Cancer is one of the worst diseases that can occur in any person. They are called malignant tumors that form in various parts of the body.
How does cancer appear?
Doctors believe that the occurrence of cancer is a combination of internal and external factors. The first means a significant decrease in the level of non-specific immunity that every person has, and the second means exposure to harmful substances and the resulting genetic mutations.
Cells mutate, their atypical division begins, benign and malignant tumors are formed. The former either do not interfere with a person in any way, or they can be removed without consequences for the body. But malignant tumors are cancer. There are many types of this disease. Some can be cured, some are fatal in the vast majority of cases.

For what reason, oncological disease may eventually develop, no one knows. There is no exact answer to this question. Therefore, many people are concerned about how cancer is transmitted. Is it possible to get infected by contact from a patient? Is cancer hereditary?No, you can't get cancer by airborne droplets, and yes, there is a risk of getting such genes.
Cancer is inherited
For many people, cancer has taken away their loved ones. So many innocent children suffer from this terrible disease! You involuntarily ask yourself this question: “What if a newly born child develops this disease, because there were relatives who suffered from oncology?” After all, no one will give an absolute guarantee that this pathology will not be detected in a person.
There are families who are so afraid that their unborn baby will inherit cancer that they refuse to have children at all.
People who were able to overcome a serious illness in themselves, in most cases, do not dare to plan a pregnancy.
Cancer and children
Childhood is characterized by types of cancer that adults do not, and vice versa.
Scientists believe that the cause of cancer is the gene component. After many studies, it was determined that in the vast majority of cases, childhood oncological diseases begin to develop even during the prenatal period. They are associated with gene mutations or genetic abnormalities. So far, scientists cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of how genetic pathologies manifest themselves, but research in this area has been going on for a very long time.
Mutation affects the formation of organs, and the formation of body tissues is disrupted. The high activity of children's metabolism leads to the rapid development of tumors.

The most common cases in children are hereditary predisposition to two types of cancer: nephroblastoma and retinoblastoma. Quite often the tumor is accompanied by defects of different organs. Sometimes they are multiple.
Expectant parents can find out what is the likelihood that their child will inherit cancer. Leading geneticists closely involved in the study of this disease have developed a cancer test that will show the percentage probability of transmission of the disease.
Need for genetic counseling
So, is cancer hereditary? Even one case of cancer in the family gives reason to worry about their own he alth and how it will be in future children. As preventive measures, you should lead a he althy lifestyle, as well as regularly undergo examinations.
If cancers of the same type occurred in a family of not one, but several people, you should consult an oncologist and a geneticist. All family members are at risk. Timely measures taken can prevent the disease. Or regular check-ups will detect cancer at an early stage.
Disease Research
Some people seriously think about how cancer is transmitted, and whether they will become infected by communicating with the sick. Such behavior is unreasonable, since you cannot catch oncology through sexual or airborne droplets.
Common factors in the development of tumors are:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Carcinogens in some substances.
- Viral infections.
- Stress and nervous tension.
Frequent hereditary neoplasms
In some families there is a mutated gene, which leads to cases of a certain type of cancer. Most common species:
Breast cancer. This type is the most common female cancer. The hereditary mutation of the DBK1 and DBK2 genes gives 95% of the fact that a woman will develop this malignant process. A predisposition to cancer, that is, if direct relatives had such a disease, doubles the risk

- Ovarian cancer. Until recently, scientists were sure that if the disease was diagnosed in elderly patients, it means that it was not transmitted at the gene level. Not so long ago, German scientists refuted this statement. It does not matter at what age the diagnosis of a malignant tumor was made. Its presence means that the risk of developing the disease in direct relatives doubles.
- Stomach cancer and damage to the digestive system. 10% of all types of these diseases are familial. The impetus for the development of the tumor is inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the formation of an ulcer.
- Lung cancer. This type of malignant tumor is the most common. Smoking increases the chance of getting the disease, as tobacco smoke provokes cellular mutation. Scientists from England were able to determine that this type of tumor also shows a high family tendency. The impetus for the development of the disease is the patient's smoking. If the disease is detected at an early stage,it can be cured. At the last stage, it is already an inoperable tumor.
- Prostate cancer. This neoplasm is not considered to be inherited, however, if a man has been diagnosed with this disease, the risk of predisposition in direct relatives becomes high.
- Colon cancer. Most often, this neoplasm is independent. Genetic predisposition is noted in 30% of cases when intestinal polyposis is inherited. It can be both benign and malignant tumors. At some point in life, polyps transform and become cancerous.
- Thyroid cancer. If a person received radiation exposure in childhood, the development of this type of cancer is highly likely.
Substances that cause tumors
Specialists identify a number of substances that cause genetic mutations in humans. Previously, one substance has already been called - tobacco smoke. Also, neoplasms can develop due to the inhalation of chemical vapors by the patient, in particular, asbestos. Air pollution increases the risk of getting a malignant tumor.

Highly active radiation leads to cell mutation and, as a result, to the development of cancer.
In modern society, a lot of genetically modified products are produced. Their frequent use can lead to the mutation of body cells and the formation of tumors.
Papilloma virus
This type of virus can lead to the developmentdisease such as cervical cancer. Scientists have proven a direct connection between them. And here, when asked how cancer is transmitted, it can be confirmed with a small degree of certainty that it can also be transmitted sexually. Papillomavirus infection is picked up in this way. You should not be afraid - the risk of developing the disease is very small, since almost every second person already has this virus.

If many types of cancer occur with a deterioration in general well-being, then this one is asymptomatic. The disease develops after a rapid and significant decrease in immunity. Scientists have developed a vaccine that can prevent this disease, but it is only allowed to be administered to those who have not begun sexual activity.
Nervous tension can contribute to the formation of cancer. A tumor arises due to a strong inhibition of all the body's defense systems and subsequent physiological mutations.
Oncological genetics
Scientists are tirelessly studying types of cancer and ways to fight the disease. They are developing ways to identify mutated genes that lead to melanoma, breast, gastrointestinal and pancreatic cancers.

The Institute of Oncology is developing more and more new tests that allow you to identify a tendency to the disease and begin treatment. Probably in the future it will be possible to determine the risk of developing cancer by a routine blood test.
So far, there are many cases when a person learns about cancer only when he already hasinoperable tumor. All doctors can do is administer chemotherapy to slow down the progression of the disease a little and delay the death of the patient.
In closing
Cancer is a terrible disease, but not always a death sentence. If the diagnosis is made at an early stage, and the patient undergoes a full course of treatment, there is a high probability of a complete recovery. Medicine does not stand still, scientists are developing new ways of early diagnosis of the disease.

How cancer is transmitted is irrelevant. A genetic predisposition to a disease does not mean that a person will certainly get it. Everyone has cells that, under certain circumstances, become cancerous. Regular examinations, a sensitive attitude to one's own he alth, the right way of life - and the disease will not arise.