelly. The product should be applied directly to the affected areas of the body once a day.