Medicine 2024, October

General analysis of cerebrospinal fluid: norm and pathology

General analysis of cerebrospinal fluid: norm and pathology

If you suspect the development of certain diseases (usually of an infectious nature), the patient takes an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is called cerebrospinal fluid. The procedure is safe for humans. However, it has certain features and side effects. To draw conclusions about the features of conducting such a study, the article will consider in detail the procedure and norms of analysis

Structure and functions of the human skeleton. Skeleton structure

Structure and functions of the human skeleton. Skeleton structure

The skeleton is a collection of bony elements of the body. The word itself has ancient Greek roots. Translated, the term means "dried". The skeleton is considered the passive part of the musculoskeletal system. It develops from mesenchyme

Measurement of blood pressure - algorithm of action. Arterial pressure

Measurement of blood pressure - algorithm of action. Arterial pressure

To determine the activity of the heart, vascular system and kidneys, it is necessary to measure blood pressure. The action algorithm for its determination must be followed in order to obtain the most accurate numbers

Removal of the uterus by laparoscopic method: postoperative period, consequences, reviews. Removal of uterine fibroids by laparoscopic method: reviews

Removal of the uterus by laparoscopic method: postoperative period, consequences, reviews. Removal of uterine fibroids by laparoscopic method: reviews

Currently, innovative technologies have been developed that allow various gynecological interventions to be performed with minimal complications and a low degree of trauma. Laparoscopic hysterectomy is one of them

Observational department in the maternity hospital - what is it? Indications for the observational department

Observational department in the maternity hospital - what is it? Indications for the observational department

Observational department - part of the maternity hospital, which provides qualified assistance to pregnant women and puerperas who have indications for hospitalization in this department

Vet clinic "Balu" Rostov-on-Don: reviews and photos

Vet clinic "Balu" Rostov-on-Don: reviews and photos

The article provides a brief overview of the work of the Balu veterinary clinic in Rostov-on-Don, gives a general description of the institution's activities based on customer and visitor reviews

Histology of human kidneys

Histology of human kidneys

Histology is one of the most effective examinations to date, which helps to timely identify all dangerous cells and malignant neoplasms. With the help of a histological examination, it is possible to study in detail all the tissues and internal organs of a person

What is Wood's lamp: indications for use

What is Wood's lamp: indications for use

Wood's lamp is a diagnostic device or lamp that serves to recognize fungal diseases, including pathogens. The device allows you to accurately determine dermatitis, it shows the affected areas of the skin that are not visible to the ordinary human eye

How to lower cholesterol? Medicines, foods and folk remedies to lower cholesterol

How to lower cholesterol? Medicines, foods and folk remedies to lower cholesterol

High cholesterol is a problem that absolutely anyone can face. This phenomenon is quite dangerous for the entire human body - first of all, it is the cause of atherosclerosis. A completely he althy and cheerful person with high cholesterol levels can experience a large number of he alth problems and even become disabled. How to lower cholesterol at home and medication? More on this later

Children's Medical Center "Virilis": reviews, address, phone, doctors

Children's Medical Center "Virilis": reviews, address, phone, doctors

In St. Petersburg, there is a fairly large paid clinic called "Virilis" - a medical center created specifically for children and accepting babies immediately after their birth

Where to do an ultrasound? Choice of clinic

Where to do an ultrasound? Choice of clinic

The problem of choice is one of the most serious problems of this century. The variety of medical services makes people confused and puzzle over what to prefer. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out where to do an ultrasound scan, what to diagnose and when to do it, so that the results are as reliable as possible

Institute of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Moscow: description, services, contacts and reviews

Institute of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Moscow: description, services, contacts and reviews

The Academician Kulakov Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology is one of the oldest and largest specialized medical institutions in Russia. Traditions of maternal and child he alth care have been preserved in the clinic for over 200 years

Aspirator for newborns: review, instructions, reviews

Aspirator for newborns: review, instructions, reviews

The problem of a runny nose in a baby is familiar to every parent. Such little children do not know how to blow their nose, and a stuffy nose prevents them from not only breathing fully, but also eating. To help the baby and rid him of snot, you will need an aspirator for newborns. But the stores offer a very large selection of models that differ in functionality, way of working, appearance and price

Dietary supplement "Cyclin": instructions for use

Dietary supplement "Cyclin": instructions for use

Dietary supplement "Cyclin" is an effective anabolic agent that stimulates the rapid growth of muscle mass. Its action is based on the awakening of dormant muscle cells - myocytes, which, as a result of accelerated division, ensure the growth of muscle tissue

Is euthanasia a humane act or deliberate murder?

Is euthanasia a humane act or deliberate murder?

There is such a variant of deliberate death as euthanasia. This is such a medical practice, according to which a terminally ill person experiencing severe suffering has the right to resort to the services of doctors in order to quickly transition to another world

LPG massage: reviews and impressions

LPG massage: reviews and impressions

One of the most progressive methods of body correction is LPG massage, reviews of which indicate the high efficiency of the procedure, achieved by painless smoothing of the skin

Drug "ASD fraction 2", use for humans and animals

Drug "ASD fraction 2", use for humans and animals

Special laboratory led by Ph.D. A.V. Dorogova presented the developed drug called "ASD fraction 2". Human application had the widest range of effects

Deciphering the ECG of the heart

Deciphering the ECG of the heart

Deciphering the ECG allows you to reliably identify abnormalities in cardiac activity by examining the curve with the image of the heart rhythm. An electrocardiogram is a study of cardiac activity over a certain period of time

What vaccination does a baby need per year?

What vaccination does a baby need per year?

There is a huge amount of talk about vaccination today. And in a constant verbal battle are those who are for and against vaccinations. But still, while no one has canceled them, in kindergarten and school, parents are still required to have a vaccination calendar with certain marks

MMR vaccination: contraindications and side effects

MMR vaccination: contraindications and side effects

Is your baby scheduled for a routine MMR shot? Are you worried about possible reactions and complications? We will talk about the possible consequences of vaccination, as well as share recommendations on how to reduce the likelihood of their development

Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus: age for vaccination, conditions and composition of the drug

Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus: age for vaccination, conditions and composition of the drug

Diphtheria and tetanus are two dangerous diseases with completely different sources of infection, but vaccination is often carried out with one combination drug. It contains both diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, which cause the development of strong immunity in a vaccinated individual against diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccine is included in the list of mandatory due to serious consequences, often threatening a person's life

How to lower white blood cells in the blood or urine?

How to lower white blood cells in the blood or urine?

As you know, leukocytes are special blood cells that play a major role in protecting the body. Their amount in the urine, blood and smear depends on a variety of factors and diseases. To bring the level of these white blood cells back to normal, for example, increase or decrease white blood cells, depending on the cause, patients are prescribed medication, diet, or alternative methods are used

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Unfortunately, the wrong lifestyle and many other factors often cause the development of diseases associated with the spine. Cervical dorsopathy is one of the varieties of such pathologies. In this article, we will get acquainted with the main features of this disease, as well as learn how to recognize and cure it

How to restore the body: causes of failure, symptoms, adherence to the regimen, taking vitamins, medication and home recovery methods, advice from doctors

How to restore the body: causes of failure, symptoms, adherence to the regimen, taking vitamins, medication and home recovery methods, advice from doctors

Antibiotics are life-saving medicines for bacterial infections. They kill the bacteria that cause the disease and prevent it from spreading, which can be important, especially in severe cases. From this article you will learn how to restore the body after antibiotics and strengthen the immune system

When it is necessary to sew up a wound, technology, processing and removal of stitches

When it is necessary to sew up a wound, technology, processing and removal of stitches

It can be difficult for a person to determine whether a wound, scrape or cut needs stitching. Everyone has tissue damage as a result of contact with sharp objects, bruises, animal bites. Many injuries of this kind heal without medical intervention. However, other wounds require stitches to heal

Rectal thermometers: description and selection criteria. How to use the instrument

Rectal thermometers: description and selection criteria. How to use the instrument

Surely everyone is familiar with the thermometer. This device is used to measure body temperature. If earlier the choice of such accessories was small, now the manufacturer offers to purchase a wide variety of devices. The most popular are mercury thermometers. However, they are quite dangerous

Anti-rabies vaccine: indications and side effects. Rabies vaccine for humans

Anti-rabies vaccine: indications and side effects. Rabies vaccine for humans

Rabies is a deadly disease caused by rhabdoviruses. The main source of infection is animals whose permanent habitat is wildlife. However, there is a risk of transmission of the pathogen during the bite of pets. Immediately after receiving even a minor injury (if the saliva of the animal was in contact with damaged skin), you must contact a medical facility and get an anti-rabies vaccination

Transfer of cryopreserved embryos. in vitro fertilization

Transfer of cryopreserved embryos. in vitro fertilization

Many couples dream of being happy parents, but such a diagnosis as infertility of one or both partners negates all hope. In this case, in vitro fertilization (IVF) comes to the rescue - a procedure that helps infertile couples give birth to a long-awaited child. But it happens that in the test tube in which the eggs were fertilized, more embryos were formed than necessary. In this case, doctors advise to carry out a procedure such as cryopreservation of embryos

"Lotos", medical center (Chelyabinsk): addresses, description, services, reviews

"Lotos", medical center (Chelyabinsk): addresses, description, services, reviews

In this article we will consider the medical center in Chelyabinsk - "Lotos". It is one of the largest institutions in the city and provides a wide range of paid services to the population - from a simple appointment with a therapist to assisted reproductive technologies and plastic surgery

"Alfa - He alth Center" (Perm): address, reviews, working hours

"Alfa - He alth Center" (Perm): address, reviews, working hours

AlfaStrakhovanie is a well-known insurance company with branches in almost all cities. AlfaBank is also distributed throughout Russia. And another member of the group, which is gradually gaining popularity in Russia, is Alpha He alth Center. Clinics with this name are located in 11 cities

"Med Garant" - medical center (Railway). Reviews, phone, address, opening hours

"Med Garant" - medical center (Railway). Reviews, phone, address, opening hours

Probably, each of us more than once had to deal with doctors and care at the clinic at the place of residence. Long queues, tired doctors, impatient patients - this pretty much overshadows a visit to a specialist. In order to save their nerves and get competent advice, many people enroll in specialized medical and diagnostic centers. In this article, we will consider one of them, which is located in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, - "Med Garant"

Terminal anesthesia: varieties and indications for use

Terminal anesthesia: varieties and indications for use

Terminal anesthesia is one of the varieties of local anesthesia. In order to carry out the necessary manipulations on a certain part of the body and not feel pain, it is enough just to lubricate the skin or mucous membranes with a special solution. This method of anesthesia has found wide application in dentistry, ophthalmology, otolaryngology. It is also used during bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, cystoscopy, laryngoscopy

Chronotropic and inotropic effect

Chronotropic and inotropic effect

What is a negative and positive inotropic effect? These are efferent pathways that go to the heart from the centers of the brain and together with them are the third level of regulation

John Hopkins: biography, contribution to history

John Hopkins: biography, contribution to history

Johns Hopkins is a native of the United States of America. Known as a philanthropist and businessman. The hospital established under his will, better known as Johns Hopkins Hospital, at one time became the largest inheritance that went to charitable purposes. Among other things, he founded a university in B altimore

Antinociceptive human system to reduce pain

Antinociceptive human system to reduce pain

A person should not endure pain. Nature took care of this by rewarding our organisms with an anticiceptive system

How to remove water from the body and live without swelling

How to remove water from the body and live without swelling

Helping the body get rid of excess fluid is worth it. So you will not only feel more comfortable, but also facilitate the work of your own heart

Pirke test: indications, evaluation of results

Pirke test: indications, evaluation of results

Pirke test is carried out in order to diagnose an infection in the body, which is caused by the causative agent of tuberculosis. Do not ignore this method, because thanks to its results, serious complications can be avoided

What do the cylinders found in the urine say?

What do the cylinders found in the urine say?

Cylinders in urine are very small casts of the renal tubule cavity. The presence of these indicates some he alth problems. Cylindruria occurs due to insufficient filtration of the kidneys. As a rule, it is associated with some kind of pathology

Structure and functions of red blood cells. What is the function of erythrocytes

Structure and functions of red blood cells. What is the function of erythrocytes

RBCs are the most numerous blood cells. These formations in the process of evolution have acquired a special form that helps them easily pass through the vascular bed, even in its narrowest places. At the same time, erythrocytes perform the most important functions

Skin-allergic test: doctor's appointment, rules, time, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Skin-allergic test: doctor's appointment, rules, time, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

An allergy skin test is a simple and quick way to identify an allergen and diagnose allergies as a disease. The number of people suffering from allergies of all kinds is constantly growing. The risk group includes children, as well as adults who prefer an unbalanced diet and a passive lifestyle, and individuals with a weak immune system