Prevention of non-communicable diseases. Prevention of childhood diseases

Prevention of non-communicable diseases. Prevention of childhood diseases
Prevention of non-communicable diseases. Prevention of childhood diseases

Preventive medicine is the main section, which is aimed at strengthening the defenses of the whole organism and its individual systems. At the present stage, it has several subsections. What is the prevention of non-communicable diseases and other ailments and how to comprehensively affect the body?

General principles of preventive medicine

No matter how much modern medicine directs its efforts to overcome ailments, their prevention is the main goal. Prevention of non-communicable diseases is the main task of specialists. This will avoid epidemic waves. The section of prevention is engaged in such noble business. What should forces be directed at, and what means of preventing diseases are used at the present stage of the development of medicine?

prevention of noncommunicable diseases
prevention of noncommunicable diseases

All methods of preventive action can be divided into two main groups:

  • direct impact on risk factors for specific diseases;
  • impact on the statethe body as a whole, maintaining vital energy at the proper level and taking care of the immune system.

The first group is also called specific, and such measures are most often prescribed by a specialist when there is a risk of developing a specific disease.

Types of prevention

The section that deals with the prevention of pathologies has several directions, which are divided into 3 main groups:

  • primary prevention;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary.

In turn, one has to talk about primary when there is no disease, and maintaining such a state is the task of the presented stage.

Preventive measures at this stage include maintaining the general condition of the body at the proper level, strengthening it and constant examination.

Prevention of non-communicable diseases using primary means includes the use of vitamin preparations, a rational diet, personal hygiene and consultation with a doctor to identify any pathological processes.

Vaccination is also included in this stage and is mandatory.

scoliosis prevention
scoliosis prevention

What ailments require careful prevention?

Among the most popular pathologies that occur in people at different times, depending on the season, the predisposition of the body, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, we can distinguish:

  • Problems with the spine. These can be scoliosis, seasonal exacerbations of osteochondrosis, vertebral shift, herniaand other pathologies.
  • Cardiovascular disease is an accompanying ailment of most older people, when the body gradually wears out, the vessels clog, and if left untreated, such patients are accompanied by constant pain.
  • Dental diseases - from a very early age, a person determines the fate of his teeth by how he cares for them. Rational prevention of dental diseases can prevent many concomitant pathologies of the facial skeleton and all human organs.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory organs can cause an inferior life for many people. From constant shortness of breath and excruciating cough, no one has yet received pleasure. Prevention of respiratory diseases largely saves the majority of the population, which is predisposed to these pathologies.
  • Intestinal diseases are definitely the leader among all diseases in adults and children, since everyone suffered from such pathologies at least once throughout their lives.
  • Non-infectious lesions, which are more common in children, require a special approach and measures to prevent the disease.
primary prevention
primary prevention

Each disease can be perceived as independent, but then the effect of treatment will not be as pronounced as when the whole body is taken as a single system that needs to be influenced in a complex way. This approach should be the basis for disease prevention professionals, but the opposite is more often the case. Because the body stays in good shapeand did not disturb, you do not need to wait for the manifestation of some kind of ailment, but you should start prevention now.

Complex effect on the respiratory system

Respiratory organs are responsible for many functions in the body. They support immunity, purify the inhaled air, are responsible for the sense of smell, which, of course, affects the quality of life.

When respiratory diseases occur, all kinds of problems begin that interfere with a normal life.

prevention of respiratory diseases
prevention of respiratory diseases

Primary prevention of pathologies includes the following complex:

  • Inhalations are the simplest and most effective method of influencing disease risk factors. Inhalation is the breathing of hot steam from a liquid with medicinal plants. Also, to influence the respiratory organs, you can breathe the steam of potatoes. This method contributes to the rapid regeneration of the nasal mucosa, and also has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
  • Prevention of respiratory diseases for its own purposes uses a variety of essential oils - coniferous trees, such as juniper or pine. In this way, by lubricating the mucous membrane, many microbes and other pathological organisms can be repelled.
  • Nasal drops also play a role in disease prevention.

In addition, there are many physiotherapy procedures that are actively used, but rather for treatment than for preventive purposes. A person must independently decide when it is necessary to take a course of wellnessprocedures for your body.

Measures to prevent childhood illnesses

Children of primary and school age are most susceptible to all sorts of diseases. This is due to constant contacts in the environment of the kindergarten and school, as well as unconsciousness and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. A child tastes everything, every toy at least once, but gets into the mouth of any baby, in addition, without the supervision of parents and caregivers, not everyone washes their hands before eating and after using the toilet.

prevention of dental diseases
prevention of dental diseases

Prevention of diseases in children should first of all take place as a sanitary and educational work. From early childhood, every child should learn how to properly wash their hands, how to communicate with their peers, and, of course, follow the example of their parents. It depends on the latter which hygiene skills children learn.

Prevention of childhood diseases should be comprehensive and aimed at the improvement of all organs. The body of the child is constantly developing, therefore it is subject to all sorts of changes and ailments. Prevention of noncommunicable diseases in children is built on several elements:

  • He alth measures of parents. Children spend most of their time at home, because all household members are risk factors, and their he alth directly affects the state of the younger generation. You should also be tested for a genetic predisposition to chronic diseases that parents suffer from.
  • The period of intrauterine development is the first stage that determinespossible pathologies. Therefore, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman should consult not only with gynecologists, but also with other specialists who can identify and prevent pathologies.
  • Where and how a child lives affects his general condition and predisposition to non-communicable diseases. Therefore, improving living conditions directly affects how the body will develop.
  • An active lifestyle should be the motto of the baby from birth. Parents should carry out special gymnastics - this is a good prevention of scoliosis from an early age. When children get older and realize themselves as part of society, their energy should be directed in the right direction - sports clubs, swimming pool, outdoor activities. All this has the best effect on the state of he alth and the body's ability to resist diseases.
  • A normalized schedule of study and rest should be a constant condition for the development of the child. His appetite, sleep and immune system he alth depend on it.
  • Avoiding stress like mom and dad fights, poor school performance. All this should be regulated by parents and caregivers.

All these measures, together with secondary prevention and the absence of congenital pathologies, can make life easier for children and fill it with positive without a hint of any disease.

How to prevent heart disease?

Prevention of heart disease is the most important stage on the way to the improvement of the whole organism. The deterioration of the environment and the standard of living adversely affects the work of all organs and systems,this is especially true of the heart and blood vessels.

Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system includes the following steps:

  • Normalization of nutrition and the preparation of an individual diet in cases of congenital malformations or chronic diseases.
  • An active lifestyle can prevent many heart pathologies. This is due to the fact that s alts and fats in the body, which are deposited during a sedentary lifestyle, can provoke cardiovascular pathologies up to cardiac arrest.
  • Regular physical activity as an element of prevention is practiced by the disease prevention center and sanatorium institutions, whose work is aimed at primary and secondary prevention of the pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Stress avoidance is the main method of preventing heart disease. It has been proven that excessive tension of the nervous system negatively affects the he alth of blood vessels. Negative experiences can provoke a disease such as systemic vasculitis, followed by other more serious problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Exclusion of bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and chemicals, has a positive effect on heart function and restoration of previous body functions.
  • Regular examination is the key to timely detection of pathologies and rational treatment. The disease, which was detected at an early stage, can be easily treated and not become chronic.

He althteeth and oral hygiene

Dental he alth is directly related to the state of other organs and systems. The oral cavity is a link in the respiratory and digestive systems, which affects their condition in case of pathologies in the oral cavity.

Prevention of dental disease includes good hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Lifestyle plays an important role in this. A timely sanitized oral cavity is a secondary prevention of many diseases: both inflammatory, infectious, and destructive processes in bone tissue.

The first stage of prevention in dentistry is sanitary and educational work with children of primary and school age.

means of prevention
means of prevention

In second place is an equally important task - consultation of women during pregnancy and subsequent visits with the child to a specialist from the moment the first tooth erupts. This is the main step on the way to a he althy baby smile.

Chronic diseases should be treated comprehensively, including a conservative and surgical method, which positively affects the complete extinction of the process and prevents its re-development.

Personal hygiene must be respected, taking into account all modern standards that recommend:

  • change your toothbrush every month and use a different toothpaste to avoid tooth habituation;
  • use additional methods - rinses, toothbrushes, chewing gums, irrigators, oral centers and others.

He althy teeth are the key to good he alth and good mood. In addition, a beautiful smile speaks of the he alth of the whole organism.

Intestinal pathology. How to warn?

Prevention of intestinal diseases is especially relevant for young children, who are most susceptible to infection of the intestines by various parasitic life forms.

Preventive measures to prevent intestinal infections include:

  • separate meals, in which fish, meat and vegetables are consumed separately, as well as the storage of these products on different shelves of the refrigerator;
  • to prevent infection, greens must be soaked in warm water for 10 minutes before use, then rinsed thoroughly with running water;
  • cooked salads should not be stored for more than 4 hours even under ideal conditions;
  • before any purchase of a variety of products, you should not neglect the label, it is better to read all the information about the product, as well as check the expiration date and the manufacturer;
  • Rodents and other pets are prohibited from food;
  • need to avoid contact with infected people.

Intestinal parasites, unlike infectious diseases, do not make themselves felt immediately, therefore, detection in the later stages complicates treatment and rehabilitation.

Spine he alth

Prevention of scoliosis and other pathologies of the spine includes several stages. The main ones are a he althy diet, optimal load on the spine and proper posture.

prevention of heart disease
prevention of heart disease

The risk factors for most diseases are incorrect loads on each part of the skeletal system, as well as an unhe althy lifestyle.

By excluding the above, you can take care of the he alth of your supporting apparatus and live without the uncomfortable sensations that accompany patients almost every minute when trying to turn the body.

Principles and means of prevention of vertebral pathologies:

  • morning exercises to warm up each of the sections of the spine;
  • eating plenty of essential micronutrients, including calcium and phosphorus;
  • exclusion of bad habits: smoking and alcohol addiction are the first enemies of the normal functioning of the spine;
  • regular check-ups with a doctor and following all his recommendations.

All these simple preventive measures, combined by medical and hygienic professionals, can make a difference in everyone's life with minimal attention to their body.

Relevance of the issue of disease prevention

Each medical worker, regardless of his position and field of work, should direct his efforts to the prevention of various diseases. This applies to infectious and non-infectious pathologies.

Medicine will reach a new level only when preventive measures come first in relation to treatment.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to hope for salvation fromspecialists. Prevention of vascular diseases requires special attention at the moment from world medicine.
