How to treat constipation in infants?

How to treat constipation in infants?
How to treat constipation in infants?

New parents face various problems that arise during the growth of a newborn. One such situation is constipation in infants. Why does it occur and how should parents react to it?

Features of constipation in infants

Parents should urgently take concrete measures in the event of such a situation. The problem will not disappear spontaneously, and the accumulation of waste products in the body of a newborn can lead to the development of severe intoxication. What to do - the baby is constipated?

In most cases, this condition in a child is not a disease, but errors in diet and care. It is enough to carefully study the diet of the baby, add changes and the emptying process will improve.

What to do with constipation in an infant
What to do with constipation in an infant

If constipation is chronic, a balanced diet and safe medications will not cure it. Perhaps the child has colitis, dysbacteriosis and other pathologies.

How to behave to parents in such a situation, only a gastroenterologist can tell after a full examination. Only after that the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Causes of constipation

In newborns, this concept requires explanation. If in an adult 3-4 bowel movements per day is regarded as diarrhea, then in a baby this is completely normal.

In a breastfed infant, constipation may be the result of complete digestion of food. It manifests itself in the absence of feces within 1-2 days.

Causes of constipation in a 2-month-old breastfed baby are significantly different from those of a 9-month-old. This can be caused by:

  • not enough milk from mother or formula;
  • lack of fluid in the diet;
  • Mistakes in the mother's diet, which led to the peculiarities of breast milk.

One of the varieties of stool retention is called hungry constipation, when everything eaten by a baby is completely digested. In this case, fecal masses are not formed. This situation also occurs when feeding a child with artificial mixtures, if the need for nutrients increases. If constipation in a 3-month-old baby is large, then the amount of baby food is incorrectly taken into account.

Causes of constipation in infants
Causes of constipation in infants

A newborn releases a significant amount of fluid, which is due to more intense processes of skin respiration and evaporation of fluid from the surface of the body. He needs water in sufficient quantities.

The most common causes of constipation in infants include:

  1. Changing the feeding regimen (replacement of the mixture, transfer toartificial feeding or improper introduction of complementary foods).
  2. Insufficient breast milk for a breastfeeding mother.
  3. Dysbacteriosis leads to bowel problems. The severity of symptoms largely depends on the severity of the pathology.
  4. Difficulties defecation can cause lactose deficiency. The baby cannot digest the sugar in milk.
  5. Increased body temperature. It accompanies every infectious disease and reduces intestinal tone.
  6. Anomalous structure of the digestive organs. This may be congenital intestinal obstruction or other pathology. It is rare, but sometimes causes constipation.
  7. Insufficient physical activity of the infant. Due to tight swaddling or tight diapers, bowel function worsens. Rare walks and no gymnastics.
  8. Medicines taken by an infant or breastfeeding mother. Emptying delay can be caused by "Polysorb", "Smekta" and others.

All of these signs should be carefully considered. If a serious illness is suspected, parents should contact their pediatrician.

Constipation symptoms

To detect such a state is quite simple. Constipation in an infant 2 months or older presents as follows:

  • Baby grunts and face turns red from pushing.
  • Baby's stool resembles balls without moisture.
  • Baby has stomach ache, cramps and bloating.
  • Under normal conditions, the baby should empty the intestines at least once a day. ATDepending on individual characteristics, the indicator may vary. However, the absence of a stool for 3 days is considered a sign of constipation.
  • The appearance of blood impurities in the baby's stools can also indicate difficulty with bowel movements. In a newborn, the walls of the rectum are especially sensitive, and hard feces can lead to their rupture.

A month-old breastfed baby is constipated and needs immediate help.

How to treat constipation in an infant
How to treat constipation in an infant

In the future, parents need to make every effort to treat and prevent this condition. The child needs to be shown to a specialist, because in addition to physiological constipation, there are also pathological ones. If in the first case the condition is treated with the help of nutrition correction, then in the second case the reasons lie in the defects of the digestive system. Their manifestations can be reduced only after establishing the cause and proper therapy.

How dangerous is constipation for a newborn?

The appearance of problems with bowel movements in infants is a serious situation that needs to be de alt with. Constipation in babies is dangerous:

  1. Poisoning the child's body with toxins. In such a situation, it is necessary to fight not only constipation, but also intoxication.
  2. The motility of the digestive tract is disturbed. This condition can cause vomiting, which causes dehydration.
  3. The occurrence of pain and fissures of the rectum. In such a situation, the child reflexively retains dense feces.
  4. Violation of the process of blood circulation in the straight linegut. This can cause the development of hemorrhoids.
  5. Development of mechanical intestinal obstruction.
Constipation in an infant
Constipation in an infant

Dealing with bowel problems must be done quickly, given the damage to the body.

First Aid

Most cases of constipation in infants can be managed on their own. The first thing to do is to help the child push and empty the intestines. To do this, press the bent legs at the knees to the tummy and support in this way for 10-30 seconds. This must be done carefully, without forcibly overcoming the resistance of the baby.

To eliminate constipation in a newborn, massage is used. The procedure is carried out several times a day. It is recommended to do this before feeding and after sleep. Newborns need 1-2 minutes, babies over 6 months - 5 minutes.

Constipation in a 4 month old
Constipation in a 4 month old

The procedure is carried out several times a day, alternating it with stroking the tummy clockwise around the navel. When performed correctly, the baby passes gases, and then feces. If the procedure does not help, then you need to proceed to the next step.

Emergency relief for constipation in a 4-month-old breastfed baby is rectal irritation, a cleansing enema, or the use of a laxative suppository. These measures apply only in special cases. Chronic use for frequent constipation in infants may interfere with normal bowel movements.

Emergency measures

For annoyancerectum, a gas outlet tube or a syringe cut off in the form of a funnel is used. The end of the device is lubricated with sterile vaseline or vegetable oil and inserted into the anus of the baby by 1.5-2 cm. Mechanical irritation of the rectum occurs, and then defecation occurs.

Constipation in an infant, what to do? You can apply a cleansing enema. For a newborn, use the smallest syringe, which must be boiled. The water should not be too cold or hot. The syringe is filled with liquid, the tip is lubricated with oil. It is introduced into the anus of the child by 2 cm. The syringe is slowly squeezed and removed in a compressed state. Parents pinch the buttocks of the child with their fingers for 3-5 minutes. This prevents water from leaking out. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure for a child when he lies on his back with his legs brought to his tummy. Emptying should occur within 30 minutes after the procedure.

Children's glycerin suppositories are approved for use in infants over 3 months old, but if necessary, can also be used for constipation in a one-month-old breastfed baby. Permissible dose - 1/2 candle. It is inserted completely into the infant's rectum and the buttocks are clamped for several minutes.

Some grandmothers recommend using a bar of soap to empty the bowels. However, it is irritating and therefore not recommended.

Currently, microclysters are available at the pharmacy. They are completely ready to use and designed for one procedure.


Receiving likemedication should be taken as a last resort when nothing else helps. Most laxatives for babies under one year old are forbidden. Allowed to receive from the first days of life "Duphalac" and its analogues.

To call a bowel movement, the child is given 5 ml of funds. Nursing mothers can also take this remedy, because it is harmless to the baby. If the child is 6 months old, then parents can give him Forlax. It can be taken continuously for up to 3 months.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor believes that there are two important conditions for the proper functioning of the intestine. The body must be provided with a sufficient amount of fluid and potassium. When dehydrated, the bowels are inefficient. This can occur when the body temperature is high and the humidity in the room is low.

With a lack of potassium in the body, intestinal peristalsis is disturbed. This leads to constipation in the infant. Komarovsky advises including dried apricots, raisins and figs in the baby's diet. After all, these dried fruits are rich in potassium.

When a child consumes boiled water, mineral s alts do not enter the body. The doctor advises in this case to cook compote from raisins and other dried fruits.

Constipation in a breastfed baby
Constipation in a breastfed baby

The diet for constipation should focus on avoiding foods that include protein. It is best to give your baby kefir, black bread, yogurt and apple juice.

Taking curdled milk at night or eating steamed prunes can eliminate constipation in 1 out of 4cases. At the same time, you can refuse medicines.

If all of the above methods fail, then Komarovsky recommends using liquid oils (castor or almond) and senna-based preparations.

Giving these drugs to the child, parents achieve daily bowel movements. It is best to give them before bedtime, then defecation will come in the morning. Choose a dosage that would not cause discomfort to the child when emptying.

Therapy and prevention of constipation

Parents should be aware that all of the listed remedies do not cure constipation in babies, but only contribute to bowel movements. The result is short-term relief. The constant use of enemas and other means is harmful to the child's body, as the natural process of emptying is disrupted. It's addictive. Emergency measures can be used as a one-time help.

How to treat constipation in an infant? If the condition continues in the baby constantly, then serious intestinal pathologies must be excluded. The specialist prescribes an ultrasound and other tests that determine the underlying cause of constipation. If a congenital pathology is established, then they try to get rid of it with the help of conservative methods of treatment. But most often the operation is done.

If neurological disorders led to intestinal atony, then the child is shown to a neurologist. With food allergies, parents and the baby are advised to visit an immunologist. If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Whyconstipation in an infant
Whyconstipation in an infant

For constipation of a functional nature, experts recommend a number of activities:

  1. To adjust the diet of a nursing mother and child, eliminating fixing foods. It is best to add foods that stimulate bowel activity to the diet. Mom needs to eat more vegetables and fruits, products made from wholemeal flour. Drink 2.5 liters of water. Eat a few prunes, figs or dried apricots.
  2. Give the baby vegetable purees as complementary foods. Especially useful are apples, peaches, apricots and their juices.
  3. Restore the intestinal microflora with preparations with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They can be taken by the mother along with the baby. The menu should include natural yogurt and fresh dairy products.
  4. Observe the drinking regimen. Instead of juices, it is best for the baby to drink baby bottled water, it is not recommended to boil it.
  5. Do baby gymnastics and tummy massage.

Such activities are aimed at improving bowel function and preventing constipation.


Constipation in an infant is a condition that requires the correct response of the parent. After all, this delivers not only unpleasant sensations to the baby, but also harms his body. For constipation that continues for a long time, the help of a specialist is needed.
